Monday, January 27, 2020

JIE Episode 28 Blog/ Flowing Realities

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Podcast 

Episode 28 Blog/ Flowing Realities

Reality shifts as much as you allow it to. We tend to think in terms that there is only one reality. That is because we create it with rules that maintain it. All fits within that reality mind set. In truth, every event we experience either sustains an existing reality or it can generate another. Conceive reality as a flowing sense of awareness and it is.

What is at play is our sense of the boundaries of what is real and not real. 

Our mind sets hold information, bias, perception, feelings and thinking working together to fit the reality's form. To change something set might require effort and attention if that is how you have crafted your reality, that change is difficult or not fun, it is easier or safer to not question.

It can be easier than you think. We do it all the time with Consciousness Technologies.

Have you ever felt reality bending? You will feel it in the conversation Jim, and I will share.

In writing this piece, while sitting and typing a headache bloomed. As I followed it, I became aware that my neck and then my torso were looking to express differently than before. Tension indicated by the headache was quick to express. In connecting to what I was writing, my state of reality was shifting. It can be that real, that simple. It can be elusive and so subtle it is like a whisper and then again, it can require a couple of aspirin as the torquing unwinds. If you hold the rotational fields of energy as real you will feel them as such. And when they engage and change in their patterns you just might feel it. 

I gave my body a space to work it out and it is better now. I am back to writing. The headache is gone. So, it is different. I am different and I can’t necessarily tell how things are different or on what level reality has changed. I just accept that it has. I do not look to control as I do not fear my experience. 

Since the last few days since recording our conversation for this episode and the political discord in Washington DC, lots of shifts have been noticed by those of us who have awareness of such dynamics. Electrical and magnetic pulls are engaged hither and yon. We can feel how people want to hide and just want this all to go away. Which is really a reality that overwhelm is present. In my reality, courage is present.

In my world who I show up as is subject to new outside information, and internal sensation, thoughts and memories that make up my stories of BEing and being in form. 

In my big picture reality, as Consciousness, we are all participants in Oneness. It also includes enjoying myself as Essence which means letting go of the Self that employs blame and punishment and thinking small as the rules set in place about in being in form.  Why do I need to question my own worthiness? How silly is that? I am. That is BEing. 

We are in many realities at any one time. Not that we hold awareness of all of them in any one moment but the more you explore in self awareness our definitions expose themselves. Together they weave a framework of us in the world. And, everyone else around us is doing the same thing at the same time to some degree. No man is an island, even if you hold that as in your reality of identity. That is just Self. justifying its creation of a sense of isolation.

In your current sense of reality notice how you define your world as that reflects how you value yourself. Notice what you are aligning and arranging yourself as. What do those around you think of the world? What does your social media share with you? What does your newsfeed feature? All will give you clues to your senses of reality and check to see if they are helpful and thoughtful and give meaning to you and yours and appreciation of the diversity of life here on this planet.

Does your reality allow for stuff happening and you being able to deal with it?

And, if you hear from within, that your reality is only an assumption and not a truth, go back within and let your story drop away and feel the rotation of realignment within. Take a couple of aspirin if needed and just relax into the flow that reality is, a changing  sense or state of references we manifest into real.

Janet Barrett
Podcast Host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet