Monday, August 3, 2020

Learn and Flow

Stress builds when a system is at capacity. We are dealing with this as reality in our medical issues and in our interior spaces.

Each of us is somewhere on our personal threshold of redefining our Self in these times of virus. It is important to remember that this is only our limited viewpoint we hold about our Self. For we are much more and when we relax and let shift happen as part of our rule set we are better able to enjoy the ebbs and flows that Life embodies.

Our capacity to tolerate differences is limitless when we reach into our senses as Consciousness. Our mind that holds our illusions of who we each are is a system. A system of beliefs of set bias, perceptions and orientations to explore. This system builds references, patterns of story and behavior of thought and feelings to reaffirm itself and sustain itself. It is neither growth or flow oriented but sustaining in dynamic once it hits its capacity

Right now we have the opportunity to interact globally with pandemic energies as we each are becoming aware of our system of connected thoughts and actions that have been held in the shadows running our sense of the Light. Our society is reflecting as tension on so many fronts from virus and racial bias. As they are exposed into the Light, we have opportunities to clear and expand into being Light. All part of a natural progression we call Life.

But all too often we settle and interfere with our ability to naturally learn and flow. Not learn and grow but learn and flow. Growth can happen when one is maturing but if we think in terms of learn and flow you can feel the energies shift. Information is coming into us and awareness can become an outcome. Doesn't have to in a closed system that Self most often is. But, in an open system, awareness will flourish. The illusion of Self responds differently and empowers flow to happen where the learning is opening, interpreted as useful to Life itself as a system of variables. There is no sense of resistance. There is no surrender. There is only flow. And, in the process we find ourselves, our systems of body, mind and what we call Spirit, in flow.

So much we find in life is in terms of blocks, problems, patterns of traditions that stop us in our tracks. We can develop the habit of making things bite size to better able deal with them. We do it in our thoughts and our abilities as we compartmentalize and itemize and sort and separate the human experience. Our thoughts, our feelings, our associations, our bodies, and those things we interact with out there, what ever that may be. It is important in the physical realm but not so much elsewhere when we fixate on our findings and become clueless to orientation and history of context.

Context is important as it is framework for the word, the thought, the issue, the conflict. A part of our uproar about racial bias is often about our coming up against old and new context. Like our forefathers who created this democracy and stating we are all equal and yet somehow okay to having slaves and holding women as chattel at the same time. I think the We used was really the Us who are writing this.

Much of what we take for granted is old thoughts held in different context and applied to the now. Like our conversations about the 2nd amendment and guns and militia. Different times, different societies, different technologies. Intelligent men of all kinds thought slavery was the way to maintain lands and title. There are men all over the world who think women were and still are slaves to male desires.

If you have any awareness of history it would have to include that slavery is as old as man. Often one went to war and took prisoners who became slave labor to the victor. Often those who rose in power of entitlement came with the illusion that others were slaves to them, no longer equal and so treated. They were now the defeated, the downtrodden, humanity lost. Around the globe. It was how the Greeks held power, the Romans rose to power, the Chinese over their clans, Aborigine cultures and Africans alike. This is nothing new.

And then there are men throughout history that have valued one another and women as equals but different without fear.

How much of what we see in our world of human interaction right now is about fear as tradition at its' core?

Be open to a new thought, learn and flow.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment