Monday, October 29, 2018

Consciousness and Powerful Enough to Vote

Consciousness and Powerful Enough to Vote

What do any of us know?
What do you think is true and what do you believe in?
How many of your beliefs are true to you or what you have been told to believe in?
What do you know from within and how is that different that what you have knowledge of?
Do you value life or just some life?
When are we being led by our fears, frustrations and numbness of what life seems to be filled with?

We each are filled with presumed truths, conditional truths, quasi truths, truths we were told were true and maybe are and maybe aren't. We are filled with truths that seemed like truth at one time and now we realize never were truths.Or what was true once is now no longer.

It is the now to recognize them and clear them out.

We are not always set up within to notice the differences in what we feel as truth and reported truths. We have"dumbed" ourselves down.

We have different mechanisms at play within us that always are available to value truth subject to both our biases and our inner knowing, our intuitive bell. There is the biased voice of self and the unbiased intuitive voice we find in accessing ourselves as Consciousness. We can see, hear a supposed truth and not question it. And then we can register how our internal mechanism is hearing/reading/seeing interpreting and the resulting feeling of the statement, word or vision.

Sometimes we will listen to that bell, our internal intuitive voice over the internal judgmental voice of self. It may not make sense but it rings true in some way. That just indicates that your references are not at that setting. So sometimes you don't listen. Depends on the emotional state you are in at the time. And I would offer that when you don't listen to the bell usually you will reflect later on wishing only if you had.

We are not judging the biased voice of self which is unique to each of us. You might not notice them as the triggers are hidden at times. We are noticing when the biased voice is in a reactive state and not listening. 

In the current information state that we call daily life, statements are flying fast and furious. We need to be on our toes and paying attention when we are hearing, seeing and feeling things and where they come together.

In this context I will remind you how important you are to all of us, even if you don't feel important in your world. You being you counts. And we know this as you have power. You have a vote not only in a voting booth but with your assault rifle.

However you vote it matters. Every vote matters. So often we can feel marginalized or don't like our choices and it can feel feel powerful to use resistance or non participation as your answer in the voting booth. And that a powerful choice that affects all of us as does your vote of elimination with your rifle. 

Sometimes life doesn't present choices that are what we would like them to be. It is then up to us to participate in making it work. But not engaging leaves it up to the few who do for nature loves to fill the vacuum that is now present in your non appearance.

Access your interior space as you listen in to what is going on around you. You can be in a mindset that is limiting in harmful ways to you and others. Notice the difference between what is said and how it truly registers to you. Feel how it supports your biases. Self has all kinds of biases at any one moment. Which ones are you supporting? Give your interior intuitive connection to Consciousness its voice and place. It is free of your biased agendas.

If your bias supports feeling emotional, small, reactive, more important over another, at risk, check in. Something, someone may wear a face and speak of exclusion as a powerful way to act and it is. And we are very foolish in seeing enemies our of neighbors as an automatic, knee jerk reaction and resentful for being brought to that point.

Our challenges can seem hard as the physical realms encompass both rigid and pliable dynamics.  In this day and age of Photoshop, CGI  and social media you can not always have a deep sense of trust. So many are pushing agendas and biases that can slip under your radar in the business or the assault we may find what we call daily life these days.

Go inward. I use the term Heart Centered Awareness as it is free of a lot of bias for me. It is the Field of Unified Consciousness. You use your word for the quiet and sacred space in you.

Notice what is up in your face and what it would be like to step back and engage differently.

Don't make this time about a fight or a battle. That is part of the problem now. It does not matter the party or the color or the look of another. It is our humanity and essence awareness of ourselves and each other as Consciousness that is at play. The rest of it is just distraction.

We are noticing what we have failed to pay attention to or took for granted in our past. And now is not then when one is being present.

Notice what is important to you. Notice the emotional energy present and go beneath that to what is truly at play for you.

Then vote your Consciousness.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment

Monday, October 22, 2018

Consciousness and Appreciating our Evolutionary Powers

Some people might not be comfortable with evolution and what if feels like. Yet it is how we move forward as an individual within a culture, as a species.

It is time to be quit trying to say we are okay when we are not. It is time to stop lying to ourselves. It is time to be kind to ourselves and let go of all the stuff that feels ugly.

It is time for self care, reflection and appreciating who we have allowed ourselves to evolve into. Which may be very different from what we want to continue to express. It is the difference of expressing from within the world of our wounds to expressing from the wisdom gained from those wounds. Recognizing and accessing our evolutionary powers at play that are available in every moment.

It is time to acknowledge inside what aches, pains, dis-beliefs, compromises, slights we have been holding inside for maybe years, maybe for lifetimes. It is time to release the trapped energies into freedom, which is what potential is. It is what we let go of in order to feel fresh, clean, vibrant, whole.   It is time to realize that you can let go.

Our human forms can find working on our stuff has not always been rewarding when so often when it comes to time and space and thinking, feeling emotions and body sensations, the specialties of the human embodiment. Therapy, process and healing often consume time. This can be a vital drain of resources.

There is another mindset, reality, where time, space and process register differently. Accessing oneself as part of the Field of Unified consciousness, Heart Centered Awareness, where time and space are malleable and doesn't hold the same meaning is useful. Those of us who utilize consciousness technologies embrace being able to engage in alternate mindsets to experience shift in what our daily realities in the burdens of being human are involved in. Developing technologies in sciences, and medical fields along with philosophical considerations are exploring the powers of the human organism in fresh terms. Which is really involving our minds to reconnect with our sense of Consciousness and engaging new powerful mind states.

Changing mindsets is accessing new rule sets of where there is no time or space to concern or color our informational states. We are in a different relation with our logical, time oriented left brain of cause and effect. We are in our right brain which is involved with symbols and story oriented, and feelings. New perspectives are available with these two working together as a whole brain informational state.  We are then free to engage body, mind, spirit in a different unity with perhaps different references, perhaps with no labels. Energies are then free to be noticed in new ways.

We can easily and quickly access change in how we feel about the past in our personal and common events. We change how we relate to the ingredients in our stories about life. Patterns of behavior, sensations of the physical form may be felt differently and free us from past dictates and story lines.

You come to appreciate how we each separately and collectively create our human experiences. Turning off the judgment which self and the body form are involved in opens us up to relating energetically in new ways. Situations and experiences of all kinds become evolutionary power, shifting us from the suffering that our human qualities embody so often, so well, to simply old frames of reference in this physical realm of contrast and into new evolved human experiences.

Take time to access your inner consciousness core and reflect anew on your old concerns and issues. In the quiet notice what comes into focus and play. Look at how you have packaged it and take the packaging off in some way. Sense what is really at play and how it might relate to the whole of you. Engage your evolutionary abilities and feel different. You will. Value that. Engage that as real and let it resonate in your field strong. Feel it and be it as you go about daily life.

You will come to appreciate that with new free non agenda perspectives what and who you feel yourself to be is truly only illusion. What you feel in both thinking, body sensation and emotional resonances are only flavors about being projected from within your holographic form. You can change those flavors. That is what evolution is all about.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Consciousness and Coming to Terms

In this wonderful epoch of time and space we find ourselves uncovering and revealing what we feel ®challenged by that has perhaps been forgotten but lingers both deeply and just beneath our surfaces. We are acknowledging what we have hidden, or maybe not felt up to reconciling in a past moment to another time. 

The moment is now. This moment is all about stopping the hiding. Lingering emotions and patterns of behavior that attract like to like can stop. It is time to acknowledge our pains and reconcile our senses of self into our lives. We can't change the past but we can change how we relate to it. And when we do this we change our present and future self. This is what happens when we are honest with ourselves as Consciousness in action, free of human judgement.

We have chosen to play this out as a society and it presently is not pretty. We can't miss it. We can distracted by how this energy presents itself in so many ways as often blatant misdirection is active and so many rocks have been overturned. We are emotion packed packages in human form. Angered, confused, resentful, depressed, shamed, etc. Name any emotion and it is present. It can be felt as overwhelm, shut down, exhaustion, numbness, whiny. We are tired of feeling.

It has been a long time coming this reconciling and dealing with that which we have not dealt with before. What we do with our opportunity is up to the individual.

You can be blind to what you are seeing when it is mislabeled, misidentified, camouflaged. You can be trapped in your beliefs that keep you innocent of someone else's manipulations and conditions. 

When we are coming from within our humanity we judge. We reason and rationalize our feelings, our thoughts and our behaviors in order to feel okay. We are not always wise when doing this. The biases we have in place will dictate outcomes.

If our interior judge is a hanging judge we are not getting a fair trail. We may find ourselves judged as lacking and judged to be in need of punishment. Many of our current cultures and some religions excel at this approach. It has dominated the societal and emotional landscapes for a very long time.

When we are engaging from within ourselves as Consciousness there is no judge, just information.
Make the time now to access Heart Centered Awareness as in this state time and space are fluid and what comes up can shift. You can feel better, more relaxed, with a different sense of wholeness. You can find yourself free to feel free of what has troubled you for so long. 

In this state what is revealed is coming from a neutral agenda. The information that presents itself is free of judgment.  It is a way to appreciate our experiences in being and view them again without our biases, titles and labels. 

What if we each used this time and space to acknowledge:

The slight,
The compromises,
The times you felt less than.

The time you made a choice that created havoc, not bliss, intentional or otherwise.
The time you made a choice when there was no choice to be made.
The time you gave up another piece of your autonomy, for someone else, to fit in, to be important.
The choice made in the moment that is lasting for a lifetime of regret.
The thing you feel you can not forgive yourself for.

Our lists can seem to be long. After all you have been judging yourself for a very long time.

The time you blamed others for what was lacking inside.
The time you were angry at others for what was lacking inside.
The time you made it about you and what your wants were when it wasn't about you. 
The time you were arrogant in your sense of entitlement at the belittlement of others, knowingly or unknowingly.
The time you went past the stranger on the street looking away.
The time you used others to gain what you wanted.
The time you did not listen to your inner voice.
The time you did not speak up.
The time you played it safe.

The ways I judge myself for keeping myself safe?

What do we do with what we find inside acting like Russian dolls?

In this state of grace, warmth, support and non judgment?

We love it, accept it, and it will begin to register and feel different. We don't fight it, we don't deny it, we don't try and make it better. We don't hold it against ourselves. Even those actions that harmed others. This may seem beyond possible for those not familiar with consciousness technologies. It is not.

As outcome our human can offer sincerity, restitution, acknowledgment of the slight, apologize, ask for forgiveness. We can confess the slight from within the sincere awareness that we each can have and hold. 

We can extend a helping hand, we can let down our arms, we can take life out of a battle plan logistics and engage differently. All involve the energy of the heart. as vital not as vacuum.

In order to experience more of my own light and you yours we have to allow ourselves to shed what we have made our humanity to be and undo the covering of our radiating internal light. And to celebrate the New Order.

We can  appreciate each as the creative dynamic we each are and look inside to how we are connecting to each other. Enemy or friend? Victim or abuser? Equals but different. Each position will bring about different outcomes, wisdom, sharing, truths. In your state of potential pick someone you are challenged to engage neutrally. See what happens when letting go of your fears and expectations and presumptions.

Don't save this work to a better time, better space, better whatever. You are affecting your life, your family, your work, whatever is important to you and to all of us by waiting.

We are able, willing, ready, deserving, as Grand Master Yuen of the YuenMethod® would say. What if you knew that you were?

Love, compassion, forgiveness, pardon, whatever it is that makes the individual feel whole, complete, nourished, connected is present in our spectrum of possibilities. Use this list on yourself first and see what happens.

Just use it.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Consciousness and the State of I Am

It seems appropriate to write about the sense of self that emerges when one focuses inward. More than ever finding our inner focus and voice is invaluable. We want to be present but not in the same old ways.

Those old ways of dealing with our worlds are not working as well as they used to. We are different. Consciousness is on the move and how we respond is different.   

Some will use meditation, acts of mindfulness, pet their pet, walk in nature, etc. to help reorient fresh. And many of us are finding that using consciousness technologies can be helpful. All approaches are active and alive states of engaging in our worlds. 

We engage with any of the above for a sense of peace and true placement of being. Not as escape or punishment or because we are told it is good for us. How many of us would find that to be the Kiss of Death? 

We may be moved to go inward as a suggested healing action or as a religious act or just from the state of contemplation. The truth is that it does feel good. We may have a sense of  replenished or just being free from the chatter. 

We engage these disciplines and practices in appreciation of our unseen connections that are all around and within us. It feels good to connect and realize how big we are without knowing how big we are. Our intuitive natures and skill sets enjoy the play if they have been muted in the day to day of your life.  

I am not trained in meditation, or mindfulness so I can not speak with any authority about them. I always had problems with the postures of body and breath. These valued and old traditions are about the benefits of that come with disciplines of mind and the body in form. I never get past the pain in my body from disciplined positions and breathing patterns. And yet I am able to reach within in my own way as no way, all ways.  

Even so I utilize parts of the practices of meditation and mindfulness as part of my consciousness. For me the postures of body and breath spring out naturally then and in a state of relaxation I notice. I notice information as thoughts, feelings, questions, curiosity. I let things that mind has made into a some thing or challenge to be faced and solved and appreciate them in different ways. I am free to appreciate the creativity at play as issue and then allow for more creativity to engage. For instance the ache between my shoulders releasing when I shift the state it has been in as there, not there. And it is gone. It might be in my attachment to a thought and then noticing that it was not what I thought it was. 

I find the calm and sacred in the stillness inside. Our approaches can be different and how we utilize the state may vary. But all are going to have a non attachment quality to them. We free ourselves from the dictates of the everyday clatter for the everyday silence within. Then we play in the field of potential that is part of the essence of being. The being present as an active state of interaction where the rules of this physical reality slip into the quantum realities states of noticing there, not there. 

Accessing ourselves as Consciousness, as members in the Field of Unified Consciousness, in Heart Centered Awareness is helpful in the frantic upheaval present in and around us. Choosing to engage life in this way helps me be clear in the difference of being present and believing I am present. And why this awareness is important. I can then recognize that beliefs, the things I choose to believe in and align myself with are my choices. I am aware of the difference in belief and truth. 

I was fortunate that there were those along my path to help me with this. I am present, just as you are, and I have no question about that anymore. I am not present because of anything I believe in. I am. I am and not because of who others say I am. They just play into my stories of my identity and choices. 

This was helpful for me as I began to understand and appreciate myself in my human experience.  Life is about the display of power expressed it seems out of the life force vitality. Much of what is up in the field right now is about how we experience ourselves as dynamic power in action in the human form. How much power we each embody will influence our choices and experiences. 

What is in your state of being present?   What is your state of I Am? 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment