Monday, October 16, 2017

Consciousness and the Vibrations and Resonances in Life

Time and space have been filled with lots of challenges for humans lately. In the last month or so we have had hurricanes, shootings and fires within US boundaries. Along with all the other unrest happening politically here and around the world. Lots of turmoil, unrest, tragedy. Followed by help and support from others and lack of care from some.

In any society, where one individual has the power to annihilate those around him I feel we must question how easy we allow it to be for that to happen. Is there a difference between a president with an attitude and bombs and a shooter armed with an automatic weapon and agenda?

I think most individuals do the best they can. They are just coming from an unaware space or from their wounded self and a different mindset. Their sense of biases directs their actions. But those are important to all of us as we may come face to face with them up close or from a distance. Every person has the ability to affect all of us directly or indirectly.

I look to see how I can be helpful. How is being one in the many of One make a difference? I can send money and supplies on one level. I can vote and march and sign petitions. I let myself be counted.

As Consciousness and part of the whole and spectrum that Consciousness is I can help in other ways. By being me in that awareness. And it is the same for you.

Our emotions can anchor us into certain patterns of feelings and people in stress release particular vibrational tones. We have been feeling this. Even the Earth has been reflecting this.

With the hurricanes and Las Vegas shooting, inside and outside of group I have been noticing the strong emotional imprint of energies around us as vibrations and resonances in particular.

What do we do in the face of actions that take lives? There are times when you can say nothing. When we just have to stop and acknowledge loss, the seemingly senselessness of an action.

We have to get from behind our podiums of justification and the sway of agenda. the seductiveness of connection and belonging to any group that says they are the only group worth being, and being in service to some particular god or deity or family.  That is all a matter of interpretation. Every serial killer has a reason of righteousness, Every government may have a reason of righteousness behind acts of terror and war committed. We have to pay attention to the biases active.

Again, how do I help in all of this and not add to the emotions running high in every direction? In group we noticed all those energies showed up as a vibrational medium filled with tones.

You know how you hear certain tones and they are like dirges, deep and so loud? That was Las Vegas. I could see waves of vibrations holding in the space. Our awareness was that panic, pandemonium and shock needed release. I witnessed them as present and having the ability to transform themselves into twinkle dust and to be swept away on the wind.

How to help those hurting? How to help the rage of the shooter anchored in the violence? We found ourselves spontaneously offering counter balancing tones. Like when a group will sing out notes, someone starting and then the rest add their input and soon there is this amazing melodic sound resonating and moving through and taking you places in wonder of syncopation. I have witnessed this phenomena with drumming circles, with singers and with musicians warming up. Tones that may start in discordance that becomes a song filled with lyrical rhythms and a precious harmony playing off one another.

Quickly we could feel the dirge start to shift into only part of the whole and adding to the spectrum in expression and no longer the dominant tone. It was not about trying to change things by force and push as one might want to do but in allowing ourselves to be part of the whole and enriched by our being.

California is burning physically in places right now. Maybe in your area of the world there is a fire of some sort burning that is not useful. Access into Heart Centered Awareness and offer your vibration to what is resonating. Don't force and make something happen. Just offer your vibration. Allow it to get as big as it becomes. Feel the difference and let it be real long past your attention span. Notice what happens and how you feel.

We have to remember that each of us, is powerful and part of the whole and in resonance with Life.

What is your vibration?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment