Monday, March 23, 2020

JIE Episode 32 Blog/Today's Chivalry

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet 
Releasing March 24, 2020

Episode 32 Blog/ Today’s Chivalry

My youthful awareness of Chivalry was of stories of King Arthur’s court and a code of behavior and of a knight in shining armor participating in jousts with the acknowledgment of a favor from an observing lady. And it was important as it was a signal to the others watching of her strength as he represented her. He was her knight, a symbol of her power and strength among the court.

I was reminded of it again this past winter in the people of the military and diplomatic corps speaking their truths without question, demonstrating fearlessness, willing to take the consequences from powerful forces around them. It struck me deeply these heroic men and women of all backgrounds and accomplishments, their heads held high, their gazes direct. Sitting not in defiance but in Grace. It went beyond gender.  

Chivalry is really an umbrella word in meaning. It encompasses many desirable qualities including Courage, Honor, Courtesy, Justice, and a readiness to help the weak. In my conversation with Bill Protzmann of Music Care Inc we found our conversation also was inclusive of Love, Kindness, Compassion, social behaviors and gender concerns.

Courage, honor, courtesy, justice, a readiness to help the weak never go out of fashion. They help define us as a society filled with individuals living together. Our evolution of our awareness of Chivalry comes in recognizing all those before mentioned qualities to include what happens between the sexes and that it is not only men who demonstrate Chivalry. We all are and can be champions for our partners, the elderly, children and community.

We each know when someone has helped us in some small way be it holding the door or the anonymous donor or have our boo-boos kissed and we feel better. It may be the highlight of the recipient’s and giver’s day. We are demonstrating an enriching connection between each of us. Compare it to rudeness and non-engagement. They feel different. 

I don’t think of Chivalry as dead or just happening only in the Middle Ages. My sense is that out of that time in history of civilization it came into being recognized as a powerful social endeavor. Life was as dicey then as it is now but without the technologies we enjoy. Culture was building around those in power and dictating behaviors and forming societies based on that marshaling of title and power and the holding of resources.

Many of the quotes I looked up for the Ageless section of our podcast episode seemed to focus on the current loss of Chivalry. As though it was a long-ago forgotten concept in our age of mechanization and technology.

Since the women’s movement in the late 60’s we gained much in male/female disparities but maybe also a loss in gender courtesy. Women are still being treated as second class citizens in many fields of endeavor and Rape is nothing new in society. But the rules that we look to govern our civility between the sexes are updating in this age of #MeToo.  

Our challenge would seem to be bring it into the modern era of interacting with one another. Gender contains so much bias and its changing awareness in influencing modern societies is slow in manifesting, in recognizing our biases in others and how that is reflecting our own. How the sexes treat each other comes out of internal directives of hormones and behaviors, values, learning and socialization.

How do men treat women and how do women treat men? How do both men and women say one thing in social intercourse and mean another? How do we behave towards each other?

Men and women balance each other. One is not better than the other. We embody the same qualities in our different forms. Men will protect women and children. Women will protect their men and children also. As will children trying to protect their parents and families. What ever we love or have a sense of connection to we will do our best to keep safe.

Bringing the qualities of Chivalry into this moment: Courage, Honor, Courtesy, Justice and extending a helping hand to one another is not that difficult. Not when Love and Kindness and Compassion and the willingness to stand in front, on the front lines of human interactions and life around us is present. 

When BEing in our truth comes from within where there is no self-agenda or fear, there is only the triumph of Spirit. Not the pettiness or righteousness of Self disguised as Spirit but the Grace of BEing.

Janet Barrett
Podcast host of Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet