The Field of the Heart is made up of three distinctions. We have our physical heart, our emotional heart and our core essence when we talk Heart. They work together in harmony, keeping balance, always.
On the electrical and magnetic level of awareness you are also accessing and affecting those around you and across the world if you tune in. Also the time and space is malleable so you are resonating in both past and future realities. There is a lot out there that is an extension of Essence affecting your current physical form.
I am, among other things, a clearing house energy. Perhaps you are too. You may feel in some sensory data input those "others".
I heard, years ago when I was first time in a Matrix Energetics seminar, the Voice. You know the one I mean, the internal one who has been in there for years. It said, as I was being present, "What is it like to be a toxic waste dump? And down the rabbit hole I went. I knew I was in for a bumpy sliding ride.
I would later come to realize that being a toxic waste dump is a very dynamic place to be. It did not have to be the horrible thing death sentence I had been projecting it to be. Where does humanity release their toxic thoughts and emotional states? How do we get rid of the garbage? We certainly are happy to share with others.
Certainly Western societies can generate massive amounts of physical waste. Most of which they dump someplace and expect it to be all okay. Blindly. For it can take thousands of years before decomposition starts to take place. What about the energy of emotions and thinking? It can leave an energetic impression on the generations that follow, on their objects and the ground they walk.
Now, nobody likes to think that this is their relation with others on this planet. But facts are facts! This is the reality I have created. So how to make it work, how to enjoy life, how to find the value in life with such a gift has been my Journey of Enlightenment. It was not a surrender. It was a coming into alignment with my unique gifts and a win/win.
You upgrade the machinery you provide service with and give back what others need in order to become who they can become. I don't judge the shit. I don't judge the creator of such. You are a Bridge of Transcendence. It is a capability we all have and most don't hold in awareness.
There are ebbs and flows in how one might experience being alive and what meaning one's life has. Along the way you will feel and fall into patterns of thinking and behaviors. Some you will enjoy and some you will resist, some you will deny. Those that you resist and deny will stay with you until you quit resisting the information as you think you know it to be and let it reveal itself as your hidden truth and treasured awareness. .
We have been in a collective uproar for a long time in our humanity. We are all learning how to be Spirit in a human form with Love and Grace and a sense of Oneness for as long as there has been an awareness that it is helpful to think and live this way. It has come and gone many times in civilization and still it is there.
How is your heart doing? Take a moment or two and notice. Access Heart Centered Awareness and just listen and feel what is present. Breathe through your heart. Notice your garbage. What do you do with it? Do you judge it? Recycle what you can, go through it looking for missed treasures or let the bacteria and microscopic life forms that are designed to break it down be present? Let nature do it's thing with supplying the means to deal with what you have created. Leave the world a better place, cleaner than you found it. Sweep up your emotional excesses and free the energy into potential again.
Let yourself breathe and feel your heart beat.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment