Monday, July 27, 2020

JIE Episode 41/ Metaphor Realities Of A Hat

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet 
Podcast Release July 28, 2020 

Episode 41 Blog/ Metaphor Realities Of A Hat 

In this latest episode 41 with Mari Hall, she and I speak in metaphor reality.

I watched a theater production once where the actor performed on a simple set highlighted by the hats and accessories he changed into as the story went along. The hat and the actor wearing it held our attention as the actor morphed a bit differently into each hat. It was a clever way to covey simply the changing dynamics of personality present under the brim of the hat.

Mari and I talk of some of the many hats we wear and roles we play. Our self-identities include many different facets of interactions and relationships. Most of the time we are not in awareness of all of them each of us encompass. But every role we have in our human repertoire, be it child, parent, lover, loner, significant other, friend, enemy, victim, hunter, citizen, teacher, etc, etc, etc. comes with a hat and most are worn all at once and interchangeably.

At times some of them fit really well and some of the time they don’t. We may have been given them and we like them or not. We all have probably had the experience of a parent or someone in authority telling us we had to wear something we did not like or feel comfortable in. But we can hold on to them as empowered objects reminding us for better or worse. We might not recognize or even see through the illusions they cast and can feel burdened under the weight. For any one hat or role may be heavier than another.

Ever buy something on sale that was only okay, but it caught your attention enough that you bought it anyway? Maybe you were only in the mood for something new. And you have never worn it. It still sits in your closet taking up valuable closet space and every time you move it goes with you to the new closet.

Our illusions of what we look like in our hats, in our roles may be off. They may dazzle but be distracting like the outfit that dazzles and that is all you see, not the person. When what we are really looking for is the outfit or hat that highlight, accentuate and bring out the best in the person under it all. That is the secret that the great designers focus on. Bring out the best in their clients.

Sometimes we wear something to hide in, cover up something present, or something missing. Sometimes when we really closely look at the hat, we can see the wear and tear and the now shabby surface, different from the new when we got it, received it, bought it.
Some may only be worn once in a while, when some are worn every day.
At times hats are part of a uniform and when we put it on our head, we feel a part of something bigger.

Some are to create illusions of ourselves to keep safe from others or from things out there. Like a white beekeeper’s head covering and outfit. Keeps one from getting stung.

Some, like crowns, tiaras or mitres show others the entitlements of position one holds.

Some, like baseball caps show our team spirit at times and a way to show our support about something. And to cover up dirty or messy or missing hair.

What ever the hat, whatever the role, we can assume that it never hurts now and then to take a fresh look at how we are showing up in this world and see how current we are holding onto our pasts. And checking in with an open-minded friend and seeing what they might be noticing about you, the angle of your hat and life.

I tip my hat to you.

Janet Barrett
Podcast host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet