Monday, August 7, 2017

Consciousness and Being Enhanced

In group  a couple of us are dealing with cancer actively. I say it that way as we all carry cancer potential in us but not always in disease active mode.

One facet that came up was feeling bad about not being cured, immediately or otherwise. And the resulting awareness of how it might not be about being cured of a disease but about something different.

We cure meat. It is about preserving the meat with chemicals. But the meat is never fresh again. It is preserved in a different state.

The need to be cured of a disease is a heavy burden. It can push us. It can determine our degree of success, of understanding. It can take us beyond the body's limits. People get into medicine with a mindset about caring and curing. It is a powerful morphic field.

There are a lot of things we don't understand or know about life. Disease is seen as commentary on the system of the mechanics of the body. It is about the relation of body, mind, spirit, Self and Consciousness. All working together but not always in harmony. It is about our matrix and the dance of information in, the ability to deal with, process, utilize and release information in a cohesive manner. That is what we like to think of as healthy. What if it is more than that?

What if there is nothing wrong with illness? It is after all only a way to experience and express, then what happens?

Some disease or illness patterns will scare us as it represents loss of function. Some diseases have with them death as part of their component and expression. We monitor how close we are to death. We want to be cured so we can say death is no longer close. And then there are those who live with some sort of cancer or affliction and they live with it for a long time and finally die of something else.

Some people only really begin to live when they deal with illness. It has a way of cutting through our bullshit and false idols. It offers awareness. We meet ourselves in ways we might not otherwise. Our level of fear and other emotions will rise and fall in relation. It can be a way to be cared for. It can become our job. It is always an avenue to appreciation.

But being cured might not be the issue. Especially with disease/illness patterns. Those patterns can serve as ways to experience life that we would not do if not ill. Ill is not a bad thing. It is inconvenient, and takes attention, time and focus and may bring new considerations. It can be life changing. It is an opportunity.

Those on the outside will judge how we inside are doing and it can just offer clutter of thought. Handicaps create an always present reference to how we relate to ourselves and our world.

Lots of times all doctors can do is monitor and manage illness. Sometimes they can or can't cut out, repair or put in something new. They don't cure it. All our medicines and supplements support the body, mind, spirit dynamics sometimes as great cost, literally. Sometimes the "cure" is more painful than the pattern. Sometimes we can only feel like we are cleaning up.

 It goes away on its own if not needed. All disease/illness is a vehicle for agendas. So we don't judge. We love and appreciate our creativity. Only then can it be different, can it be done. 

What if there is no pressure or judgment that there is something wrong with how I am with this illness, or need to feel bad about the cure? What if there is only grace, what happens then? If I am dealing with function, long after the disease is gone, is that bad? It can be uncomfortable, and inconvenient and also hold a particular focus.

Acceptance of a different sort is possible. The trick is in balancing the inconvenience and then going beyond into realizing that as Consciousness it is not inconvenience but an opportunity.

Maybe we need another word to label having recovered from a disease/illness. Perhaps we are enhanced, or enriched. "I am enhanced" seems to allow me to feel better for having had the process.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment