Monday, March 20, 2017

Consciousness and the Body and Boat Approaches to Life

So much of what we might do daily has become a habituated response and maybe forgotten is that it can be a moment of enlightenment. If you are holding awareness of the power of your everyday experiences as opportunities, our reality can be changing without us really having to pay a lot attention. Which is a good way to be. Effortlessly in the flow of an expanding and enriching way of life.

We all have had the epiphany moments where we knew life would be different. They tend to stop us in our tracks and choices have to be made. What if it was also in our small movements and moments? And only took a checking in.

Because a life lived from within the framework of our authentic voice as Consciousness acknowledged and listened to will do that. Ease is about flow and when it becomes present, then the issues, (rapids) in our flow become ways we are free to check in and reevaluate how our lives are going, flowing.

How do we move on the flow? Like a boat on water small course corrections may be needed from time to time in response to where we want to go and to the flows of the surrounding waters and their ripples.

 You can use your body as paddle power. Or, there are two ways to power a boat, motor and sail. Both are an extension of hand power. Motor boats will power through the water. The engine is doing all the work, forcing the boat along its path. A sailboat cuts through the surface and in alignment with the wind on your face. It channels through your hands onto the sails. All means connect to our hearts as extensions of our hands and arms and body.

Both our body and boats have their uses and suit their dynamics to different parts of our personalities. Just calling up the memories of being on the water puts me back into that reality of delight. I can feel the light spray of moisture on my face in this moment. The sun, light, wind and company. This is what I want in Life. To glide effortlessly, in tandem with my surroundings, enjoying the sun on my face and the emotional rewards of meeting the challenge of Being.

Accessing Heart Centered Awareness and being in the reality that Life is always presenting opportunities to be an empowered opportunity is fun. If I let go of my need to have Life be difficult, much more is possible.

Right now, in this moment check in how that statement hit you. Access Heart Centered Awareness and ask if your life needs to be difficult. What do you get out of difficult? No judgment here. Just allow for your connection to bring information to an aware level. It can be as a voice, picture, or just a knowing, etc.. And, if you feel that difficult is intrinsic to your makeup just notice that. And, let the next layer of knowing show up.

Then let register that your awareness can make the difference and empower a sense of before and now. Because if you are in Heart Centered Awareness then you are in the Infinite Sea of Potential and transformational energy is happening. Notice what you become aware of now.

Both body and boats will get us where we want to go. They require different resources and will feel differently to the body and psyche. You may prefer one over the other. None is right or wrong, just different. What they share is their giving us a sense of relating to our environment and the waters that make up Life.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment