Monday, October 1, 2018

Consciousness and the State of I Am

It seems appropriate to write about the sense of self that emerges when one focuses inward. More than ever finding our inner focus and voice is invaluable. We want to be present but not in the same old ways.

Those old ways of dealing with our worlds are not working as well as they used to. We are different. Consciousness is on the move and how we respond is different.   

Some will use meditation, acts of mindfulness, pet their pet, walk in nature, etc. to help reorient fresh. And many of us are finding that using consciousness technologies can be helpful. All approaches are active and alive states of engaging in our worlds. 

We engage with any of the above for a sense of peace and true placement of being. Not as escape or punishment or because we are told it is good for us. How many of us would find that to be the Kiss of Death? 

We may be moved to go inward as a suggested healing action or as a religious act or just from the state of contemplation. The truth is that it does feel good. We may have a sense of  replenished or just being free from the chatter. 

We engage these disciplines and practices in appreciation of our unseen connections that are all around and within us. It feels good to connect and realize how big we are without knowing how big we are. Our intuitive natures and skill sets enjoy the play if they have been muted in the day to day of your life.  

I am not trained in meditation, or mindfulness so I can not speak with any authority about them. I always had problems with the postures of body and breath. These valued and old traditions are about the benefits of that come with disciplines of mind and the body in form. I never get past the pain in my body from disciplined positions and breathing patterns. And yet I am able to reach within in my own way as no way, all ways.  

Even so I utilize parts of the practices of meditation and mindfulness as part of my consciousness. For me the postures of body and breath spring out naturally then and in a state of relaxation I notice. I notice information as thoughts, feelings, questions, curiosity. I let things that mind has made into a some thing or challenge to be faced and solved and appreciate them in different ways. I am free to appreciate the creativity at play as issue and then allow for more creativity to engage. For instance the ache between my shoulders releasing when I shift the state it has been in as there, not there. And it is gone. It might be in my attachment to a thought and then noticing that it was not what I thought it was. 

I find the calm and sacred in the stillness inside. Our approaches can be different and how we utilize the state may vary. But all are going to have a non attachment quality to them. We free ourselves from the dictates of the everyday clatter for the everyday silence within. Then we play in the field of potential that is part of the essence of being. The being present as an active state of interaction where the rules of this physical reality slip into the quantum realities states of noticing there, not there. 

Accessing ourselves as Consciousness, as members in the Field of Unified Consciousness, in Heart Centered Awareness is helpful in the frantic upheaval present in and around us. Choosing to engage life in this way helps me be clear in the difference of being present and believing I am present. And why this awareness is important. I can then recognize that beliefs, the things I choose to believe in and align myself with are my choices. I am aware of the difference in belief and truth. 

I was fortunate that there were those along my path to help me with this. I am present, just as you are, and I have no question about that anymore. I am not present because of anything I believe in. I am. I am and not because of who others say I am. They just play into my stories of my identity and choices. 

This was helpful for me as I began to understand and appreciate myself in my human experience.  Life is about the display of power expressed it seems out of the life force vitality. Much of what is up in the field right now is about how we experience ourselves as dynamic power in action in the human form. How much power we each embody will influence our choices and experiences. 

What is in your state of being present?   What is your state of I Am? 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment