Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Podcast
Episode 22 Blog I N T I M
constitutes intimacy? Picture a baby snuggling to its mother’s breast. Picture
father holding the baby, inhaling the baby’s scent. We are designed to be
use the word intimate in a sexual context or to describe a moment between two
that share a sense of closeness or maybe space in a restaurant. I am sure other
situations come to mind. Intimacy is possible anywhere and everywhere one person
meets another energy be it human or some other form.
have all probably experienced how you can be physically intimate with another
but not mentally, emotionally, psychically or spiritually intimate at the same
time. You can feel disconnections
clearly that can create separateness.
And it can be uncomfortable when one is inclined to being intimate and
the other is not.
is it like for someone to know us, our secrets, our dreams, to “get” who we
truly are on a personal level? For them to love us warts and all, to put us
first? Sounds nice. How often we offer
it and experience it is another thing.
is it like to be open with another, accepting? The opportunity is there.
Especially in heart centered awareness, the field of Unified Consciousness. It
happens all the time in the various consciousness technologies groups I have offered
the last fifteen years.
a state of Oneness there is no difference between each other at heart. We are all
sharing the core of Consciousness. It can feel like love and it may be. It is
witnessing each other in their truth and bringing out their best with warmth,
support and non-judgment. And each person’s truth is simple. Each of us is
Wonder in action
may shy away, or reject, or joke their discomfort with being seen in their
truth, beyond their veils of social barriers and behaviors. Even when it is
what is wanted.
happens when it comes to the inner male/female directives or Divine dynamics?
it is two dynamics locked up together and having different agendas life is not
so much fun. Taking out the adversarial energy of our relating to one another
goes a very long way to creating intimacy and what manifests out into our
shared realities. The tension is thick out here around us and it is coming from
within us. Adversarial energy makes for great theatre and sagas. It is also all
illusion and presentation, performance art.
forms here to explore what happens when one is in form, the body. This is the
physical realm of contrast and that contrast can manifest in the male/female
directives. Part of our Journey of Enlightenment may be the development of the state
of unity that the body can represent and foster.
can hold the viewpoint that our male and female are prisoners sharing a cell or. OR, we can
shift in our perspective and realize that each is essential to the other and
celebrate what is possible in being present with each other. I didn’t say work
together. I didn’t say play together. It is about just recognizing the other as
the matching expression. We lose our sense of separateness. Then our inner
energies merge as a dance of movement sharing Life’s moments.
is no work. It is not about labor. It is about natural dynamics free of human
definitions. Take out all the competition and thinking in terms of differences between
the two and you have intimacy.
that we are intimate with Mother Earth and her inhabitants of flora and fauna every
time we go out our front door might be a new thought. It is a given we may take
for granted. Hugging a tree, throwing a frisbee with your dog, petting your
cat, digging for fossils are all examples of being intimate with our world. We
are intimate with the air that we breathe.
each have our stories of being alive, being human, being spirit. When we
embrace the individual over the Collective, we are embracing the
individual out of the Collective. There is always the Collective. There
is always Consciousness, the sharing of the One. One heart. Not one mind but
one heart.
is intimacy.
Janet Barrett
Podcast Host
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet