Monday, March 19, 2018

Consciousness and the State that is Love

How we connect to one another is the foundation to much of what is at issue right now in these  turbulent and productive times for us as humans. Uproar invites releasing old stuck energies that we have all been holding deep within. It is essential to changing how we are in our systems of community and society to understand what we are inside as we relate with each other. 

We are not meant to be free of our emotional connections. Logic will never override emotional dynamics. but is meant to run parallel, in tandem with one another. Remember it was when both Captain Kirk and Spock worked together appreciating each other's emotion and logic that the Enterprise was in good command and a safe and happy ship.

So it was not so surprising when the notion of love came up in group this week: No matter the form love is in, agape or romantic it is about connection and at our core. It is in our chemistry how well we foster connection. 

So take a moment if you would and shift your awareness to your core and notice what you notice about love. Many considerations and conditions were mentioned as we opened up as Consciousness in group.

We started with our awareness of love and what we call love. What does it mean, to love? Did this questioning mindset come from within knowing what love is or if it is in knowing what love isn't?

What is love? Love. It is a state of emotion, a feeling of deep affection. It can be felt as putting others before oneself to the cost of one own life. It has no conditions. It is neither unconditional or conditional but that is the way we have organized it. We can love someone and yet not like their behavior.

Most of us have been filled with words of love that have nothing to do with love but some conditional form of it. I will repeat myself. Love has no conditions. If it can be held back or based on performance it is not love.

We are beings of connection and relationship. It is instinctive to do all we can to know what love and care is. Doesn't matter if it is a street gang, robot or a stay at home parent. Doesn't matter what is in the connection. It all gets interpreted as some kind of love and value.

Mammalian babies develop and bond with others who provide regular care and attention.Their physical and emotional development will suffer if connection is not provided or is random. They will die from lack of attention. Babies don't have a sense of past or future. They only know the now. Irregardless if their needs are being met memory is starting to build about what love is. Love is becoming conditional when it is not offered as basic nourishment. Emotions can become uncomfortable and unrewarding.

There is no difference in our love for a tree or a person or a pet except for the form it may take with different attachments. We might value one more important than another. Yet, at its essence there is no difference just different levels of interaction and actions.

Here are some other thoughts that came up to contemplate and notice:

Is there a difference in how you treat your friends and how you treat yourself? For some this was true and eye opening.

Are you free to demonstrate love? In some ways safety came up.

Love and saving another. Love does not save anyone but we can think that it should or that it makes a difference. Anything can happen in the state of love.

Love and actions taken in the name of love are not always congruent. Back to the conditions and compromises. It can all get very confusing what love is and feels like. Behaviors that degrade are not about love but about the lack of love. 

What if our love is not received or reciprocated? How is that more about you than them?

Is love enough? Yes, love is enough. Love allows for differences. Love is beyond our disappointments and considerations that we often mix it into. We can say we love and then hold back. The need to feel connected is so important we are sometimes willing to compromise our safety and well being and call it love.

If you hold one another or this planet in deep affection what does that mean? Do you respect, value, cherish, appreciate and hold in high esteem the object of your affections? 

Notice how you are feeling. Know that what ever has come to mind for you in your awareness as Consciousness is an act of love, of self care. Let yourself release these stored energies, emotions and events into transcendent material.

What would it be like to be love?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment