Monday, September 11, 2017

Consciousness and Forces in Action

Right now many energies are focused on the United States. Earth energies, cosmic energies, climate energies, personality energies. In our physical environments we have had eclipses, floods, fires, earthquakes, hurricanes playing around and in our borders.

What is going on?

The US has been in the midst of monumental emotional storms. You can find yourself triggered into depression and other sensations. Perhaps a category 5 in intensity at times or tornado dynamics or foundation shaking forces abound. They might move through us slowing, consuming all in its path without regard to what it hits or quickly whipping across our inner landscapes in a focused nature. We find ourselves flooded and inundated.

What is going on?

We need to take a mental step out of our emotions and observe as Consciousness.

Everything is vibrational energy, frequencies, resonations. Our human organisms register vibrations at different levels than other species of life, animal and plant. Minerals are the building blocks of all life but they are not alive but operate as vibrational energy conductors. They are seemingly inert material in dynamic relations. The earth is a molten planet of minerals under its surface. In its molten center fire and heat generate and activate chemicals and actions. It registers energies differently and responds to the influences around it as it experiences cycles in its rhythms. Humans, made up of such materials do too.

Gaia, Earth had no agenda. It only is. It is not alive inside yet active which provides an environment for life to exist upon it. It is Consciousness in a different form that is responding dynamically to itself and to the cosmos. That layer of life upon it's surface as Nature, reaches into the earth in its roots, and mediates between human and dirt and light from the sun. Nature creates an sustaining interaction and the dynamic inert interior interacts and it all creates a multi dimensional playground called Life on Earth.

Nature on the earth changes and adapts to the earth and its rippling of vibrations. The earth's surface reflects its interactions with its interior self and the cosmos all the time. Many dynamics from many sources interacting playing out on this surface and much deeper levels.

Humans feel emotions and form attachments. We give meaning to things and have agendas. All of this generates energetic influences and force fields of vibrations. Remember Einstein's e=mc2? In emotional terms you build up enough emotional energy reactions and they will start to influences themselves and us.

Human are just a blink of an eye in the timeline of earth.We are only on its surface. yet we are powerful in our being as a collective and the earth registers those influences and become part of the whole. Perhaps we are not valuing how powerful we truly are to influence our surroundings, through our clumsiness and size.  Some of us, as societies or business, can leave big footprints and mess everywhere. Others hold a different balance and harmony with earth. They hold Gaia as a living earth environment that is hospitable.

We can react in two ways, notice or not notice and then interpret and however you interpret the information is subject to your bias. Like climate warming. Noticing changes globally and connecting it to how we use our resources right here at home seems to be at question. We are failing to see big enough the polarity in action, the ripples of cause and effect.

We embody a lot of myth about man being king of his domain. The earth is not here to serve us but to share with us. And if you look at power dynamics it is more in its favor as the earth does not care the way we do. The earth doesn't need us. We need it.

When you lose everything what is important? Life. In ourselves and others. The connection to found in another, in family, friend, neighbor, stranger, helper and government. For any of these connections have the potential to fill us and provide haven and sustenance and our needed soul nourishment. We can accept or we can decline and that will have its repercussions.

Disasters anywhere in the world remind us of our humanity. And about levels of power. It may be one way, as an expression as Consciousness that we allow ourselves to feel unity and community beyond our man made borders.

We are witnessing an outpouring of care towards others. It serves to remind us that we only look different which fuels our melting pot American identity. You may have this issue in your country. We value assimilation and that comes with knowing where one is from. Many countries are feeling the flow of populations on the move as intrusive.

This is an excellent time to look upon your inner landscape. Access Heart Centered Awareness, the field of Unified Consciousness and check in. How open you are, how willing are you to extend? How are you registering all this stirred up stuff? What would it be like to help it to shift? You are that powerful.

What weather patterns are you influencing?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment