Monday, April 10, 2017

Consciousness AS Self: Life as a Collaboration

Continuing on our awareness that we are all One and Self is the human interface of Consciousness: What if Consciousness AS Self is really the relationship? Human is just the lense that Consciousness is using to know itself as the individual. My next thoughts lead to if there is no judgment so that would mean that there is nothing wrong with us? What if our sense of judgment that we need as humans to keep safe is allowed to soften and really are only guidelines for behavior?

What if Life was more about a state of collaboration between the two? It entails respect, value and equality. What is it like to live with guidelines as monitor of Self?

How do we help ourselves and others? Help is a tricky construct. full of obligations, corrections, duty, charity. Too often Help is filled with feeling and thoughts of less than, stupid and the critical voice. Which is not useful and not what is intended perhaps but can be felt this way if we stop to listen.

 What about Self Help then? How do we value it?

If I use new language to describe my sense of being out in the world, I have more room to navigate life and room for ease. I am finding that holding Consciousness as separate from Self is not so useful anymore. My new reality state is Consciousness as Self. Now the difference between the two is in a new paradigm. It is a collaboration not competition or opportunity for walls and limits. Just more awareness of the unfolding as Consciousness expresses and evolves in form. An appreciation for the spectrum possible. The Infinite Sea of Potential is the means for expression.

There are no victims or abusers as Consciousness. Those are human judgments and interpretations. How many of us feel we are victims to life, in life? Stuff happens and we can feel a certain way. It is how we choose to label our experiences and relate to them that is really what Life is about.

My stories that make up who I have been as my particular flavor of Consciousness are just a starting point. The patterns or bandwidths that I encompass are migratory and not stationary.

The unfolding of knowing myself as Consciousness has no words. I can feel the flow that this state has for me. Consciousness allows for all. In all the elements that are available fusion can happen and Life appears. If human we call this Self.

In that identity is the form or box of limitations that we each are. We can have many labels in the box. We may see the box as too confining. We may see the box as helpful. We may feel the box as the trap and jail. Something we can not be free of. Some thing to be content or rebel within. It is safe.

In Heart Centered Awareness I saw a box that I really liked. I had wanted it all my life as I may have had a form but it was not labeled well and understood. It was felt as mislabeled. In hindsight most of the time my box kept me boxed in yet safe and separate. It was also killing me. Literally. It felt very solid and real and it was my manifestation. Trust me when I write this: Mysterious is much nicer to read about in a book that as state to live in.

These days I can see the box is more like a jail with the metal rods. This is not a judgment just a description.Then when I look closer I see that they are just bands of density of energies and through the spaces in between and I am both on the inside and the outside of my box and information flowing in and out and interacting and affecting the bars. My perspective uses different words like Self and Consciousness to label the orientation. I am both.

Life is a collaboration.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment