Monday, March 13, 2017

Consciousness and Kissing our OWIES Better

OWIE kissed
Our week was filled with strife. It would seem from all sides we are being assaulted with challenges as to where to put our attention here at home and abroad. Getting lost in all the upheaval that is present is not helpful. The better we can stay focused on what is being revealed to play with inside is our invitation.

Consciousness is inviting us to challenge our status quo on how we show up in our lives. Our moments are ripe to embrace the hidden, the confused, the outward influences showing up as issues that keep us trapped into thinking too small.To keep us from feeling powerful and recognizing we each are the Sacred.

Can we keep accessing states of hiding, denying, compromising on a continuous basis to keep ourselves seemingly safe? Yes and many live this way. Is it helpful? Only if you allow being scared more important than knowing. I have witnessed time and again people choosing what they think they know, right or wrong, instead of allowing for the truth to be present. It is safer to hurt because that is what we we are willing to settle for than to risk not hurting in the same way. Kind of silly.

Issues that concern us all are in our faces. Our biases about what people look, sound and believe in. Our willingness to take care of the elderly, the poor and the sick. A long held assertion that women are less valuable than men. Everyone is affected by these questions. Across the border north and south, east and west. People are being moved as they have never been before to take action.

We have not been truthful with ourselves but most of us don't have systems in place to be okay to explore and undo or even think that we can tackle our issues in quick easy, useful ways. We might not feel resourceful.

The growing field of Consciousness Technologies will offer new ways to engage life.

Accessing Heart Centered Awareness is key and the answer. What we find when we recognize ourselves as Consciousness gives us the perspective to re calibrate, reorganize our thinking, our beliefs, our limits. We open to what is possible within and beyond your current thinking framework of Being and Potential provides the means. Being present. The power of being free enough of one's story of issue to let in for something new.

To recognize how powerful our pasts dictate our futures you only have to listen. The stories are filled with energy and propellent, emotion. We have to stop the story to stop the runaway train of thought. Only then can one be brought into the moment and check in. Is your past true in this moment? If so, is it different? We can register the shifts right then and there. Only by recreating the past stories can it show up again. And if it does, as it can, it can not be the same. For you have had awareness and potential interact.

This is why a lot of us fear change. Because we know, on the level of where we hold ourselves as ourselves that if we change some little things the sense of self, our control, recognizes itself as the house of cards that it is.

Which is to be celebrated. To be encouraged right now. Bringing our hidden, denied and confused parts into the light of awareness allows us to be whole. Again, as we are as Consciousness. We are each filled with abhorrent thoughts, unkind thoughts, hurt, violent considerations to some degree.We are each filled with love, respect, appreciation, compassion to some degree.  We need to allow ourselves to make peace and reconcile what does not seem reconcilable. With our pasts, our presents, our neighbors, those who need help, those who take, those who enjoy creating dissention and disaster.

We do this be inviting Consciousness to be present, acknowledging what we did or did not do, what and where it hurts and to kiss it better. We are all still children appreciating and looking for that someone to kiss our owies and make it better.

That someone is us.

Listen in to our great show " Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet "weekly at Wednesday 11am Pacific on the CTR network to feel support and awareness and new ways to deal with life.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into the Beyond