Monday, October 22, 2018

Consciousness and Appreciating our Evolutionary Powers

Some people might not be comfortable with evolution and what if feels like. Yet it is how we move forward as an individual within a culture, as a species.

It is time to be quit trying to say we are okay when we are not. It is time to stop lying to ourselves. It is time to be kind to ourselves and let go of all the stuff that feels ugly.

It is time for self care, reflection and appreciating who we have allowed ourselves to evolve into. Which may be very different from what we want to continue to express. It is the difference of expressing from within the world of our wounds to expressing from the wisdom gained from those wounds. Recognizing and accessing our evolutionary powers at play that are available in every moment.

It is time to acknowledge inside what aches, pains, dis-beliefs, compromises, slights we have been holding inside for maybe years, maybe for lifetimes. It is time to release the trapped energies into freedom, which is what potential is. It is what we let go of in order to feel fresh, clean, vibrant, whole.   It is time to realize that you can let go.

Our human forms can find working on our stuff has not always been rewarding when so often when it comes to time and space and thinking, feeling emotions and body sensations, the specialties of the human embodiment. Therapy, process and healing often consume time. This can be a vital drain of resources.

There is another mindset, reality, where time, space and process register differently. Accessing oneself as part of the Field of Unified consciousness, Heart Centered Awareness, where time and space are malleable and doesn't hold the same meaning is useful. Those of us who utilize consciousness technologies embrace being able to engage in alternate mindsets to experience shift in what our daily realities in the burdens of being human are involved in. Developing technologies in sciences, and medical fields along with philosophical considerations are exploring the powers of the human organism in fresh terms. Which is really involving our minds to reconnect with our sense of Consciousness and engaging new powerful mind states.

Changing mindsets is accessing new rule sets of where there is no time or space to concern or color our informational states. We are in a different relation with our logical, time oriented left brain of cause and effect. We are in our right brain which is involved with symbols and story oriented, and feelings. New perspectives are available with these two working together as a whole brain informational state.  We are then free to engage body, mind, spirit in a different unity with perhaps different references, perhaps with no labels. Energies are then free to be noticed in new ways.

We can easily and quickly access change in how we feel about the past in our personal and common events. We change how we relate to the ingredients in our stories about life. Patterns of behavior, sensations of the physical form may be felt differently and free us from past dictates and story lines.

You come to appreciate how we each separately and collectively create our human experiences. Turning off the judgment which self and the body form are involved in opens us up to relating energetically in new ways. Situations and experiences of all kinds become evolutionary power, shifting us from the suffering that our human qualities embody so often, so well, to simply old frames of reference in this physical realm of contrast and into new evolved human experiences.

Take time to access your inner consciousness core and reflect anew on your old concerns and issues. In the quiet notice what comes into focus and play. Look at how you have packaged it and take the packaging off in some way. Sense what is really at play and how it might relate to the whole of you. Engage your evolutionary abilities and feel different. You will. Value that. Engage that as real and let it resonate in your field strong. Feel it and be it as you go about daily life.

You will come to appreciate that with new free non agenda perspectives what and who you feel yourself to be is truly only illusion. What you feel in both thinking, body sensation and emotional resonances are only flavors about being projected from within your holographic form. You can change those flavors. That is what evolution is all about.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment