Monday, March 27, 2017

Consciousness and Random Expansiveness

We are all One, individuals sharing in the spectrum that is Consciousness. What makes us up as individuals is information unique to each of us, as our stories, issues. and experiences. They can be viewed as connected bits of I, patterns of photons of light and biomass, vibrations, frequencies, resonances. Like ticker tapes of continuous flow, bits and pieces of information connected. The ticker tape is filled with existing information but it doesn't have to be linear. You might see it as a cloud of information holding together. I am sure there are many different ways to observe.

The last couple of weeks have brought up awareness about Random, it's power and how to align oneself with it in useful ways. How can there be Random in connected bits and pieces?

I did start to relate differently to Random once I got into Consciousness Technologies. That was because once I realized the scope of Consciousness there is no Random, just what is unknown from the human perspective. All is known to Consciousness. Remember the spectrum that it is. What is not known speaks to the Self. When I am being me I view life through a narrowed filter. Consciousness is the big picture. So Random would just be those things that are part of the whole but not seen in totality through that narrowed lense. Information out there, perhaps not yet known in my story.

We like our control. It keeps us safe. It is good to have. We just want it to be a state of flow and not a thing that limits us. We like having answers, knowledge, explanations. We like predictability. Our left brains are wired to create it. There is comfort and ease in the expected no matter whether it is going to be judged good or bad.

If you are into Random then you have less control and then you can be affected by outside influences and systems without awareness. Stress is felt. I don't know how much our human system design, for instance, has a capacity and allowance for Random. or for the unknown. For a child, Random can be hard to figure out and create stress. We develop differently when we have security of any kind.

Yet our brains are also wired for access to Consciousness through our right brain.

For many, Random doesn't feel good. It can create victims. We can have the sense that information or actions can come out of left field. Or as the stab in the back we never saw coming. Events leading up to someone being in a particular place at a particular time that would to seem to have no meaning but bring out unexpected consequences. Birth and death and all the events of Life  that can happen in between can seem mysterious and out of control.

IF we can step back, out of our emotions and gain perspective we can observe Random differently. We can also allow that in a life, potential and energies, can come and go and intersect in unpredictable, or observable ways or in ways beyond our learned limits.

Embracing Random might be an interestingly expansive reality set. Tolerance and a capacity for allowance for differences might result. What would it be like to have more unplanned, unexpected influences and events happening without a threat to the status quo or safety? Could it allow for more wonder in your life? What if you status quo and safety included variety and range of experiences and feelings? What if you didn't have to feel as a victim to randomness? Take out the judgment.

Access Heart Centered Awareness and play.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment