Monday, November 13, 2017

Consciousness and Separateness Dissolving back into Wholeness

As energies loosen up from within, a realignment comes from reaffirming awareness that there are differences between what I know from within and what I have knowledge of and have been told. Many right now are in this state. We are in a sorting space that is showing up in society about many subjects.

There are frameworks that come with labels, with language, old dynamic ways of observing the world and us in it.

It is important to notice that what might be truthful in mind is often different from what is at our core.

This noticing offers an appreciation of how powerful we are in generating thoughts and beliefs into realities. One aspect is the wisdom of how groups can operate using indoctrination and coercion that  have powers in persuading us into positions not internally comfortable but outwardly tolerable. Family can act this way. We are witnessing where all or nothing is not always allowing for the spectrum.

There is awareness in the differences between understanding and explaining. Remember when someone offered an explanation and you didn't understand? And the times when you understood and there was no explanation for what you understood, what you knew to be true so your own truths were denied?

Explaining does not necessarily follow with understanding. Logic is personal interpretation often. Someone else's logic may make no sense to you. But it is valuable to appreciate it for its differences to better release the sense of Separateness back into Wholeness.

It was helpful in the past to maybe notice distinctions of Body, Mind, Spirit. Unfortunately we have given them the power to become agents of separateness.  Taking them out of absolutes softens their boundaries. When I do this I am free to notice the flows in potential again. The state of Separateness and individuality fosters forgetting Wholeness, devaluing the context and content of it to be found there. And it is our underlying truth. We are One.

These three qualities, body, mind, spirit, really form the triad of being human. One not more important that the other though we may think that. Being alive involves them all. It is good when they work together synergistically and harmoniously.

Make time to access Heart Centered Awareness and consider the following: Do you value Body over Mind, or over Spirit? Or perhaps Mind over Body or over Spirit? Or maybe Spirit over Body, maybe over Mind? Notice them as a triad and where you have them organized in relation to each other or maybe what kind of triangle of relation.

Perhaps notice them in different ways. like colors and what happens when they blend. Or, as food and all the elements into a meal. Notice them in terms of shape or size or however, as range of sounds, of vibrations. Maybe different emotional resonances.

Allow yourself to be creative and strike new balances and relations with all that make you an unique individual in the collective. What happens when you dissolve the separateness of Body, Mind, Spirit into new states of harmony and balance, into the Whole.

Just Be. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, October 30, 2017

Consciousness and Opening up the Traps

It was noticed when one of us was stuck home without a car available to get out on a rainy day. Another was feeling that there were no solutions to  a pressing issue. It was in our tracking of a friend's brother who was now in ICU and wanting to leave this time on earth and feeling the pull of his family.  It is the thinking that keeps you up at night or wakes you up early playing over and over in your head.  

It is our sense of being trapped. You might fall into one, you might not realize that you are in one or that you are one. You might not recognize that you have created one. You might find one to be like a maze forgetting that it is still a maze to get lost in. You might be waiting for rescue. 

Trapped is really about energy, some thought, that came into a space, and is now contained as there is no way out. Energy is present but is not flowing out, only around. 

It may be a collection of energies that never were expressed. Could be generational, genetic or maybe only matching resonances, coming from many different directions, times and spaces. The power in a label is that it can provide a particular focus. When we applied 'trapped' in this case much diversity and richness of feeling and experience was present. A lot of stored up energies we were busy denying were present or compartmentalized or or or....

It came to mind that we can have traps in thinking. Biases can become traps and can act as solitary confinement. The treadmill of the thinking mind, relentless and resistant to outside input and new information. The thinking that nothing ever changes for instance.  Really? Are you sure?

What about our trapped feelings? 

Right now these moments are ripe with allowing awareness to be present to all we may hold inside that is creating havoc or discomfort. 

What to do? Access Heart Centered Awareness, the field of Unified Consciousness. Stop and consider. In Grace we look at our stuff, appreciate it for the creative energies that are present, without judgment and for those before us that are in our resonances.What might be willing to have a new approach? Call if forth and see what shows up.

Some may find that forgiveness, the sense that one has been wronged, is present. That is about judgment. What is important is the forgetting that needs to be the following movement. Many of us may do forgiveness but we don't forget so the energy is still trapped. We are attached to our story elements. Only as we invite potential into our patterns as Consciousness will it be different. Grace provided the forget as it does not judge. That releases the energies. 

Look and see if you have trap doors or drains present. If you don't have any maybe create one or however many or whatever you are led to do. What would it be like to open them up? What would it be like to see the sludge start to move out? What would it be like to witness the container itself dissolving down the drain? 

Freedom is not so much about living life as a free for all as it is about having choices. It may be expressed in the way of being able to share in a hashtag. A simple action but not necessarily an easy action. It can create a huge wave in response and become part of something much bigger than the individual. It becomes part of the whole, the collective and will affect us all in some way. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, October 23, 2017

Consciousness and Lotus Rising Out of the Muck

We like to think we don't but we all have muck inside. Suffering and all that encompasses is a fact of life. In this shift in Consciousness what is happening in all of the vibrant uproars around us is the opening of stored, compartmentalized, unresolved, unnoticed negative emotions and energies. (I only use the word negative here as that is how we label emotional energies that don't feel good.)  As Consciousness there is no judgment.

It is food for the Lotus blossom rising up out of our muck. Events and people give us a way to voice what most often we have held in secret, even to ourselves. It has been putting into new contexts the old underlying stuff. We may be surprising ourselves.

For those not paying attention or not living in awareness it is still registering. You can see it everywhere.  It can be the tension in the neck, the extra drink, the road rage, the anger at a cell phone not turned off in a movie theatre. Mob mentality is present in the most unexpected places.

Maybe you are in tears or in depression that seems to have no origin or reason. Centuries old in many cases as the past is in each of us. Emotions leave powerful markers in our genetics in energetic terms.

Unprocessed shame and associated feelings are everywhere. So many components and in group we were able to articulate some profound feelings and why it might be present. For instance, I am ashamed of my government and how it is responding and not responding to its own citizens in need in Puerto Rico. A debate of worthiness that has been created triggering many of us.

Consider  the recent Ken Burn's Vietnam War series and how it showed us how a war was created and handled and felt by all those directly and indirectly involved in that war. On all sides. My own feelings and memories and my parents feelings and the country's feelings. The regrets and slaps and righteousness that have been held, the excuses for actions taken.  On all sides.

This is nothing new. How old is Mankind? It has been going on that long. Every generation has had it stuff. Without resolution but often with shock and denial and stored away. How do we resolve all the sides that we can encompass about anything?

Also strong was the wanting to help and not being able to help and to feel effective and bring meaning and care and life support supplies to those who are in need. To effectively stop mayhem and craziness. Those asking for help and others sitting around waiting for weeks to be allowed to help. Being allowed to help. How sad is that?

It is in the loss of civility we are exposed to. It would seem permissible to attack another from a distance, or from a hiding place or over Twitter. Our abilities with technologies is far outstripping our emotional, mental adaptations because we accept process as the norm. Things take time we are told. But with our energetic awareness we know that process is about time and control. In this work we feel the shifts immediately when we are not attached to outcomes.

Our muck is rich material. It is not about having it. That's a given. It is how you use it. As shit or fertilizer.

What is rising up out of your muck?  What you may find may only be informations from other times and places and spaces and not current to you. Or even yours.

Whatever it is, make time to look at it within Heart Centered Awareness. Notice in some way what you are aware of. If it feels done but just sitting there taking up energy you could use elsewhere, bless it and see about just moving it out of alignment with yourself and then do so. See it separate farther and farther away and more useful elsewhere free to come apart and back to particles. Feel the difference and know it done.

If it feels right to address it and own it and eat it then do so.

 Or see it as fertilizer free of story and label now and just as pure energy for your Lotus.

We each are a Lotus flower growing. The Lotus blossoms out of the deep dank muck. The deeper the muck the more beautiful the blossom. It floats above connected and nourished by the muck and transformed into wisdom and beauty. The flower opens in the light and closes with darkness. Each day is a new life, a new rebirth for the flower.

Treat others as you would have them treat you and all there is, as far as you can see, is a field of Lotus blossoms. Feel them in the sunshine, glistening in the dew. We are all rising out of our muck.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Consciousness and the Vibrations and Resonances in Life

Time and space have been filled with lots of challenges for humans lately. In the last month or so we have had hurricanes, shootings and fires within US boundaries. Along with all the other unrest happening politically here and around the world. Lots of turmoil, unrest, tragedy. Followed by help and support from others and lack of care from some.

In any society, where one individual has the power to annihilate those around him I feel we must question how easy we allow it to be for that to happen. Is there a difference between a president with an attitude and bombs and a shooter armed with an automatic weapon and agenda?

I think most individuals do the best they can. They are just coming from an unaware space or from their wounded self and a different mindset. Their sense of biases directs their actions. But those are important to all of us as we may come face to face with them up close or from a distance. Every person has the ability to affect all of us directly or indirectly.

I look to see how I can be helpful. How is being one in the many of One make a difference? I can send money and supplies on one level. I can vote and march and sign petitions. I let myself be counted.

As Consciousness and part of the whole and spectrum that Consciousness is I can help in other ways. By being me in that awareness. And it is the same for you.

Our emotions can anchor us into certain patterns of feelings and people in stress release particular vibrational tones. We have been feeling this. Even the Earth has been reflecting this.

With the hurricanes and Las Vegas shooting, inside and outside of group I have been noticing the strong emotional imprint of energies around us as vibrations and resonances in particular.

What do we do in the face of actions that take lives? There are times when you can say nothing. When we just have to stop and acknowledge loss, the seemingly senselessness of an action.

We have to get from behind our podiums of justification and the sway of agenda. the seductiveness of connection and belonging to any group that says they are the only group worth being, and being in service to some particular god or deity or family.  That is all a matter of interpretation. Every serial killer has a reason of righteousness, Every government may have a reason of righteousness behind acts of terror and war committed. We have to pay attention to the biases active.

Again, how do I help in all of this and not add to the emotions running high in every direction? In group we noticed all those energies showed up as a vibrational medium filled with tones.

You know how you hear certain tones and they are like dirges, deep and so loud? That was Las Vegas. I could see waves of vibrations holding in the space. Our awareness was that panic, pandemonium and shock needed release. I witnessed them as present and having the ability to transform themselves into twinkle dust and to be swept away on the wind.

How to help those hurting? How to help the rage of the shooter anchored in the violence? We found ourselves spontaneously offering counter balancing tones. Like when a group will sing out notes, someone starting and then the rest add their input and soon there is this amazing melodic sound resonating and moving through and taking you places in wonder of syncopation. I have witnessed this phenomena with drumming circles, with singers and with musicians warming up. Tones that may start in discordance that becomes a song filled with lyrical rhythms and a precious harmony playing off one another.

Quickly we could feel the dirge start to shift into only part of the whole and adding to the spectrum in expression and no longer the dominant tone. It was not about trying to change things by force and push as one might want to do but in allowing ourselves to be part of the whole and enriched by our being.

California is burning physically in places right now. Maybe in your area of the world there is a fire of some sort burning that is not useful. Access into Heart Centered Awareness and offer your vibration to what is resonating. Don't force and make something happen. Just offer your vibration. Allow it to get as big as it becomes. Feel the difference and let it be real long past your attention span. Notice what happens and how you feel.

We have to remember that each of us, is powerful and part of the whole and in resonance with Life.

What is your vibration?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, October 9, 2017

Consciousness and the Unknown Hand

When the helicopter or boat come to help you out of the rising water and someone literally reach out their hand to pull you aboard, bias is not important. When someone shoots into a crowd and a somebody covers you in protection, bias is not too important.

When resources don't get to people in need because someone doesn't value them as much as someone else, bias does matter. When people are denied coverage or being recognized as a community worth merit bias does matter. It can be life threatening. It is dehumanizing. There is nothing warm and friendly about intentional neglect or extermination

Bias: prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
"there was evidence of bias against foreign applicants"

Bias, prejudice mean a strong inclination of the mind or a preconceived opinion about something or someone. A bias may be favorable or unfavorable: bias in favor of or against an idea.

We all hold biases and we may not recognize them in ourselves. They are perceptual in nature. They are what form us as each individual unique in our stories of Life. Neither right, wrong, good, bad they are a place that we develop out of. We hold judgments about them. They shape our own identity and shape our world and us in it.

They can generate friendly rivalry, they can generate deadly rivalry. They can create isolation. Groups, places of worship, families, clans, sports fans, even friends will hold biases as that is what holds the group together. You may start with one and come to find you don't really fit. Or you fit really well. 

We have a tendency to maybe think that they are foundations and never questioned or to be questioned and not to be touched by evolution. But biases are evolutionary in nature if we allow them to be that way. With a little encouragement we understand that they are often only starting points.

When we use consciousness technologies, like Matrix Energetics, Yuen Method, Access Consciousness or Psych K and others we appreciate how we have set those perceptual frameworks and that they can change. 

Unless you live in a small town where everyone knows everyone,we may live in communities filled with strangers. And strangers are just people who you have not yet met. 

We are also neighbors on this lovely little blue dot as the scientist Carl Sagan would say.  Do you know your neighbor across the street or hallway?

We can all embrace and participate in the community that Houston, Puerto Rico, Las Vegas and disasters of human and nature foster for all of us. Perhaps they are how we relax the personal biases for the moment and just demonstrate care. Putting yourself into someone else's shoes will broaden and humble us.   

Make the time to access Heart Centered Awareness and look into your biases and note if they are truly your guiding principles or just stuff you don't question that you picked up along the way to fit in. Misfortune opens us up to compassion. It has a way of cutting through our biases and reducing us to what is important. It can rid us of our fears of different. 

Total strangers may provide. Someone may look different, dress different, believe different and may be lending you a hand. Don't be like the fella on the roof now at the Pearly Gates because he was waiting for his idea of God showing up to save him and missing opportunity after opportunity of rescue in God's many different forms. 

Grab on and treasure them as they must treasure you.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, October 2, 2017

Consciousness and My Dad

Gil, age 18 high school graduation 1942

My dad's birthday was this past Friday.  He passed away a couple of years ago at age 92 and I have thought much about his world, my world and what might be the same and different.
He was born in 1923, a Jew from Brooklyn, New York. That was how he defined himself, though like all of us he was much more. He was one of 6 brothers and a sister who very much grew up in his ethnic heritage of Russian and Romanian immigrant parents who had come here around 1902. Life was tough for many reasons and family got you through it. 

During WW2, a few months after his high school graduation, he joined the Navy and found himself the only Jew and Yankee on a ship's crew of 257. He fought for his life most every day in real ways on that ship. Only because he was trained as a boxer, scrappy and smart did he survive his own countrymen and what he felt the Navy was on that ship. 

He found most of the others to be young men from the South. In his memories they were all bigots/racists except for a few who helped him stay alive. They all had their biases. Dad had his. He was a radarman isolated in a small room listening all the time to his equipment in front of him and also over his shoulder outside of that room. He literally didn't sleep much. 

He always loved this country and what it stood for but understood that principles are only thoughts, ideals, constructs and not actions. He clearly felt how men define themselves. Didn't endear him to the Navy, officers, and with rare exception, men from the South for the rest of his life. 

He was never free of the spiritual, emotional and mental wounds those three years on the ship fostered. For the rest of his life he was always polite, gracious and if you were from the South or a Navy man you had to prove yourself. Commanding respect for the man was not guaranteed because of any title. 

It always filled me with sadness to think that what was happening overseas at that time he was dealing with some of the same dynamics on ship, bigotry and racism. Much which are still present in this country.

And my sadness for all the young men who participated on all the sides of engagement who were like my dad, no matter their biases and their positions, to be forever changed by their service.  

The ideal of the melting pot assimilation the USA treasures is often only that, an ideal. The thought that it didn't matter what you believed you would be accepted was manna from heaven for so many. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.  

Yet we are creatures of habit, of judgment, whatever that might encompass for each of us. Family, clan, community is always about bias. The biases formed in our original homelands have been brought here. Those biases color our life experiences. 

Life is a mishmash of dynamics, time, space, experiences melding into this incredible expression of being. We are fortunate to enjoy life. No matter our sides of engagement and position we are all Consciousness in action. 

In the current energies present around us it is the right time to question your self and others in what you assume about life. How important your biases of indentity are to you and for others to have them. Utilizing Heart Centered Awareness we loosen them enough to enjoy a more inclusive sense of being. 

My dad was a man of honor. He was loving in his actions and challenging in his thinking. Hard headed, not inclined to change his opinion once formed. And I didn't often share his viewpoints about what Life had to be. As a child of first generation citizens and the Great Depression, his life experiences were very different from mine and he came to different conclusions about his life. I respected them and him as a man of his times. 

He helped to bring out the best in me through that challenge of differences, and the support of his love. He helped me to appreciate the bigger picture that we are as Consciousness. And to take nothing for granted as we are inclined to do. 

One reason to love him was that my dad would also be the first to lend a helping hand when others were reluctant to, even if he didnt like you. Sometimes I am sure that was confusing to him. It is not to me as I embrace duality as polarity.

Dad, I celebrate and honor you by being the best I can be.  

Happy Birthday!

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, September 25, 2017

Consciousness and Being

Who Am I
I am the essence of Tao,
Expressing itself in form,
I am Pure Consciousness,
I have a body, mind, and emotions,
I am none of those.

Being is my deepest Self, 
It is beyond name and form,
It is felt as ever present,
I am ceaseless just like the vastness of  the sea,
I am that which is beyond name and form,

I am the Rising Dragon from the deep waters,
The Phoenix re-birthing itself from the ashes,
The Heron caretaker of the departed souls,
The roaring Lion in the wilderness, 
The morning Star at the break of dawn,
I am that which is beyond name and form.

 From Odyssey of a Healer 

by Dr. Mmatheo Motsisi

All of us are each a wonderful mix of information in influences, traditions, feelings and stories lying in us below the surface. Sometimes mind will access stories and pictures and feelings that come from a familiar but unknown place in our current sense of time and space. 

How many of us have had a sense of deja vu or something catching our interests out of the blue? All of us, if we pay attention can enjoy the flavors that being human offer each of us. Our guest last week on our radio show, Dr. Mmatheo Motsisi, represents a wonderful and appreciated mix of wisdoms and traditions from a space that i don't share physically. She lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, Earth and i live in Portland Oregon USA Earth. We are different races, in different countries, using different languages and embodying different experiences in being a woman in this time of history. 

None of that matters. We appreciate each other for realizing that no matter our background of differences we are One. This is often the same with our other guests. Individuals being and recognizing the wonder of being bigger than our forms and bodies would indicate. Most all of us share experiences of strife and turmoil, passion and love, to reach the awareness that we are wonder in human form. 

One reason her interview with us stands out for me is because I know how physically far away she is from us. We used Skype with Dr. Motsisi in Johannesburg, and us here in Tacoma and Portland on the west coast of the United States. Yet, it was like we were in the same room sitting next to each other. For between the three of us there was no space or time. Only connection, only One with the wonderful flavor of individuality that we each are. Probably the clearest connection i have ever had over Skype. 

Our human experience is ruled by our physical senses and they are only that, our physical senses. But that ruling comes from the local sense of being. We embody much more. Our language embraces our unseen and metaphysical senses. We use terms like Spirit, Consciousness, Life, God, Universe, Wonder, All, Soul, Divine. The labels may indicate levels of distinctions and subtleties or maybe it is all the same thing ultimately as Potential and Energy at play. Sometimes our distinctions serve us and they can also hinder us. 

We all hold awareness of being Consciousness or God or Sacred. To say otherwise is silly. And, for some it is a deeply buried awareness. We can be trained to be afraid of thoughts of the power these words represent and how that expresses. 

For some it is present in daily life all the time and not limited to just Sundays and now and then during the week. The only veil between being discarnated energies and our incarnated states is in how we organize our thinking, seeing and feeling. Think a difference and you will see a difference and feel a difference. 

We start as Consciousness and our form is our expression of Life, Spirit and Soul merging in an integrated dance we call Self, the human interface of Consciousness. Something our labels of compartmentalization that body, mind, and spirit foster are causing us to forget. We can lose our sense of the whole in our want to explain and understand what we are. They are only a way to notice dynamic forces at play interacting concurrently as Life. The heart stops and incarnated life stops. Birth and death define the length of an incarnated state of Life. 

Create some time and space to access Heart Centered Awareness, the Field of Unified Consciousness.  In that state beyond our physical and emotional senses of Self into the core essence of All, the infinite Sea of Potential. Stripped of the personality, the emotions, the feelings allow yourself to notice your knowing. Your knowing, not your knowledge. Not your judgments, not your stories. 

Your life is a gesture of being. We each swim in a constant bath of potential dynamics that we can avail ourselves of. Extend, expand your gesture. Go beyond what you think you know into what you know. Appreciate the difference and allow yourself to be. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, September 18, 2017

Consciousness and the Y in the Road

Sometimes it feels like Life presents no middle ground. It can as clear as a hurricane coming and our choice to leave or stay and deal with what comes afterwards, the consequences. Or perhaps in a marriage.

We can feel it coming, that Y in the road. We can flash on how we have set it up. We can regret and feel pain for what will come and follow. We can observe ourselves in our actions from within like deer caught in the headlights against the rising tide.

We can also know and feel that it is the right action.

We have all been in the place of hitting the Y in the road. We have seen it off in the distance and we can want to hide from it but still it comes. Only two choices. Because we know that everything will change. and we have feelings about that.

Being true to ourselves or what seems truthful in the moment may upset the applecart. That applecart is our idea of who we think we are in our life and where we are going in that life.

Life is filled with the adventure of being alive. That includes messiness, unwillingness, whining, and also order, and a willingness to ride it out and enjoy, love and care for one another. We are shortsighted when we think whatever is going on now is forever. There is no forever, only expansiveness.

In the current accelerating energetic rhythms we find ourselves in right now change will happen and is happening. We wake up one morning and things are different from when we went to bed. It rains and it doesn't stop, the land floods. And sometimes, it can be fast and furious in that 24 hours. Things never contemplated, imagined, feared or wanted have happened. Maybe also something remarkable, wanted, not expected can happen.

We are always co creating in our relationships to our environment and people. With people we assign roles and those roles will come with rules of how we will be. Most of us don't hold the awareness that our role may shift in time and so must the rules defining that role. Until we come to the Y.

We may be in awareness of one another's sense of truth or not. We may be in a state of unknowing or unclarity for ourselves that becomes clear in time. We only know we were in a state of connection and now we may find ourselves in a different state of connection.

Pain is often felt as regret. Pain can be felt taking responsibility for someone else's feelings. Pain is choosing loss of self in order to protect others. Eventually something will have to give when we are feeling compromised.

Our decision made before, seemed or felt like the right thing to do. Depended on how emotional one was feeling, what illusion was running. Or maybe how one was feeling directed from our inside voice or those pesky outside voices. Sometimes our awareness of a disposable world means that something may catch our interest and then we can let it go easily or with little investment. We lack appreciation in the pursuit and stimulation of something new. Doesn't matter whether it is a car on lease or a relationship of love.

We each were who we were. Yet it is hard to be truthful with another when we don't know our own truth and only our fears. Also our truths can change. What was is no longer. This is tricky when one notices shift and the other is still in the old mindset of roles and rules.

Consciousness holds for all. As humans we take that all and narrow it down to fit who we show up as. And sometimes that does not mean for easy or pretty or pain free in going forth and living.

But it is always in how we each have set our rules up about our lives and being.

One constant in life is that nothing ever stays the same though it may seem things never change. At some point what is will become what was.

The Y creates a seemingly different direction as part of the journey. But perhaps just two different ways around the mountain that will meet together again on the other side.

As Consciousness, life is an enriching, deepening state of continuance that may include at some point, a coming apart to form into something new.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, September 11, 2017

Consciousness and Forces in Action

Right now many energies are focused on the United States. Earth energies, cosmic energies, climate energies, personality energies. In our physical environments we have had eclipses, floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes playing around and in our borders.

What is going on?

The US has been in the midst of monumental emotional storms. You can find yourself triggered into depression and other sensations. Perhaps a category 5 in intensity at times or tornado dynamics or foundation shaking forces abound. They might move through us slowing, consuming all in its path without regard to what it hits or quickly whipping across our inner landscapes in a focused nature. We find ourselves flooded and inundated.

What is going on?

We need to take a mental step out of our emotions and observe as Consciousness.

Everything is vibrational energy, frequencies, resonations. Our human organisms register vibrations at different levels than other species of life, animal and plant. Minerals are the building blocks of all life but they are not alive but operate as vibrational energy conductors. They are seemingly inert material in dynamic relations. The earth is a molten planet of minerals under its surface. In its molten center fire and heat generate and activate chemicals and actions. It registers energies differently and responds to the influences around it as it experiences cycles in its rhythms. Humans, made up of such materials do too.

Gaia, Earth had no agenda. It only is. It is not alive inside yet active which provides an environment for life to exist upon it. It is Consciousness in a different form that is responding dynamically to itself and to the cosmos. That layer of life upon it's surface as Nature, reaches into the earth in its roots, and mediates between human and dirt and light from the sun. Nature creates an sustaining interaction and the dynamic inert interior interacts and it all creates a multi dimensional playground called Life on Earth.

Nature on the earth changes and adapts to the earth and its rippling of vibrations. The earth's surface reflects its interactions with its interior self and the cosmos all the time. Many dynamics from many sources interacting playing out on this surface and much deeper levels.

Humans feel emotions and form attachments. We give meaning to things and have agendas. All of this generates energetic influences and force fields of vibrations. Remember Einstein's e=mc2? In emotional terms you build up enough emotional energy reactions and they will start to influences themselves and us.

Human are just a blink of an eye in the timeline of earth.We are only on its surface. yet we are powerful in our being as a collective and the earth registers those influences and become part of the whole. Perhaps we are not valuing how powerful we truly are to influence our surroundings, through our clumsiness and size.  Some of us, as societies or business, can leave big footprints and mess everywhere. Others hold a different balance and harmony with earth. They hold Gaia as a living earth environment that is hospitable.

We can react in two ways, notice or not notice and then interpret and however you interpret the information is subject to your bias. Like climate warming. Noticing changes globally and connecting it to how we use our resources right here at home seems to be at question. We are failing to see big enough the polarity in action, the ripples of cause and effect.

We embody a lot of myth about man being king of his domain. The earth is not here to serve us but to share with us. And if you look at power dynamics it is more in its favor as the earth does not care the way we do. The earth doesn't need us. We need it.

When you lose everything what is important? Life. In ourselves and others. The connection to found in another, in family, friend, neighbor, stranger, helper and government. For any of these connections have the potential to fill us and provide haven and sustenance and our needed soul nourishment. We can accept or we can decline and that will have its repercussions.

Disasters anywhere in the world remind us of our humanity. And about levels of power. It may be one way, as an expression as Consciousness that we allow ourselves to feel unity and community beyond our man made borders.

We are witnessing an outpouring of care towards others. It serves to remind us that we only look different which fuels our melting pot American identity. You may have this issue in your country. We value assimilation and that comes with knowing where one is from. Many countries are feeling the flow of populations on the move as intrusive.

This is an excellent time to look upon your inner landscape. Access Heart Centered Awareness, the field of Unified Consciousness and check in. How open you are, how willing are you to extend? How are you registering all this stirred up stuff? What would it be like to help it to shift? You are that powerful.

What weather patterns are you influencing?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, August 28, 2017

Consciousness and reports from the Pool of Permission

A couple of weeks ago the Pool of Permission showed up. Since then I am hearing from others that life is easing since they dipped into the Pool. Give it a try for yourself.

Access Heart Centered Awareness by shifting your focus from outside to inside and lower, into the center of your being. Enjoy feeling the beat of your heart, release your hold on your emotional terrain and just register the core essence of All that we are each part of. Notice the quiet, the stillness, the clarity of the Sacred that is right there. It is in each of us, whether we use it or not.

So in this state of Grace, no fault, no blame, no burden, are present. Only warmth, support, non judgement as we access The Infinite Sea of Potential. We slip from allowing into being. We give up control of outcome and we are free to play in the collective of the All.

There is much present in this expansiveness, in this openness. Whatever you have questions about in your day to day life, the information will comes and go here. It may be encoded in clear symbols or in ways you in the moment might not appreciate. But, and this is big, it doesn't matter. What matters is how you will choose to use the information. Empower it to be helpful and it will be. Encode it with doubt and it will be.

Notice the Pool of Permission. Allow it to come into view. It may appear as a puddle and small, a hole in the ice, or may be as big as an ocean shore. Doesn't matter. Just notice it in some way.

We have no blame, no fault or label to define and limit us here. There is only permission to be.

What do you notice, what do you become aware of?

You can feel a difference and it may feel just so wonderful or even uncomfortable as we are very comfortable in our labeled world. They serve as anchors,  those labels as our certains that guide our lives along its predictable course. The outcome of we live, we die, we can count on taxes and death, all kinds of encoded thinking serve as ways to tie us down, to hold us down.

But now, what is possible?  

Notice how you relate to the pool. Willingly, grudgingly, or easily? Step into the Pool of Permission. It may soak in or coat or? Give it a couple of moments and ask. What do I give myself permission to be?

In asking that question information will reveal itself in some way. All you have to do is register it as a feeling and what you become aware of, where your attention takes you. It is our right brain function. Our left brain function is about thinking which is about interpreting and fitting into our biases and none of that is important here.

For one, she unexpectedly found herself giving herself permission to be loved. And in the next few days her life of 50 some years of heartache changed in regards to her mother and father and family. For another, her permission to feel blessed matched up with another's wanting to be a fairy godmother. Our seekers of enjoying life found their resistance lowered.

See what shows up for you. Keep me posted.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, August 21, 2017

Consciousness and The Pool of Permission

What would it be like to have permission to BE? We probably don't know what that truly means though we may be aware that we feel less than optimum.

To BE? To be what?

Last week we were exploring fault, no fault, blame, no blame. Identity started dancing. This week the pool showed up. It was the Pool of Permission.

One of those wonderful spontaneous moments that group is filled with  always, happened. It was some thing for all of us to share in individually. It appeared as a small circle about 2 feet wide in the concrete patio floor in front of one of us. I invited them to step in, with the understanding that they were who they thought they were standing in front of it. And if they stepped in they were in permission of being.  And to register the difference.

All of us took our turn stepping into this new pool of reality. Some of us stepped forward into it, one felt the pool come to them. Some went underwater in it like a hole in the ice, some stood in it as a puddle of liquid energy and felt it wick it up their legs. Many were knocked back into their chairs. It was felt by all in some way personal to them. It came out my fingertips and sent information into the cosmos. Not so much fireworks but something else.

The differences were noted. We were all surprised by what showed up in this spontaneous state. There were eight of us present to enjoy this. One gave herself permission to be loved. One, I think, came himself time with his family. One only knew that things would change. I gave myself permission to go beyond my definitions of my stories of self, to give myself permission to not care about right or wrong. In this moment i am not remembering the others.

Later that night I shared this with those on the free monthly conference call that is part of our radio show Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet and we felt it again.

I invite you to join us. Make some time to access Heart Centered Awareness, the Field of Unified Consciousness. Feel your physical heart and appreciate and enjoy the beat. Then, notice the emotional terrain and all the emotional charges that are active. and just let them be as you go neutral. Then breathe in the core essence of All, where we are all One. This the Infinite Sea of Potential where All is and isn't.

Notice the Pool of Permission. It is there somewhere and bring it forward, right in front of you. Feel it waiting, extending itself to you. Decide to swim or bath or just take it inward in some way. Notice yourself now.

Now step in.

What would be different if you gave yourself permission?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment 

Monday, August 14, 2017

Consciousness and A Good Book

Library Card Catalog File 
The following is a reprint with some updating from 2016 after the shooting in Orlando last summer. It has been quite the year.

Consciousness is a library. Inside each of these file drawers are the details of the books in the library. We are the books. 

The repercussions of a single act has the power to change us as an individual and as a collective.  It can be a man standing in front of an oncoming tank, two buildings collapsing, a bomb dropped and leveling everything, a woman attacked and left dead on the street, a shooter firing into a crowd or someone driving into a crowd looking for glory.

Media being what it is these days, can send the knowledge rippling out with the simple touch of a keypad stroke or the click of a camera device. And then the whole community of man is affected consciously.

Last week we all felt unsettled and out of our center and swimming in queasy feelings. Shootings, bombings car crashes and loss of life are happening all the time in different ways globally. Tragedy, on small and large scale, is common. Why does this one event throw us off when perhaps the others don't.

One reason for such a strong response to a singular event as the shooting in the nightclub is that communities of people and many underlying patterns were being affected and hit on so many levels and many of them deep core concerns. Each of us had much to resonate with and feel the ping and twinge. It was hard to know where to start to find center again. What can we do in response? 

We found in group that if we start in Heart Centered Awareness and allow for the patterns to be observed in some manner it can be approachable. We sat and allowed for our noticing to be clear and we had a place to start.

It started to sort apart and our equilibrium started to return by the time we were done. Whether it was the shooter, his issues, those who found themselves victim, families in stress, the weapon and its power and accessibility, those who wanted to blame others, PTSD of all kinds, there was shock plenty all around. Even being present to something one can not change in a moment was issue. All of it and much more was up for exam and resolve. 

We are waking up collectively. We feel it starts within the individual and at the same time it is the whole of Consciousness in shift. As you work through your patterns of connection within the All, the All responds. In group we know this. We can feel it. It is happening.

What is different in you this week? What is sorting itself out and making itself known? 
As you access Heart Centered Awareness for yourself see the whole in some way and then notice a piece of it and start there.  You might be surprised.

Be kind to yourself. Start there. Let go of the labels you are involved with. They have the power to separate and compartmentalize and destroy self respect and love.

Be kind to others. When someone around you is in distress how can you respond in a useful way? Not by saving or fixing but by paying attention and acknowledging with a compassionate heart.

Would that have made any difference anywhere along the path?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, August 7, 2017

Consciousness and Being Enhanced

In group  a couple of us are dealing with cancer actively. I say it that way as we all carry cancer potential in us but not always in disease active mode.

One facet that came up was feeling bad about not being cured, immediately or otherwise. And the resulting awareness of how it might not be about being cured of a disease but about something different.

We cure meat. It is about preserving the meat with chemicals. But the meat is never fresh again. It is preserved in a different state.

The need to be cured of a disease is a heavy burden. It can push us. It can determine our degree of success, of understanding. It can take us beyond the body's limits. People get into medicine with a mindset about caring and curing. It is a powerful morphic field.

There are a lot of things we don't understand or know about life. Disease is seen as commentary on the system of the mechanics of the body. It is about the relation of body, mind, spirit, Self and Consciousness. All working together but not always in harmony. It is about our matrix and the dance of information in, the ability to deal with, process, utilize and release information in a cohesive manner. That is what we like to think of as healthy. What if it is more than that?

What if there is nothing wrong with illness? It is after all only a way to experience and express, then what happens?

Some disease or illness patterns will scare us as it represents loss of function. Some diseases have with them death as part of their component and expression. We monitor how close we are to death. We want to be cured so we can say death is no longer close. And then there are those who live with some sort of cancer or affliction and they live with it for a long time and finally die of something else.

Some people only really begin to live when they deal with illness. It has a way of cutting through our bullshit and false idols. It offers awareness. We meet ourselves in ways we might not otherwise. Our level of fear and other emotions will rise and fall in relation. It can be a way to be cared for. It can become our job. It is always an avenue to appreciation.

But being cured might not be the issue. Especially with disease/illness patterns. Those patterns can serve as ways to experience life that we would not do if not ill. Ill is not a bad thing. It is inconvenient, and takes attention, time and focus and may bring new considerations. It can be life changing. It is an opportunity.

Those on the outside will judge how we inside are doing and it can just offer clutter of thought. Handicaps create an always present reference to how we relate to ourselves and our world.

Lots of times all doctors can do is monitor and manage illness. Sometimes they can or can't cut out, repair or put in something new. They don't cure it. All our medicines and supplements support the body, mind, spirit dynamics sometimes as great cost, literally. Sometimes the "cure" is more painful than the pattern. Sometimes we can only feel like we are cleaning up.

 It goes away on its own if not needed. All disease/illness is a vehicle for agendas. So we don't judge. We love and appreciate our creativity. Only then can it be different, can it be done. 

What if there is no pressure or judgment that there is something wrong with how I am with this illness, or need to feel bad about the cure? What if there is only grace, what happens then? If I am dealing with function, long after the disease is gone, is that bad? It can be uncomfortable, and inconvenient and also hold a particular focus.

Acceptance of a different sort is possible. The trick is in balancing the inconvenience and then going beyond into realizing that as Consciousness it is not inconvenience but an opportunity.

Maybe we need another word to label having recovered from a disease/illness. Perhaps we are enhanced, or enriched. "I am enhanced" seems to allow me to feel better for having had the process.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment 

Monday, July 31, 2017

Consciousness and Our Own Super Power

Consciousness as Superpower

It is interesting what will trigger a new awareness and subsequent shift. From one moment to the next everything is the same and then something heard or seen, a question asked or a statement made will stimulate and open up a new avenue of awareness. When we are in Heart Centered Awareness, the Field of Unified Consciousness which is full of potential, that awareness can blossom into a shift in the pattern or change of status.

We each have the power to affect change in our lives. It is our superpower. You don't have to be bitten by a bug, beat up and left for dead, be born into a family of gods, etc, etc. etc. All you have to do is allow your sense of Self, which holds and defines your limits, to let go and access yourself as Consciousness.

Our popular media is filled with stories of superheros currently acting out. Which one speaks to you? I have watched movies filled with hero and heroines and villains and infamy battling out good and evil. The very interesting ones would seem to be those whose humanity still holds for both within the same body. They provide great psychology into human archetypes.

In any good story there can be great darkness, a wound at the core of our hero/heroine. There is great emotional angst, often incredible destruction on themselves that they walk out of, their surrounding environments and New York City a great deal of the time. Unfortunately, too often action will predominate and characters get lost in all of it. It becomes more of a movie about destruction that anything else. It becomes a mindset.

We are no different than those we read about or observe on the big or little screens. We forget that our authors are often writing about how real people in society are feeling in their lives. We can dress it up,disguise it as an god or ant or wealthy businessman but at heart is the human experience in story form. We can also be left feeling afterwards that this is fantasy and has nothing to do with our lives except as entertainment or as a game.

Sometimes we, the human self can feel lost or small in how we are living our lives. We might not feel powerful in useful ways. We fail to recognize that showing up every day, providing for oneself and/or family is an act of grace and value.

But under our shirts, across our chests, we have our superpower, Consciousness as Potential. It is in each of us to be accessed and enjoyed. It is the creator of our life game and our way to become much more. It facilitates our love and compassion for ourselves and each other.

Don't like what is happening in your life? Then learn about how to be different in your thinking. Learn how to utilize this unknown and underused power that is you. Trust that you can help yourself or find others than can help you to develop your trust.

Access Heart Centered Awareness. And play.

Enjoy your superpower!

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, July 24, 2017

Consciousness and Beyond That Which Can Be Defined

Humans love labels. Our mindsets love a label as it frees thought to go on to the next thought. It would seem at times quite indiscriminate about the label but we do seem to like ones that keep us small. Small and safe are probably related.

As Consciousness, we have the ability to reframe those labels and thoughts, to expand. We loosen the definitions and limits of the Self and step into the loosened state of Potential.

When we do this we are stepping out of the holographic framing that we have all established as reality. We are also better able to notice the limits in our language. We go beyond how the Self identifies the parts of our self and how it relates to it's experiences and overall life framing. We step out of the emotions and judgments that Self is and reframe that Self.

Consciousness holds for all kinds of experience in it's expression as us. In group we have been noticing the wounded healer dynamic and also this last week, the wounded child.These are terms that humans use to explain, validate certain states of being. Unfortunately if we are not neutral to this label, you can feel the limits that these labels encode and encompass.

The word is really just a perspective and experience of a sort. Wounded is a human reference, a judgment and it feels negative. Nobody celebrates wounded. Yet when we are in the mindset of the warrior about life it can be a powerful dynamic and condition to deal with.

What is really there? The label comes with baggage of thoughts and encoding and emotional resonances. These can work for us or against us as we evolve in being. They certainly are perceptual biases and direction modulators in thinking. They anchor us as they are identity labels and not always useful. Sort of like being labeled a druggie or alcoholic. Once one, always on guard. as you are always one and that is the reality that is set. We can spend a lifetime running, hiding, in battle from what is only a label and so much more in an energy direction. I am not judging. I am just looking at how behaviors get set in stone which come from thinking that gets set in stone. How depression gets set in stone. When we are trying to help ourselves and others these labels become their own thing and can be traps at times.

We are looking at what keeps us trapped in patterns and their ensuing behaviors. Our language is very important in this. The sounds of the words play and ripple out back and forth creating the limits of Self. They are powerful connectors to morphic fields of thinking and most often old thinking that we can become unwittingly attached to. Most often unknowingly.

Each of us in group could call ourselves a wounded child or a wounded healer and we could feel the pull and weight. And, how is that helpful? There is the place where I can use it to hold compassion for others, not wanting them to feel as I have felt. Take it out of the state of me having to be hurt to help others and we are both better off. I am not saying that these words are not helpful in some context but only how they can keep us looking from inside a certain framework. By maintaining the limits in the language the reality is set.

What if I labeled "wound" as "creative" instead? Or "playful"? Is that possible? I like both myself. Because both terms come as Consciousness. You may feel Self in reaction to what is really more neutral positioning. Our emotions are such powerful directors. Thoughts followed by energetic actions with outcomes. Changed thoughts lead to changed actions with changed outcomes.

If I don't have to maintain an identity/position label maybe something different is possible. I do this by movement in the reality this information is held or I find a new reality state. We do it with whatever we witness showing up and play from there.

Too often when we meditate or allow ourselves to take moments to relax we can bump up against our labels and they hold us hostage unknowingly. And everything is viewed through that lense. We feel different from our sense of source or in distance when it is only a shift in perception. Using consciousness technologies can free up this dynamic with different results.

Make some time to access Heart Centered Awareness. In that state information will present itself free of  the limits of your definitions/labels of being and reveal the truths of who you are.

Any of us are much much more than any one label. After all, we are that which can not be defined. If I am going to have any label let me go with Consciousness in Action.

And, so are you!

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment