Monday, August 24, 2020

JIE Episode 43/ The Realm of The Medium

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Podcast Release Tuesday August 25, 2020  

Episode 43 Blog The Realm Of The Medium

My guest for Episodes 43 and 44 is Hollister Rand. She is a well-known and respected medium. Since early childhood she has had the ability, the openness, to communicate with the spirit realm. Her new book Everything You Wanted to Know about the Afterlife*But Were Afraid to Ask is a great manual into the world of the medium.

She offers clear information and language for the novice, the curious or the natural to navigate this realm. She answers questions that might surprise you.

Here is a comment from her book introduction. It rather sums up to me what mediumship opens us up to, curiosity and the value we give to Life.  

“As a medium, passionate curiosity is to know the truth about life and death has fueled my connection with spirits. I have always wanted to know the answers to big questions like “Why are we here/” and practical concerns like “Will I be able to eat what I want in the afterlife?”

In Hollister’s terms she refers to loved ones who have passed over as spirits and ghosts are those energies that have agenda still with the physical realm. Spirits express through the vibration of love and ghosts out of the vibration of fear. I like this clarity and distinction.

Choosing this time in history and virus to be alive is offering us opportunities to open and unfold into our senses and become comfortable in new ways. Being able to be open to wisdom from our passed on loved ones is enriching. The veil is thin between our physical and non physical realms. It takes only a matter of tuning to receive in our expanded sensory awareness. One of Hollister’s joy is to share with us how easy it can be for each of us to be in connection with our spirit guidance.  

Some of us speak and listen to the dead easily. It is no big deal when we use consciousness technologies as we appreciate that time and space are malleable, and the forms are only illusions of information and thoughts. Our attachment to the physical form and the rules we think we exist in our realities of BEing and beings are fluid.

Our spiritual realms are our core essence and our collective awareness as Consciousness and everything known and unknown, manifested and unmanifested, potential and energy. We can unify behind one being or in being One.  Both will embrace the information available in the realm of the medium in different ways. The truth is that if you are in the reality of Oneness, shared morphic resonance then is the bits of information and photons dancing around and in us, and all that ever was still is. Those that we have had relation to in this time of awareness are still present, just in changed form. It is nice to know we are not alone as one might think.

Spirits will help us realize that often what we think is important is not. Our illusions about what life is are mutable. Solace and comfort from our own thoughts are possible. The unexplained can be explained if it is important and known. Our emotions are important and yet can be limiting.

BE open to your curiosity. BE in a sense of gratitude that you had experience together and release and let. Release what you think is important. Let yourself feel different.

Janet Barrett

Podcast Host/Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet