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Monday, September 7, 2020

Life Is Curiosity


Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet 

Podcast releasing September 8, 2020

Episode 44 Life Is Curiosity 

I wanted to wrap this episode with Hollister Rand about what we found in being open to Life: Curiosity. In these times we need to be open and curious to our own changing inner terrains.

Curiosity is our desire to know or learn something new. It can also be a strange or unusual object or fact.

It is an attitude, a behavior, an urge, an emotion. It allows you to embrace unfamiliar circumstances, giving you a greater opportunity to experience discovery and joy. Indeed, studies show that life is better when you are curious. It is important to relating to others such as family and friends. We like it when they want to know about us not just assume what we like and enjoy. It supports good mental health and in finding meaning in life.

When we let ourselves be present, accessing ourselves as Consciousness, we are in an open system of state and sense of awareness. When we engage our realities that are open to new information, we experience evolution. Open, free of our stories of bias that just become placeholders in our evolving sense of BEing.

Bias creates a closed system of beliefs. When we are in fixed realities of beliefs, we experience stagnancy. The fix says we have learned enough about this or that and let’s go on to the next thing without question or more in-depth exploration. Forgetting that the thing, or fact is really a belief and not necessarily a truth, just an illusion formed and created and solidified so it seems real.

In this reality, everything is organized to support the limited perspective turning it into a habituated resonance. Any new information that challenges the viewpoint is automatically rejected. The belief becomes a false truth that seems real. It will take a strong emotional event to question the status quo. If there is an equally determined frame of reference it will hold steady or allow for change that will collapse back into the old.

This is how powerful, how in alignment mindsets can be. Once a choice of thought is made everything will align to keep it in place. Reality forms, lives follow the dictate.

If we take out the positive AND negative definitions, the judgments, out of the picture of a limited Self, information can be present that can be explored as Curiosity engaged. Flow is experienced and what may have seemed stuck, hard, or rigid becomes malleable and collapses into new patterns of behavior and thought. Self re-defines anew. What once was, is no longer. This is flow, this is harmony, this is Life evolving.

But there are many who don’t engage in evolution as a reality. They harbor dogmas that say to be the same is the best way to live. To question and display curiosity is threatening. We let another have responsibility to think for us. It is one way to live.

Then there are those of us who engage in Consciousness, Oneness and Wholeness as reality and accessing information as easy and everyone birthright and skill set out beyond the human limits to enjoy what may come, accepting that adversity and trauma have as much to offer us as the light and fluffy. Life is a spectrum of sensation, awareness, feelings and thoughts.

We live with a sense of adventure for the unknown, known, manifested, unmanifested, miracles and magic of experiencing information beyond our human held limits of Self. Curiosity will release our imagination and open us up to creative new ways to unify elements held in potential.  

We play with Life here before us, Spirits and sprites, ghosts and old knowledge yet not discovered. We look to connect in new ways and build buildings. We embrace Science and technologies and explore the heavens and earth and her landscapes of natural resources and flora and fauna all because we are curious about Life and the potential to enhance our human experience. We ask questions to better understand ourselves. We look to the knowledge of our past histories to explain our “now” in terms of understanding our Journeys of Enlightenment.

Our curiosity helps us discover the not yet noticed patterns in behavior and events. We are all enhanced by others and our shared state of informational flow. Someone else’s curiosity enriches us.  

Curiosity connects us to realities filled with delights, thrills, exploration, adventure, mysteries, quests, ideas, willingness, openness, challenge, the wisdom of the sages, appreciation and unlimited bliss, creative communications, our imagination and the wonder, absolute wonder that Life is. 

Game on!

Janet Barrett

Podcast host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet