Hello All,
Please RSVP if you will be joining us in heart centered awareness this week
Tuesday evening 7-9 pm or heart centered awareness with ME field awareness
Thursday afternoon 1-3 pm. Both offer a way to deal with our daily lives from a
more authentic place of heart and beyond the limits our reasoning minds can come
up with.
So what might hoarding, peeing, suffering and politics have to do with each other?
These were our topics in group! We noticed it was all about flow of energies and direction and if, when,
where. Hoarding in our houses and de-cluttering, holding onto our circular
thoughts about suffering. The signals of the bladder: lack of or too
much. We had the body politic, office politics, the
country’s politics, global politics.
An overnight urinary tract infection might just have been stuck energies
about family politics. How to deal with a mother who can never get enough and
keeps stacking stuff and what to do about it when it is in your house. How to
notice that what was once important is now willing to move on to someone else.
Let them discover the treasure you know is possible within it. And then, there
is the Suffering. We are told sometimes that suffering is good, which is not
helpful usually but can be a pervasive mainstay in our daily lives.
We each individually give meaning to everything in our worlds. We give it to every piece of
paper, rock, person etc and often to our self generating thoughts. Someone else may say what is important and you may accept that or not. What may
register as valuable to me may not find such favor with you. We look to share common principles of ethics and morals but don’t
always. Then when you get into the personal arena you can have real differences.
I just walked through a retro furnishing store and was amazed at all the stuff
people think is cute and redeemable from the past and then to a new furniture
store and how wondered some more.
Circular thinking is addictive. I have spent a great deal of energy and
time and concern about items in my life and about items that were given to me by
well meaning others or inherited or well intended actions that didn’t play out
that way. Items ready to go to others or for sale can turn out to have not much
value in the bigger world. Then you can see how much money people spend on stuff
that to me would have no value or beauty or worth. and really meant something to
some one else and a trap to another. Our emotions get a real work out. Then
there is the stuff that cost a lot at one time and has since lost value but it
is fixed in our minds as worthy still. And it may be. Well built, well designed
items were a value in our past that our current times of technology date stuff
as obsolescent or old in a few months.
So we go to our heart centered unified field. We get out of our emotional
and rational mindsets of attachment and logic and access clarity. Out of the
quiet comes the sacred. We can hear what we want to hear, what we are afraid to
hear, what we know we will hear and we are okay with it. From out of this source
there is Love for who we were in the past, and how we be now. It takes courage
to listen and act sometimes. It can challenge us to do the right thing. We have
to be willing to listen beneath the emotions of fear, love, compromise and
empathy. We then can make a choice of action and feeling and be clear in our
intention. Then we can release the sticky burden and be okay about our choices.
Sometimes the best choice is to do nothing different. But this will now come out
of understanding and compassion for self and not from fear or denial.
Let go of the judgments when you come up against them. Listen for them.
Check the energy still present. It may have cleared. It may be in a flow state
again. It came in. It can go out.
Change Your Story, Change Your Life!