Monday, May 8, 2017

Consciousness, Life and the Suffering Survivor

Life. Not everyone is crazy about being alive. Not everyone finds Being in a human form a delight. They question why exist in such a hostile world. They find no comfort being here. They find only pain and suffering. They see only inhumane behavior. They are, the suffering survivor.

This is not everyone's framework about Life. Many don't question being here or have thoughts or experiences that bring into question humans navigating survival. There is something to be said for being like this.

I am however at the point in my life in awareness that I am my own creation and that I have embraced in the past, a way to insure that it would be easy to question Life. Life. The most precious gift we have. The one experience that we seem to value not only as gift but as liability. We can appreciate and love and then quantify and qualify what circumstances our life's future will be.

We forget or never learn that we are self directed, always. We can be victim to our own creation often. We can agree with our circumstances or challenge them. Those agreements and challenges will define and shape us into individuals who are part of the whole, the All.

What if we are shifting in our orientations to a new state of Being? At some point the human body will die. What if we were not using suffering as anchor to being alive? What if the events and behaviors around us only serve to remind us about what is important about Being Alive? Perhaps not the length of a life but the quality of that life? Maybe long life isn't what is important. What if surviving Life was not the cornerstone issue? What if suffering was only a way to notice and provide fodder for the grist that we each can use to create our lives?

The time is now for Being Light in Life. To question all your sacred cows. To surprise ourselves in what is possible when we access Potential in a state of Grace. Instead of playing into and continuing how you used to relate to events and thoughts and actions of others around you close and in far away places, Be different.

This is not about doing but about Being. Embracing Being in physical form. It is the time of collecting the parts of oneself we can sometimes send out to keep safe and call them home, here to you, inside you. You have always been connected but we sometimes forget that in such a way that we are lost and feel missing.

What if is could be as simple as Accessing Heart Centered Awareness and calling yourself home, however that might show up? You are not the same person who sent the parts away. You are here, now, declaring your want of self, want of form and the gifts inherent in being human.

This is the only place and form we know that embraces feelings both emotional and physical. If your spark of life feels faint or doesn't feel very present then allow it to be so. Know you are now safe. You are not that troubled threatened child. Let your clarion call of Self be Now.

Let suffering be no more important than enjoyment. Both are experiences in being. We don't have to chase after either even if we have set it up that way. There is nothing to chase in Consciousness. Everything is there. It is only our limited viewpoints that are small and narrow in focus.

Want to feel more joy in your Being? Then allow for more joy in your Being to have more worth that pain and suffering. Allow yourself to know what you are getting out of the suffering as your core experience. Check in and see if the values of then are still the values of now. If they are not then choose. Choose to allow for something different.

Expanding our awareness and finding new focuses helps. Life is a spectrum and I value who I used to show up as. I am choosing to let go of my regrets about what might have been and what was done. My life's events and perceptions have become just information that doesn't serve as important and vital to who I am now other than as reference of the different spaces I have occupied.

I have ever unfolding, expanding, wonderful senses and gifts, pearls of wisdom and awareness that help me navigate Being Light in Life.

I bet you do too.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment