Monday, May 15, 2017

Consciousness and Beyond Numb and Dumb

Most of us think too limited about who we are. We have not been allowed, in our own creativeness, to unfold into our potential. Most of us have been walking around numb and dumb and this is not any longer going to serve us in our new relation with Consciousness.

This limit is our operating sense of Self. Our self perceptions can keep us feeling not effective and subject to outside influences and honor the victim/abuser principle. If we don't play Life from within that dynamic of duality, Self Awareness as Consciousness expands.

We are now asking how to be most effective in our responses to what is happening. Many are in reaction mode, wounded human. and not in the neutrality Heart Centered Awareness offers in response. Looking at life events as potential and energy at play and not from our emotional centers is important.

Somebody does something you don't like or somebody in some sort of power embodies all you dislike. Both are the human in reaction and your triggers to these stresses set up in established habituated reactions.

When you can observe the action or the person as just as valuable as you, this is neutral Consciousness at play. If you are not in that emotional reaction, clarity and potential are available. But engaging from within the same reality as the issue is not helpful. Just continues the scripted reaction.

From the neutral space of HCA what can we notice? Now we have changed the playing field, new game, new rules. new responses. We allow information and ourselves to be limitless and not stuck down tiny in the muck and mire life can hold in our individual stories of patterns of being.

We are encouraged and indoctrinated to believe in a sense of ego as egotist. There is going to be a sense of entitlement in egotism. Which is not the developing sense of unfolding into our potential.

In group we explored our relationship to the dramas unfolding in our political arenas lately, in areas of race, religion, health care, climate. and war. All deal with our want to control our circumstances by the State of Devalue that is running rampant and manifesting in so many ways

In order to enslave another we we must degrade their humanity as less than ours or not there at all. In order to not feel threatened by those who look different we must marginalize and exclude them. In order to suppress the right to health care as a basic policy we must not value all life. which is interesting is these often are the same people promoting no abortion. I wonder what happens in the thinking when the newborn is ill?

In order to deny the mechanism that we have in place, science, to monitor how we treat our earth we must discredit them as not as important as the money business that uses the earth's resources. We value business profits as more important that a quality of natural life when the business is supposed to create objects and fluids to make us more comfortable.

Our human nature of shortsightedness allows for a lot of clumsy. Errors get made and hidden until they are exposed at a compromising later date. People designing in short sighted ways. We also seem to revere the principle of built in obsolescence as a way to justify business needed now. To employ people. Ultimately, is any of this devaluing state enriching us and our planet or are we coming face to face now in how out of alignment and shortsighted we have been, in some many ways?

Many states of reality are running amok from the fear available. States like "We are running out of Time", "We can't save the world"," Every man for himself", "Others are not worthy or deserving of my respect". The fear has been what has been hidden deep, very deep for some and for a long time. The vibrations of fear, comparison, lack, etc are revealing themselves as these are what have kept us limited in the past. Race issues, religion, health care, climate and war concerns are nothing new. They are issues in our individual genetics and in the collectives genetics of societies.

Many of those societies have come and gone.

We believe in the game of life and death in not such friendly terms. I notice how much of what is playing outside of our inner spaces is about our inner spaces? The genetic materials of body, mind and spirit that we each are, is a conglomeration of lines of DNA, are not always collaborative and can energetically compete. They are not always in harmony or balance.

How do you hold bias about yourself in matters of race, religion, spirituality, competing basic rights and worthiness of quality of health care? Do you value your inner signals about your living environments and the feeding and maintaining your inner climate? Do you question and deny symptoms of compromised alignments. and how do you experience the dynamics of war, and limited resources as survival issues found within yourself?

It is the perfect time to stop your stories and listen. Access Heart Centered Awareness and allow your questions and issues to be free to explore, release, transcend.

Time to let go of numb and dumb. Time to step into what lies beyond.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment