Monday, February 24, 2020

JIE Episode 30 Enjoying the Other

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Podcast
releasing Feb. 25, 2020

Episode 30 Blog   Enjoying the Other

How we relate in our relationships is a lifelong dance. We are always in relationships as that is our inherent state whether it be with another person, or thing.  What kind and what we do with them and how they will guide us is individual in our stories of BEing in form.

Our family life, of whatever kind, is foundation. We are first a child with two parents or with only one parent present or in and out of exposure or missing. Or, we may have no parents guiding us, only a revolving band of characters imposed by the state.

We may have siblings older and younger in our house to share life with or only on weekends. We may love each other, we may like each other, we may fight, we may not know each other, we may feel something else.

Our feelings will come and go and change and develop and enrich in any sort of emotional range.

We have our” perfect relationship” meter running all the time to be satisfied or not. We can feel loved but not part of the Others. Separateness is powerful. Lack of trust is powerful.
We can feel what we call loved but not understood or validated for our individuality. We sometimes are valued only as part of the Other’s reflection and not for our own. We fall under another’s shadow. We can feel we are not important enough or only as important as they let us feel. 

Our sense of Love is bandied about and held cheap. It is not and we all know it and that any sense of connection is priceless.

We come to find that birth family is only one way to experience family. Found friends and community create family be them street gang or bowling group.

When older, our interactions with others will trigger the old references we have for those beginning relationships. Themes develop in our interactions. Love and our ideals of love play out in ever expanding directions but still nourish the core story we have of engaging and connecting with others. 

Relationships are fixed positions. One way to change your position and role is to start relating to another and not role play. For instance, the relationship of Wife and Husband comes in all shapes and sizes unique to each couple. Hopefully it is an enriching experience for both. This relationship is wrapped up in many outside influences of society that shift. When we relate to each other, respond not react, we have more autonomy. And that helps our relationship and our definitions of what works for us personally.

It is very possible that the Other doesn’t get your change. They are busy in their mindset story of Life. And, it doesn’t matter, unless it does.

Others are not responsible for how we feel about them. We are. Courage is that quality often connected to change of viewpoint. Challenge does not have to be in your face, defiant. It can be a subtle ease of being.  You have it in you. It just might not be the strongest awareness you have in this moment. But being able to be in Heart centered Awareness, and to listen to your inner authentic voice can happen easily when you realize it is already there and now is the time to listen and take inspired action.

Enjoy the Other from within Heart Centered Awareness and see what happens.  Be present now.

Janet Barrett
Podcast host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet