Monday, February 3, 2020

There is No Thing to Do, only BE

In Western societies we are so often organized in competition, accomplishment, growth, success, achievement. We have become doers. We put value not on how we contribute to society but how much we make our way in society. We judge each other and keep score in many ways through jobs, wages and money, title, power, and in the things we have, the things we don't have and in the things we want.

Our self-identity is not coming from our own centered sense of Being then, but from our interactions of outside influences and performances and a separated self identity develops. When we lose any of those parts of this outside constructed sense of self identity, we can feel it as a loss and we can be weakened and at risk for enjoying our lives.

This is what can happen when one loses a job or a loved one. Our construction falters on its borrowed foundation stones. 

Being able to call upon our centered sense of Being makes it easier to live through the challenges that Life will offer us. Realizing that we are part of the whole, as Consciousness, supports and provide connection at our deepest levels and is sustaining.  

Self is part of Essence. It is the human interface of Essence or Soul or connection as Spirit. We each set up the rules and definitions to be explored in being who we each are as part within the collective that Consciousness is, potential and energy in motion.

There is no separateness ever. That is only the human Self's illusion.

In this physical realm of contrast, it is how we hold Self that is important. Self is a creation, a projection. The more it is aware of its connection to its own Essence, its BEingness, Self and its world view perspectives engage differently. Realities of Oneness, that we all share in BEing and Wholeness, the Grace in what happens with all in that sharing, operate. 

We are not who we are because we have. We are who we are because we BE. 

If you look at who you are on a DNA level you tap into this reality. Those chromosomal combinations have the entire human story encoded in them. Mental DNA, emotional DNA, psychological DNA, psychic DNA, spiritual DNA are all incorporated in our Physical DNA. Every state of reality and perception throughout mankind’s history is in your DNA as shared information. Every disbelief, feeling, thought of the past is in your DNA.  But that is too big a reality to deal with, so we don’t. And in cutting ourselves off we often cut ourselves out.

Don't let yourself be bored by Life or in Life. Have the courage to change things up in your habits of quiet resignation, subversive passive aggression and the never ending patterns of unworthiness and not enough. Change your reality your Self has projected into being. It manifests your worst fears so you can notice them and let them dissolve out of existence. 

Celebrate BEing Alive right in this moment. 


Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment