Monday, April 24, 2017

Consciousness and Leaders and Followers

I am heartened by what I see happening in this upheaval of Consciousness. Among all the negative energies present people are responding to what doesn't feel right, what they have taken for granted. People are getting active about choices in their lives and recognizing their own complacency and directing and expressing one's own inner course in new ways.

Consciousness embodies into each of us. Each, in our own unique way is expressing the spectrum of Consciousness. Each is important in the scheme of things and yet we may have no awareness of that. Whether we view others as enemy, cannon fodder or somewhat higher in the pecking order they are important to the whole, if not to other individuals. The same for ourselves.

This life is the playing field of Being. You can BE anything. You can change how you BE. You can unfold into your truths when you know them, when you know how not to be victim to one's own creation.

We, first and foremost, are always, always, leaders of self. We may not rule over others but we always rule ourselves. Coming to understand this is vital to a enriched experience of life.

Many of us do not. Much outside of us forms and will dictate how we view ourselves. Which is our setup. We may have been trained to be followers. Great mentoring allows for the young to learn and train and at some point become their own individual without loss to the mentor. Often leaders are not so much born and created as they are fostered into being.

Followers support the leader. And when you allow yourself to be swayed by another, as you are always the ultimate voice in your life, you are a follower.  We agree to let others rule us. You can be supportive or grudging in your following.

In our social media we have created a society and exposed ourselves to a world full of false idols representing unimportant qualities to follow that many might not recognize as such. We allow ourselves to be dazzled easily with the show. Mind and Heart Centered Awareness get farther apart. Emotions of all kinds, needs and wants sway us.

For many they find themselves enchanted by others who will say "I am the way." They can feel swept up and carried along and it seems okay. Life is easier and safer to not to have to question and figure life out sometimes. We can focus on other things.

A minority group of people who feel they have not been heard or valued created a leader out of a businessman who was saying what played to their insecurities, many that he mirrors and fosters. But there are different kind of businessmen and this one is not philanthropic in nature or being. and the business is himself. He is the king of branding of himself as better than other. Compassion and community are not his guidelines. Separation and acting out are.

Compassion and community are my guidelines. Are they yours? It is up to each of us to find our own leadership of what is valuable and how to welcome the minority in collaborating to new ways of ruling. You can not do this by viewing them as enemy, whatever side of a border they may be on.

Access Heart Centered Awareness and go beyond the illusion the Other presents and you will find the frightened, the corrupted, the misunderstood etc.  Allow for Grace and Potential and see what happens in the interaction. You might be very surprised. You will certainly feel different.

What's in your leader?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment