Did you feel it? Would you notice what you are feeling if you did?
At the end of group as we gathered to close, we felt it. We had felt it individually as we were working. But when we ended in our circle together we felt it again. We, as One, breathed in unison, and with it came the liberation, the release from the collective. Consciousness shifting collectively.Wow.
Group energy dynamics are so much fun. We each access so much about life and then we come together. Energies can be collective and singular and certainly filled with unrest. Our intention is to allow for what lies under the surface to rise and unfold into a useful state. We are building more awareness of how empowered we each are, to affect ourselves and each other, the world.
We had been noticing the forces at play this last year in our sensing of Consciousness evolving and we are getting through it. We are all dealing with our hidden and not so hidden viewpoints and agendas in being the human reference for Consciousness.
Our dirty laundry is being hung up to dry and for all to see. We are letting a sunlight dry wash ease out the dirt. Everywhere people are reporting in news stories how they are being moved to take actions that would have not be commented on before. We are not letting things slip unnoticed under the pile of clean laundry.
Some have been very shaken by what has shown up and it is so easy to get distracted by the labels and titles and tweets! They make me laugh and the laugh actually helps transform what is being felt. As I listen in and observe actions of others my own mechanisms shift and unfold. New awareness of how I have personally organized who I am are coming up front and center. Not too much anymore do I allow others to dictate how I feel about things. I may feel things empathically but I am clear that it is me choosing in some way to allow that. No victims here.
I also welcome feeling, shifting from the position of "I have to feel pain" to just feeling. Feeling all kinds of things so I don't mind feeling something different. I welcome it. Feeling physical sensations and emotions is the gift of the human interface. It is not though, when we are pain oriented as the anchoring mechanism in being in physical form.
What we focus on becomes our fixation. It becomes a centering point, an anchor in being. Neither good or bad it can sometimes create shortsightedness and a failure to see the big picture and truly how big or small something is in relation to other things. For instance, buy into the judgement of evil and you will see it all around you. Buy into evil as just as part of the whole and it loses its power to dominate and corrupt. Being able to stop, step back and regain context is invaluable. Now I can respond and not just react.
The reaction can be the distraction and intended. We have witnessed a whole lot of this lately. It is reflecting how we are distracted inside ourselves. We can make up stories and project feelings and make choices often from a point of distraction or confusion and not sincerity. Not from our authentic sense of center but from a bias of reaction.
Did you feel that? There is was again.
The next day in our men's group, once again we all felt the shift. We sat in the stillness and quiet and in our personal truths of awareness that all was well in the world. No matter the chaotic energies that many are reveling in or bouncing around in. Each of us sat united as Consciousness allowing for the bigger framework to be present. People can sense all kinds of things and take all kinds of positions about how the world is and people in it. Most are unaware of their own stuff in useful ways.
Let us acknowledge what systems could use some new input into the designs. Let us acknowledge and instigate change easily, not through terror or fear.
Let us leave alone what works already.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
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Monday, May 29, 2017
Consciousness and The Feeling
Labels: consciousness technologies
.Being present,
.heart centered consciousness,
consciousness technologies,
energy work,
janet barrett,
matrix energetics,
yuen method
Monday, May 22, 2017
Consciousness and Light Sensitivities
Consciousness is at play. Potential is alive and real. Potential is present in the space between. It is the polishing mechanism. We are turning on and activating it. Self is responding.
I know/think we are feeling this. And that knowing/thinking comes from with Heart Centered Awareness, not my mind. We want our thinking to come from within Awareness and not the limits of mind which are about our perceptual biases.
Thinking from mind supports the biases, the stories, the patterns old and new. Only when we are thinking from our heart space, where we are present as Consciousness can we be free from our mindsets which are involved with rationalizing and reason, swayed by emotions, set to have us experience our own humanity and the collective humanity and such in certain patterns.
We are Light Beings, beings of Light. We say this, we hear this and what does that mean? As we allow for more light to be brighter it can perhaps be shocking. But since Consciousness does not hold time or space we can experience it easier than the human processing system is set for. And we can feel the difference.
What would it be like to be flooded with light from within? We each are unfolding into our enlightenment. Different ecstatic traditions reflect this. It can happen quickly, slowly, abruptly, or not at all unfortunately for some. It is an individual experience. What is important is the result. Our abilities to know, feel, sense, understand what we are discovering inside is enriching and effortless if allowed.
If you silence the chorus we each hold inside about who we are, what we are in relation to another and sit in the silence you feel that light. You feel it in the breath, the heartbeat, in the expansion of beyond the limits of our bodies and mind sets. We experience information that has no fixed position, only free to come and go to play with. It is Potential to be used if wanted. It is freedom from our limiting patterns and pasts.
Consciousness with Self is at play within each of us to allow for more in being. It holds us warm, infusing from within and nourishing us. As we light up from within it will radiate out beyond our physical forms without our having to do anything. It will ripple out in patterns of delight, wonder, fun and pardon. You don't have to do anything, just allow. Allow yourself to fully and truly embody your Light.
Which is already turned on if you are physically alive.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Labels: consciousness technologies
.Being present,
consciousness technologies,
energy work,
janet barrett,
matrix energetics,
yuen method
Monday, May 15, 2017
Consciousness and Beyond Numb and Dumb
Most of us think too limited about who we are. We have not been allowed, in our own creativeness, to unfold into our potential. Most of us have been walking around numb and dumb and this is not any longer going to serve us in our new relation with Consciousness.
This limit is our operating sense of Self. Our self perceptions can keep us feeling not effective and subject to outside influences and honor the victim/abuser principle. If we don't play Life from within that dynamic of duality, Self Awareness as Consciousness expands.
We are now asking how to be most effective in our responses to what is happening. Many are in reaction mode, wounded human. and not in the neutrality Heart Centered Awareness offers in response. Looking at life events as potential and energy at play and not from our emotional centers is important.
Somebody does something you don't like or somebody in some sort of power embodies all you dislike. Both are the human in reaction and your triggers to these stresses set up in established habituated reactions.
When you can observe the action or the person as just as valuable as you, this is neutral Consciousness at play. If you are not in that emotional reaction, clarity and potential are available. But engaging from within the same reality as the issue is not helpful. Just continues the scripted reaction.
From the neutral space of HCA what can we notice? Now we have changed the playing field, new game, new rules. new responses. We allow information and ourselves to be limitless and not stuck down tiny in the muck and mire life can hold in our individual stories of patterns of being.
We are encouraged and indoctrinated to believe in a sense of ego as egotist. There is going to be a sense of entitlement in egotism. Which is not the developing sense of unfolding into our potential.
In group we explored our relationship to the dramas unfolding in our political arenas lately, in areas of race, religion, health care, climate. and war. All deal with our want to control our circumstances by the State of Devalue that is running rampant and manifesting in so many ways
In order to enslave another we we must degrade their humanity as less than ours or not there at all. In order to not feel threatened by those who look different we must marginalize and exclude them. In order to suppress the right to health care as a basic policy we must not value all life. which is interesting is these often are the same people promoting no abortion. I wonder what happens in the thinking when the newborn is ill?
In order to deny the mechanism that we have in place, science, to monitor how we treat our earth we must discredit them as not as important as the money business that uses the earth's resources. We value business profits as more important that a quality of natural life when the business is supposed to create objects and fluids to make us more comfortable.
Our human nature of shortsightedness allows for a lot of clumsy. Errors get made and hidden until they are exposed at a compromising later date. People designing in short sighted ways. We also seem to revere the principle of built in obsolescence as a way to justify business needed now. To employ people. Ultimately, is any of this devaluing state enriching us and our planet or are we coming face to face now in how out of alignment and shortsighted we have been, in some many ways?
Many states of reality are running amok from the fear available. States like "We are running out of Time", "We can't save the world"," Every man for himself", "Others are not worthy or deserving of my respect". The fear has been what has been hidden deep, very deep for some and for a long time. The vibrations of fear, comparison, lack, etc are revealing themselves as these are what have kept us limited in the past. Race issues, religion, health care, climate and war concerns are nothing new. They are issues in our individual genetics and in the collectives genetics of societies.
Many of those societies have come and gone.
We believe in the game of life and death in not such friendly terms. I notice how much of what is playing outside of our inner spaces is about our inner spaces? The genetic materials of body, mind and spirit that we each are, is a conglomeration of lines of DNA, are not always collaborative and can energetically compete. They are not always in harmony or balance.
How do you hold bias about yourself in matters of race, religion, spirituality, competing basic rights and worthiness of quality of health care? Do you value your inner signals about your living environments and the feeding and maintaining your inner climate? Do you question and deny symptoms of compromised alignments. and how do you experience the dynamics of war, and limited resources as survival issues found within yourself?
It is the perfect time to stop your stories and listen. Access Heart Centered Awareness and allow your questions and issues to be free to explore, release, transcend.
Time to let go of numb and dumb. Time to step into what lies beyond.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
This limit is our operating sense of Self. Our self perceptions can keep us feeling not effective and subject to outside influences and honor the victim/abuser principle. If we don't play Life from within that dynamic of duality, Self Awareness as Consciousness expands.
We are now asking how to be most effective in our responses to what is happening. Many are in reaction mode, wounded human. and not in the neutrality Heart Centered Awareness offers in response. Looking at life events as potential and energy at play and not from our emotional centers is important.
Somebody does something you don't like or somebody in some sort of power embodies all you dislike. Both are the human in reaction and your triggers to these stresses set up in established habituated reactions.
When you can observe the action or the person as just as valuable as you, this is neutral Consciousness at play. If you are not in that emotional reaction, clarity and potential are available. But engaging from within the same reality as the issue is not helpful. Just continues the scripted reaction.
From the neutral space of HCA what can we notice? Now we have changed the playing field, new game, new rules. new responses. We allow information and ourselves to be limitless and not stuck down tiny in the muck and mire life can hold in our individual stories of patterns of being.
We are encouraged and indoctrinated to believe in a sense of ego as egotist. There is going to be a sense of entitlement in egotism. Which is not the developing sense of unfolding into our potential.
In group we explored our relationship to the dramas unfolding in our political arenas lately, in areas of race, religion, health care, climate. and war. All deal with our want to control our circumstances by the State of Devalue that is running rampant and manifesting in so many ways
In order to enslave another we we must degrade their humanity as less than ours or not there at all. In order to not feel threatened by those who look different we must marginalize and exclude them. In order to suppress the right to health care as a basic policy we must not value all life. which is interesting is these often are the same people promoting no abortion. I wonder what happens in the thinking when the newborn is ill?
In order to deny the mechanism that we have in place, science, to monitor how we treat our earth we must discredit them as not as important as the money business that uses the earth's resources. We value business profits as more important that a quality of natural life when the business is supposed to create objects and fluids to make us more comfortable.
Our human nature of shortsightedness allows for a lot of clumsy. Errors get made and hidden until they are exposed at a compromising later date. People designing in short sighted ways. We also seem to revere the principle of built in obsolescence as a way to justify business needed now. To employ people. Ultimately, is any of this devaluing state enriching us and our planet or are we coming face to face now in how out of alignment and shortsighted we have been, in some many ways?
Many states of reality are running amok from the fear available. States like "We are running out of Time", "We can't save the world"," Every man for himself", "Others are not worthy or deserving of my respect". The fear has been what has been hidden deep, very deep for some and for a long time. The vibrations of fear, comparison, lack, etc are revealing themselves as these are what have kept us limited in the past. Race issues, religion, health care, climate and war concerns are nothing new. They are issues in our individual genetics and in the collectives genetics of societies.
Many of those societies have come and gone.
We believe in the game of life and death in not such friendly terms. I notice how much of what is playing outside of our inner spaces is about our inner spaces? The genetic materials of body, mind and spirit that we each are, is a conglomeration of lines of DNA, are not always collaborative and can energetically compete. They are not always in harmony or balance.
How do you hold bias about yourself in matters of race, religion, spirituality, competing basic rights and worthiness of quality of health care? Do you value your inner signals about your living environments and the feeding and maintaining your inner climate? Do you question and deny symptoms of compromised alignments. and how do you experience the dynamics of war, and limited resources as survival issues found within yourself?
It is the perfect time to stop your stories and listen. Access Heart Centered Awareness and allow your questions and issues to be free to explore, release, transcend.
Time to let go of numb and dumb. Time to step into what lies beyond.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Labels: consciousness technologies
.Being present,
.heart centered consciousness,
consciousness technologies,
energy work,
janet barrett,
matrix energetics,
self help,
yuen method
Monday, May 8, 2017
Consciousness, Life and the Suffering Survivor
Life. Not everyone is crazy about being alive. Not everyone finds Being in a human form a delight. They question why exist in such a hostile world. They find no comfort being here. They find only pain and suffering. They see only inhumane behavior. They are, the suffering survivor.
This is not everyone's framework about Life. Many don't question being here or have thoughts or experiences that bring into question humans navigating survival. There is something to be said for being like this.
I am however at the point in my life in awareness that I am my own creation and that I have embraced in the past, a way to insure that it would be easy to question Life. Life. The most precious gift we have. The one experience that we seem to value not only as gift but as liability. We can appreciate and love and then quantify and qualify what circumstances our life's future will be.
We forget or never learn that we are self directed, always. We can be victim to our own creation often. We can agree with our circumstances or challenge them. Those agreements and challenges will define and shape us into individuals who are part of the whole, the All.
What if we are shifting in our orientations to a new state of Being? At some point the human body will die. What if we were not using suffering as anchor to being alive? What if the events and behaviors around us only serve to remind us about what is important about Being Alive? Perhaps not the length of a life but the quality of that life? Maybe long life isn't what is important. What if surviving Life was not the cornerstone issue? What if suffering was only a way to notice and provide fodder for the grist that we each can use to create our lives?
The time is now for Being Light in Life. To question all your sacred cows. To surprise ourselves in what is possible when we access Potential in a state of Grace. Instead of playing into and continuing how you used to relate to events and thoughts and actions of others around you close and in far away places, Be different.
This is not about doing but about Being. Embracing Being in physical form. It is the time of collecting the parts of oneself we can sometimes send out to keep safe and call them home, here to you, inside you. You have always been connected but we sometimes forget that in such a way that we are lost and feel missing.
What if is could be as simple as Accessing Heart Centered Awareness and calling yourself home, however that might show up? You are not the same person who sent the parts away. You are here, now, declaring your want of self, want of form and the gifts inherent in being human.
This is the only place and form we know that embraces feelings both emotional and physical. If your spark of life feels faint or doesn't feel very present then allow it to be so. Know you are now safe. You are not that troubled threatened child. Let your clarion call of Self be Now.
Let suffering be no more important than enjoyment. Both are experiences in being. We don't have to chase after either even if we have set it up that way. There is nothing to chase in Consciousness. Everything is there. It is only our limited viewpoints that are small and narrow in focus.
Want to feel more joy in your Being? Then allow for more joy in your Being to have more worth that pain and suffering. Allow yourself to know what you are getting out of the suffering as your core experience. Check in and see if the values of then are still the values of now. If they are not then choose. Choose to allow for something different.
Expanding our awareness and finding new focuses helps. Life is a spectrum and I value who I used to show up as. I am choosing to let go of my regrets about what might have been and what was done. My life's events and perceptions have become just information that doesn't serve as important and vital to who I am now other than as reference of the different spaces I have occupied.
I have ever unfolding, expanding, wonderful senses and gifts, pearls of wisdom and awareness that help me navigate Being Light in Life.
I bet you do too.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
This is not everyone's framework about Life. Many don't question being here or have thoughts or experiences that bring into question humans navigating survival. There is something to be said for being like this.
I am however at the point in my life in awareness that I am my own creation and that I have embraced in the past, a way to insure that it would be easy to question Life. Life. The most precious gift we have. The one experience that we seem to value not only as gift but as liability. We can appreciate and love and then quantify and qualify what circumstances our life's future will be.
We forget or never learn that we are self directed, always. We can be victim to our own creation often. We can agree with our circumstances or challenge them. Those agreements and challenges will define and shape us into individuals who are part of the whole, the All.
What if we are shifting in our orientations to a new state of Being? At some point the human body will die. What if we were not using suffering as anchor to being alive? What if the events and behaviors around us only serve to remind us about what is important about Being Alive? Perhaps not the length of a life but the quality of that life? Maybe long life isn't what is important. What if surviving Life was not the cornerstone issue? What if suffering was only a way to notice and provide fodder for the grist that we each can use to create our lives?
The time is now for Being Light in Life. To question all your sacred cows. To surprise ourselves in what is possible when we access Potential in a state of Grace. Instead of playing into and continuing how you used to relate to events and thoughts and actions of others around you close and in far away places, Be different.
This is not about doing but about Being. Embracing Being in physical form. It is the time of collecting the parts of oneself we can sometimes send out to keep safe and call them home, here to you, inside you. You have always been connected but we sometimes forget that in such a way that we are lost and feel missing.
What if is could be as simple as Accessing Heart Centered Awareness and calling yourself home, however that might show up? You are not the same person who sent the parts away. You are here, now, declaring your want of self, want of form and the gifts inherent in being human.
This is the only place and form we know that embraces feelings both emotional and physical. If your spark of life feels faint or doesn't feel very present then allow it to be so. Know you are now safe. You are not that troubled threatened child. Let your clarion call of Self be Now.
Let suffering be no more important than enjoyment. Both are experiences in being. We don't have to chase after either even if we have set it up that way. There is nothing to chase in Consciousness. Everything is there. It is only our limited viewpoints that are small and narrow in focus.
Want to feel more joy in your Being? Then allow for more joy in your Being to have more worth that pain and suffering. Allow yourself to know what you are getting out of the suffering as your core experience. Check in and see if the values of then are still the values of now. If they are not then choose. Choose to allow for something different.
Expanding our awareness and finding new focuses helps. Life is a spectrum and I value who I used to show up as. I am choosing to let go of my regrets about what might have been and what was done. My life's events and perceptions have become just information that doesn't serve as important and vital to who I am now other than as reference of the different spaces I have occupied.
I have ever unfolding, expanding, wonderful senses and gifts, pearls of wisdom and awareness that help me navigate Being Light in Life.
I bet you do too.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Labels: consciousness technologies
.Being present,
.heart centered consciousness,
consciousness technologies,
emotional resonances,
energy work,
janet barrett,
matrix energetics,
Monday, May 1, 2017
Consciousness and Allowing For More Light Into The Dark
I am 62 years old. Only in the last 15 or so years have I been able to view and experience life differently from the first 50 years. I was very metaphysical and intuitive and had all the clairs of seeing, knowing etc. going strong. I was an empath in tune with others and I was physically dying.
It was not about protection but about Being and how I defined that.
It was only when I got into, at the time, the emerging field of Consciousness Technologies did my story of pain and death pattern start to change. I became aware of the duality in my language dance of light/dark, good/evil, positive/negative that I was engaged in and what a trap in thinking it was creating. Only then did change happened.
I bring this up as example and context. I am seeing more people in group and clients who are also very gifted in their intuitive gifts and they too bring them no joy. My awareness is that for many those gifts come out of our pain and trauma. So when we engage them they are coming out of that framework. It colors what is noticed and shared with a film that dilutes or can negate the gift keeping it as wound.
In this current wonderful time of upheaval that Consciousness finds itself in we can reframe our position into more neutral framework. We also can look again at this relationship we find ourselves to be holding as spirit as human in spirit.
Unfortunately our media and collective thinking has created being intuitive and powerful in mostly negative terms. Doomsday looms on many fronts according to our pop culture and fears. Look at all the superheros permeating our culture. They may use their gifts for good but at what cost? Destruction ensues. And we are supposed to feel okay about it? Validated and vindicated. Yikes!!
Look at all the fiction and nonfiction about being intuitive and how it is framed in evil, violence and bloodshed that we create and watch and witness as entertainment. Really? To know is as hell on the individual viewer as it is on the victim.
Whether it is romance, mystery or sci fi we embrace warrior mentality. Light hearted, feel good witches and magicians are few. The right and just against the wrong and unfairness in the world. Opposites keeping us fixed. We most often don't hear the negative framework our modern interpretations of our old stories of earth magic and shaman/alchemists are filled with about life and destruction and control and power. Which are really neutral forces at play open to interpretation. The Bible, for instance was not written agenda free. It is a control tool.
I don't embrace this anymore. My wounds have become the gifts that Consciousness imbues and infuses my humanness. It powers my compassion and understanding that we are not points of opposition only many in the blend of All. That if I continued to play that game of suffering I have only so many choices available to me. I am either right or wrong. They are either right or wrong. We are both so it is time to get over it and embrace the irreconcilable as nothing more than one position to take.
Access Heart Centered Awareness and embrace the neutral sacred space that is filled with compassion and Grace. Gently let go of your stories of victims and abusers. Don't judge the darkness you find. Embrace it as only a different light value and allows for different experiences. Get over your attachments to it being only negative. Any good artist will appreciate the tonal qualities of available light.
Let your gifts shine, free of the muck and mire of the past. Enjoy.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
It was not about protection but about Being and how I defined that.
It was only when I got into, at the time, the emerging field of Consciousness Technologies did my story of pain and death pattern start to change. I became aware of the duality in my language dance of light/dark, good/evil, positive/negative that I was engaged in and what a trap in thinking it was creating. Only then did change happened.
I came to realize with the help of some leading edge thinkers that I had created this world I was living in and was quite successful in that creation. I was able to access myself as Consciousness and view the states of reality that I was participating in from the bigger perspective as Consciousness. Consciousness, a word free of our limiting definitions of God.
If I had continued on my old path of thinking I would be dead now. So I had strong motivation to do something different, to be different in how I perceived my place in the world, and what I had created. I learned how to engage myself differently and change the dynamics at play into something else. Potential was engaged and shifts started to be noticed. My take on Life and what that means as Human as the interface of Consciousness is now an active ever unfolding state, a work of art.
I bring this up as example and context. I am seeing more people in group and clients who are also very gifted in their intuitive gifts and they too bring them no joy. My awareness is that for many those gifts come out of our pain and trauma. So when we engage them they are coming out of that framework. It colors what is noticed and shared with a film that dilutes or can negate the gift keeping it as wound.
In this current wonderful time of upheaval that Consciousness finds itself in we can reframe our position into more neutral framework. We also can look again at this relationship we find ourselves to be holding as spirit as human in spirit.
Unfortunately our media and collective thinking has created being intuitive and powerful in mostly negative terms. Doomsday looms on many fronts according to our pop culture and fears. Look at all the superheros permeating our culture. They may use their gifts for good but at what cost? Destruction ensues. And we are supposed to feel okay about it? Validated and vindicated. Yikes!!
Look at all the fiction and nonfiction about being intuitive and how it is framed in evil, violence and bloodshed that we create and watch and witness as entertainment. Really? To know is as hell on the individual viewer as it is on the victim.
Whether it is romance, mystery or sci fi we embrace warrior mentality. Light hearted, feel good witches and magicians are few. The right and just against the wrong and unfairness in the world. Opposites keeping us fixed. We most often don't hear the negative framework our modern interpretations of our old stories of earth magic and shaman/alchemists are filled with about life and destruction and control and power. Which are really neutral forces at play open to interpretation. The Bible, for instance was not written agenda free. It is a control tool.
I don't embrace this anymore. My wounds have become the gifts that Consciousness imbues and infuses my humanness. It powers my compassion and understanding that we are not points of opposition only many in the blend of All. That if I continued to play that game of suffering I have only so many choices available to me. I am either right or wrong. They are either right or wrong. We are both so it is time to get over it and embrace the irreconcilable as nothing more than one position to take.
Access Heart Centered Awareness and embrace the neutral sacred space that is filled with compassion and Grace. Gently let go of your stories of victims and abusers. Don't judge the darkness you find. Embrace it as only a different light value and allows for different experiences. Get over your attachments to it being only negative. Any good artist will appreciate the tonal qualities of available light.
Let your gifts shine, free of the muck and mire of the past. Enjoy.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Labels: consciousness technologies
.Being present,
.heart centered consciousness,
consciousness technologies,
energy work,
matrix energetics,
yuen method
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