Monday, April 3, 2017

Consciousness and Bits and Pieces Intersecting

In group this last week, Being Present in one's own life, Should, and Help were main themes. It was interesting, their intersections with each other. Since we are all One, clearing energies in these areas of being embodied is enriching to us all. Consciousness evolves through the unfolding, expanding state awareness.

Sometimes it feels like your life has missing bits and pieces. It brings into question about being present in our own life. Family or others don't have the habit of noticing you? How much is our own sense of retreat from the world? When we are young and our needs don't get considered and then we don't feel seen or appreciated we can retreat. Retreat becomes the pattern and it will hold us hostage the rest of our lives.

Should is powerful and often we use it against ourselves. The dictionary holds meanings of obligation, duty or correctness. Shoulds come with a lot of outside pressures that we can take on as our own. Can Should a good thing? When does it provide the needed oomph, push, energetically for us to do or complete, take action when we don't want to? How is is about resistance? How does it serve us and limit us and/or define us?

Help. It has to do with assisting someone else, offering aid. We can mix it up with Charity. I don't now how many of us like being on the receiving end of what we perceive as Charity. For us in group, it also came with a lot of Should and Could energy. We don't like it to receive. We feel less than, not capable, not sufficient, a problem, and much more in asking for help.

Most of us are willing to offer Help but not accept it without a judgment about it. How much of our ambivalence is about us sensing the hidden agenda energy behind the offer and we are responding to that and not being able to utilize the support? Begrudging help or what we perceive as begrudging help is not nice.  How much unease is in our own offer? How often do we offer from the heart?

Our hands and arms are extensions of our heart which is the first organ to develop in the embryo. They physically develop out of the chest first and then the shoulders develop. Giving and receiving are the same dynamic just labels of the direction of flow. So both actions are heart felt and express the heart dynamics. In group we noticed how we felt when our offer of help had been rejected by another other. We also were able to open up as we became aware of how much in denying the offer was maybe hurting the one who offered in unintended ways.

So what if the state of Help was relabeled?  If we go back to the fact that we are all Consciousness at play perhaps we are better served if we relabel and use new language. We are really only accessing information from our field that we are not currently using. In asking for help we are really calling on other aspects of ourselves to assist. We are helping ourselves to the bounty that Consciousness is. We are collaborating, connecting, assisting our self and each other.

When we are collaborating with one another you can feel the exchange of energies and not just a one directional flow. How might this be useful in a bigger context? What if our political arenas were filled with collaborating partners and not fixed position members such as Democrat, Republican, Independent, or other? Because if you help each other you get entangled in the biases, beliefs and separateness of ideology. Collaboration feels different, feels better, more open.

Certainly something to consider in this time of dynamic, messy, evolution. Take the time to access Heart Centered Awareness and play with what you notice about Being Present in your own life, Should and Help.

Check in and see how you relate to the following:

Where is and what would it be like to be in the state of sharing heart with another as enjoyable?
What would it be like to enjoy collaborating with another?

What if there was no such thing as Self Help and only collaboration between our awareness of Consciousness as Self?

What would it be like to enjoy our bits and pieces intersecting in the most delightful of ways?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment