Everyone says, and we all know, that we have been and still are moving through massive energetic shifts. You may be aware of and much might get noticed only as part of the stress you feel. Many of us are feeling now what is coming for all of the rest of us.
Along with the past weeks of holiday season, winter and societies reflections we are really working through our stuff.
You may also be quite aware of what is driving your internal dance and feeling alone, overwhelmed or just tired about it.
When is the last time you felt positive group dynamics?
Do you live outside of a local Consciousness Technologies playgroup or study group? Are you used to being alone and doing your internal thing? That can get tiring and limiting. For those of us who work in group dynamics we realize and appreciate others who show up and share in the work. Like it was in seminar but with more awareness now.
It is a great time to create support for being. Community. Especially when we are not in the habit of being in a group of forward thinking like minded individuals that enjoy consciousness technologies and shifting reality in our daily lives. Maybe you are fortunate to enjoy a family and friends that support your thought processes and enjoy you looking at life from a different perspective.
In case you don't have that around you I have an invitation for you. If you would enjoy support, warmth and non judgment. If you feel removed from a supportive environment about Consciousness and Consciousness Technologies I have a solution. To join in such a group. I offer two of them on most every Thursday at 10 am and 6 pm Pacific.
Do you remember what Fuzzy Photons are? We are each clouds of photons in motion. Our mindset (observation) picks one and there you are, into the reality of it as a pattern. Consciousness technologies are all about going back into the state of the cloud and playing with the reality where other choices are available. Other realities.
To observe this cloud in which all photons are oscillating it looks fuzzy. Hence the Fuzzy Photons Playground groups. We are all clouds of fuzzy photons dancing around.
I offer the groups via Zoom Video Conferencing which is an easy download to your device of choice. Groups are small live interactive weekly sessions with the group members seen with their names. You truly feel the energy present. It is about as close to being here with me in group that we can get.
I have been offering local groups here for students of Matrix Energetics for some 14 years or so. And, now I offer groups to those who are into Consciousness as a playground.
In group we always access Heart Centered Awareness, the Field of Unified Consciousness. If you need support or reminding we are there to help you do so.
You will access the sacred, the profound, laughter, tears, new shifts in reality in the moment. We revel in the potential that is present as our playing field. The group's focus for each session revolves around what is present to play with. All of it member driven personal work and compassionate witnessing.
When I say that you will find warmth, support and non judgment I mean it. We are each creative dynamic beings dealing with our creations. We feel different ways about what that means to each of us. Usually we are stewing in our stew. Having compassionate witnesses brings a much needed re-framing to our challenges.
Groups are small, weekly, and you can move between the groups if you need to due to time or schedule conflicts. Some participate in both. There is a suggested sliding scale so you choose and are payable in monthly payments prior to group via PayPal.
Please write to me at janetb@janetandbeyond.com to receive your registration packet. You can start as soon as this Thursday. You can go to my website at www.janetandbeyond.com to read more about me and the groups. There are testimonials there also.
If it is time to reconnect or polish skills up or just want to join in all the fun this is your invitation to give us a try. Where you were located physically need not make a difference now. We currently have friends in New Zealand, Colorado, California, Kansas, Texas joining in the fun.
Don't let the New Year be anything other than an effortless grace in being. And if you don't feel that in your life currently, you will.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment