We are all One, individuals sharing in the spectrum that is Consciousness. What makes us up as individuals is information unique to each of us, as our stories, issues. and experiences. They can be viewed as connected bits of I, patterns of photons of light and biomass, vibrations, frequencies, resonances. Like ticker tapes of continuous flow, bits and pieces of information connected. The ticker tape is filled with existing information but it doesn't have to be linear. You might see it as a cloud of information holding together. I am sure there are many different ways to observe.
The last couple of weeks have brought up awareness about Random, it's power and how to align oneself with it in useful ways. How can there be Random in connected bits and pieces?
I did start to relate differently to Random once I got into Consciousness Technologies. That was because once I realized the scope of Consciousness there is no Random, just what is unknown from the human perspective. All is known to Consciousness. Remember the spectrum that it is. What is not known speaks to the Self. When I am being me I view life through a narrowed filter. Consciousness is the big picture. So Random would just be those things that are part of the whole but not seen in totality through that narrowed lense. Information out there, perhaps not yet known in my story.
We like our control. It keeps us safe. It is good to have. We just want it to be a state of flow and not a thing that limits us. We like having answers, knowledge, explanations. We like predictability. Our left brains are wired to create it. There is comfort and ease in the expected no matter whether it is going to be judged good or bad.
If you are into Random then you have less control and then you can be affected by outside influences and systems without awareness. Stress is felt. I don't know how much our human system design, for instance, has a capacity and allowance for Random. or for the unknown. For a child, Random can be hard to figure out and create stress. We develop differently when we have security of any kind.
Yet our brains are also wired for access to Consciousness through our right brain.
For many, Random doesn't feel good. It can create victims. We can have the sense that information or actions can come out of left field. Or as the stab in the back we never saw coming. Events leading up to someone being in a particular place at a particular time that would to seem to have no meaning but bring out unexpected consequences. Birth and death and all the events of Life that can happen in between can seem mysterious and out of control.
IF we can step back, out of our emotions and gain perspective we can observe Random differently. We can also allow that in a life, potential and energies, can come and go and intersect in unpredictable, or observable ways or in ways beyond our learned limits.
Embracing Random might be an interestingly expansive reality set. Tolerance and a capacity for allowance for differences might result. What would it be like to have more unplanned, unexpected influences and events happening without a threat to the status quo or safety? Could it allow for more wonder in your life? What if you status quo and safety included variety and range of experiences and feelings? What if you didn't have to feel as a victim to randomness? Take out the judgment.
Access Heart Centered Awareness and play.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Monday, March 27, 2017
Monday, March 20, 2017
Consciousness and the Body and Boat Approaches to Life
We all have had the epiphany moments where we knew life would be different. They tend to stop us in our tracks and choices have to be made. What if it was also in our small movements and moments? And only took a checking in.
Because a life lived from within the framework of our authentic voice as Consciousness acknowledged and listened to will do that. Ease is about flow and when it becomes present, then the issues, (rapids) in our flow become ways we are free to check in and reevaluate how our lives are going, flowing.
How do we move on the flow? Like a boat on water small course corrections may be needed from time to time in response to where we want to go and to the flows of the surrounding waters and their ripples.
You can use your body as paddle power. Or, there are two ways to power a boat, motor and sail. Both are an extension of hand power. Motor boats will power through the water. The engine is doing all the work, forcing the boat along its path. A sailboat cuts through the surface and in alignment with the wind on your face. It channels through your hands onto the sails. All means connect to our hearts as extensions of our hands and arms and body.
Both our body and boats have their uses and suit their dynamics to different parts of our personalities. Just calling up the memories of being on the water puts me back into that reality of delight. I can feel the light spray of moisture on my face in this moment. The sun, light, wind and company. This is what I want in Life. To glide effortlessly, in tandem with my surroundings, enjoying the sun on my face and the emotional rewards of meeting the challenge of Being.
Accessing Heart Centered Awareness and being in the reality that Life is always presenting opportunities to be an empowered opportunity is fun. If I let go of my need to have Life be difficult, much more is possible.
Right now, in this moment check in how that statement hit you. Access Heart Centered Awareness and ask if your life needs to be difficult. What do you get out of difficult? No judgment here. Just allow for your connection to bring information to an aware level. It can be as a voice, picture, or just a knowing, etc.. And, if you feel that difficult is intrinsic to your makeup just notice that. And, let the next layer of knowing show up.
Then let register that your awareness can make the difference and empower a sense of before and now. Because if you are in Heart Centered Awareness then you are in the Infinite Sea of Potential and transformational energy is happening. Notice what you become aware of now.
Both body and boats will get us where we want to go. They require different resources and will feel differently to the body and psyche. You may prefer one over the other. None is right or wrong, just different. What they share is their giving us a sense of relating to our environment and the waters that make up Life.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Monday, March 13, 2017
Consciousness and Kissing our OWIES Better
OWIE kissed |
Consciousness is inviting us to challenge our status quo on how we show up in our lives. Our moments are ripe to embrace the hidden, the confused, the outward influences showing up as issues that keep us trapped into thinking too small.To keep us from feeling powerful and recognizing we each are the Sacred.
Can we keep accessing states of hiding, denying, compromising on a continuous basis to keep ourselves seemingly safe? Yes and many live this way. Is it helpful? Only if you allow being scared more important than knowing. I have witnessed time and again people choosing what they think they know, right or wrong, instead of allowing for the truth to be present. It is safer to hurt because that is what we we are willing to settle for than to risk not hurting in the same way. Kind of silly.
Issues that concern us all are in our faces. Our biases about what people look, sound and believe in. Our willingness to take care of the elderly, the poor and the sick. A long held assertion that women are less valuable than men. Everyone is affected by these questions. Across the border north and south, east and west. People are being moved as they have never been before to take action.
We have not been truthful with ourselves but most of us don't have systems in place to be okay to explore and undo or even think that we can tackle our issues in quick easy, useful ways. We might not feel resourceful.
The growing field of Consciousness Technologies will offer new ways to engage life.
Accessing Heart Centered Awareness is key and the answer. What we find when we recognize ourselves as Consciousness gives us the perspective to re calibrate, reorganize our thinking, our beliefs, our limits. We open to what is possible within and beyond your current thinking framework of Being and Potential provides the means. Being present. The power of being free enough of one's story of issue to let in for something new.
To recognize how powerful our pasts dictate our futures you only have to listen. The stories are filled with energy and propellent, emotion. We have to stop the story to stop the runaway train of thought. Only then can one be brought into the moment and check in. Is your past true in this moment? If so, is it different? We can register the shifts right then and there. Only by recreating the past stories can it show up again. And if it does, as it can, it can not be the same. For you have had awareness and potential interact.
This is why a lot of us fear change. Because we know, on the level of where we hold ourselves as ourselves that if we change some little things the sense of self, our control, recognizes itself as the house of cards that it is.
Which is to be celebrated. To be encouraged right now. Bringing our hidden, denied and confused parts into the light of awareness allows us to be whole. Again, as we are as Consciousness. We are each filled with abhorrent thoughts, unkind thoughts, hurt, violent considerations to some degree.We are each filled with love, respect, appreciation, compassion to some degree. We need to allow ourselves to make peace and reconcile what does not seem reconcilable. With our pasts, our presents, our neighbors, those who need help, those who take, those who enjoy creating dissention and disaster.
We do this be inviting Consciousness to be present, acknowledging what we did or did not do, what and where it hurts and to kiss it better. We are all still children appreciating and looking for that someone to kiss our owies and make it better.
That someone is us.
Listen in to our great show " Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet "weekly at Wednesday 11am Pacific on the CTR network to feel support and awareness and new ways to deal with life.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into the Beyond
Monday, March 6, 2017
Consciousness and Differences
One of the many delights of being open, present and in the moment is that I never really know what people are going to bring with them to play with into group.
Last week brought a lovely mix of reality adventurers! One individual came from Detroit, Michigan who was here for an event in our area. And she fit right in with us. Sometimes one might feel alone or out of sync in our home environments but she has looked forward to coming as she was here last year and things changed in her world. She receives this weekly writing and follows along but being here in person and feeling the dynamics jump started her sense of being in a different way.
Knowing that Heart Centered Awareness has no boundaries is different than understanding that Heart Centered Awareness has no boundaries. Knowing is right brain, understanding is left brain. She remindrf me why it is always fun to have someone be able to attend group more than once. It is about building states references. What do I mean by that?
We have all been to an some kind of event and had a shared experience. Sometimes it feels individual and then there are those experiences that transcend differences and unites all as one and you feel it. Music concerts for instance. No matter the kind of music, if it is music you resonate to, sound registers a different place within. Bypasses the thinking as we register the frequencies and changes or alters our state.
It is easier to feel something different when you are in an atmosphere that is reality based in things being different. For ten years or so I was fortunate to help facilitate at 55 Matrix Energetics seminars. Staff would have the opportunity to host luncheon forums for the new students. I tended to be asked to lead a group about using Matrix Energetics in daily life. We expected that some might have transition issues with taking what they learned and experienced in three days and keeping it alive and real when home. What if you have no one to share your new awareness with?
We wind up making this about the difference in Believing and Being. Two different states. Believing is about your thinking and then how you feel as a result. Being is about feeling, embodying and then your thoughts that come out of that state.
So when we get home it can be a great place to collapse the state awareness of Being back to Believing. Most of us are not trained to hold that Potential, which is what is activated, is real. Call your experience what you want and we have the power to talk ourselves out of what happened. I witnessed this all the time with students. I can still do it on myself. We act out our boxes of limitations of how the world works, how our bodies work and triggers can be everywhere. And then many of us know of those who experience was transcendent and their references changed. Life changed for them.
Most of us go home and we can feel like something is lost. The truth is our hearts register the same. Our minds though might say it must be different. And really the only difference is that in seminar there will be more people reflecting back potential and building the state of awareness for it.
One reason I created weekly playgroups years ago was because I realized that once a month was not going to build within me a state of reference and that included others who could reflect back to me in this game of Life. Too many naysayers in my world. Not so many now and they don't bother me.
That is why I always encourage people to come to group weekly. As I said above, sometimes it feels individual and then there are those experiences that transcend differences and unites all as one and you feel it. This is what we find in Heart Centered Awareness, our sense of the Collective. Whether I am in a group setting or on my own I can feel it. It is real.
That is why I use Consciousness tools daily. I value myself. I get to check in and play with how I set myself up to Be and explore, quest, repair, and enjoy what being alive is all about.
I don't believe I live.
I am alive.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Last week brought a lovely mix of reality adventurers! One individual came from Detroit, Michigan who was here for an event in our area. And she fit right in with us. Sometimes one might feel alone or out of sync in our home environments but she has looked forward to coming as she was here last year and things changed in her world. She receives this weekly writing and follows along but being here in person and feeling the dynamics jump started her sense of being in a different way.
Knowing that Heart Centered Awareness has no boundaries is different than understanding that Heart Centered Awareness has no boundaries. Knowing is right brain, understanding is left brain. She remindrf me why it is always fun to have someone be able to attend group more than once. It is about building states references. What do I mean by that?
We have all been to an some kind of event and had a shared experience. Sometimes it feels individual and then there are those experiences that transcend differences and unites all as one and you feel it. Music concerts for instance. No matter the kind of music, if it is music you resonate to, sound registers a different place within. Bypasses the thinking as we register the frequencies and changes or alters our state.
It is easier to feel something different when you are in an atmosphere that is reality based in things being different. For ten years or so I was fortunate to help facilitate at 55 Matrix Energetics seminars. Staff would have the opportunity to host luncheon forums for the new students. I tended to be asked to lead a group about using Matrix Energetics in daily life. We expected that some might have transition issues with taking what they learned and experienced in three days and keeping it alive and real when home. What if you have no one to share your new awareness with?
We wind up making this about the difference in Believing and Being. Two different states. Believing is about your thinking and then how you feel as a result. Being is about feeling, embodying and then your thoughts that come out of that state.
So when we get home it can be a great place to collapse the state awareness of Being back to Believing. Most of us are not trained to hold that Potential, which is what is activated, is real. Call your experience what you want and we have the power to talk ourselves out of what happened. I witnessed this all the time with students. I can still do it on myself. We act out our boxes of limitations of how the world works, how our bodies work and triggers can be everywhere. And then many of us know of those who experience was transcendent and their references changed. Life changed for them.
Most of us go home and we can feel like something is lost. The truth is our hearts register the same. Our minds though might say it must be different. And really the only difference is that in seminar there will be more people reflecting back potential and building the state of awareness for it.
One reason I created weekly playgroups years ago was because I realized that once a month was not going to build within me a state of reference and that included others who could reflect back to me in this game of Life. Too many naysayers in my world. Not so many now and they don't bother me.
That is why I always encourage people to come to group weekly. As I said above, sometimes it feels individual and then there are those experiences that transcend differences and unites all as one and you feel it. This is what we find in Heart Centered Awareness, our sense of the Collective. Whether I am in a group setting or on my own I can feel it. It is real.
That is why I use Consciousness tools daily. I value myself. I get to check in and play with how I set myself up to Be and explore, quest, repair, and enjoy what being alive is all about.
I don't believe I live.
I am alive.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment