Monday, March 12, 2018

Consciousness and the Re-frame

Keepin it Real with Janean,
Your Guide to Living an Authentic Healthy Life Podcast

The link for this podcast episode is.....

We are certainly experiencing energetic shifting sands these days.  We are getting buffeted in many different directions by inner and outer forces. Major ways of how we feel about ourselves internally are getting fresh and new looks at the old stuff. Old events and feelings are being triggered and sometimes released. Here is some help you might enjoy.

Last summer I did a podcast interview with Janean Strong Harris. She offers a lively blog and podcast about living well. She is a delight and someone I am happy to call friend.

Janean and I talk about the art of the re-frame.

We are the human interface of how Consciousness knows itself. Our emotions in our experiences provide frameworks of thinking, our boxes of identity and being, our patterns, our reality states. Our emotions help create and shape our experiences and perceptual biases.

The emotion or emotions can make any event a powerful picture of who we are in that moment. Depending on the emotions and the nature of the event those emotional frames can also lock us in and leave us feeling trapped within the picture or pattern.

Re-framing is about taking the human emotional content and connection to your story out and just working with the energy patterns present. It is then possible to then let them unfold into something new or different. Consciousness is free to play and evolve as human.

It is an invitation to be honest with ourselves.  People can really play around with this. We can rationalize and reason in our thinking and that will serve to excuse and justify our reactions and behaviors.

How many times did we know something yet fail to make a change when we know why we are behaving or thinking in certain ways? We are not in a state of change. Going into Heart Centered Awareness makes the difference as it is the state of potential.

Consciousness has no attachment to outcome. So in this reality state there are no human emotions directing. It is easier to hold awareness of the forces at play. 

In case you don't have time to listen to the podcast I have outlined some steps to re-framing what might be holding you in positions or patterns that no longer serve.

 Recognize that you have an issue, a pattern, something not enjoyed or wanted. Denial is a powerful state and not helpful. It helps keep the pattern in place. Or we can be very aware of the pattern and associate it with it never changing. Which is then the state of no change.

Access Heart Centered Awareness, Field of Unified Consciousness. This is neutral territory. This is the field of Grace and potential.  

If the emotional frame is not there what do you notice about your issue? Sometimes there is information or wisdom to be connected to or you might just be in awareness that you don't need the patterns any longer and it can change. Just let the information be present.
If it could be different what would that be like?  Let the open ended question come to mind. Notice what comes to mind and what is feels like when the state of reality has shifted. Feel the difference.

Allow for it to be different. It is important to realize that change and difference can happen that quickly. We can also recreate anything. 

Register the change. You will feel something different or notice something that was not there before. Might be relaxation or your own unique way of knowing change is happening. Don't think something is different, feel it different. You may be able to articulate it or not. Notice that you are not relating to the issue in the same way. 

That is the re-frame. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
The link for this podcast episode is.....