Monday, January 13, 2020

JIE Episode 27 Blog/ Celebrating BEing Life in the Moment

Journeys Into Enlightenment Podcast

Episode 27 Blog Celebrating BEing Life in the Moment

Our Journeys Into Enlightenment are all about exploring, while alive, the freedom that we tend to associate with being in the Spirit form. They are Journeys Into Enlightenment, not to, Enlightenment.

If we are fortunate, what comes at the end of one’s life is a contented Essence. A lifetime that was filled with adventures and challenges and delights in Being in Form. The delights in being able to feel, physically and emotionally and think and how they reflect and nourishes the Essence, Soul, Spirit we each hold inside.  It is the totality of BEing.

There is a strong orientation and subsequent belief structures we humans have created that to be in form, in a body, means to suffer. Religions have been built around this premise. Suffering is held up as the central theme. Salvation comes only in death, when we are released from the body. The truth is that this is only one approach and experience about Life. There are many.

Surviving to live another day is a balancing act and we will judge, quantify, defend and deny in the process. This is Self. We seek control in the world around us. This is Self again. It is only illusion. For the next breath may happen or not despite our efforts. Coming to terms with what each life is about is an individual’s awareness.  And those witnessing that life will make their assumptions based on their own sense of being.

Life is coming to terms with Self and Essence as partners in being in form. As humans, we find this physical realm of life on this planet organized around contrast. It is the land of This and That, This or That, maybe “to have This we must have That” and then there is “This, That and the other thing.”  There are duality, polarity and scalar dynamics present as frameworks of relations along with time and space.

Life is incredible and priceless and unique and like much of what we find around us, we value it cheaply all too often. We cannot create Life even in a lab. They have to use already living matter, cells, to create more living material.

That spark that Life is, is a moment, in the blink of an eye as it comes and goes. Tragedy reminds us to appreciate and demonstrate love and caring now, not later for there may not be a tomorrow to share. We have no guarantee of a next moment. None of us do. We only have an assumption. Heartbeat stops and Life stops. Immediately. Alive one moment, dead the next. It is that simple. 
We are fascinating creatures. We have the ability to take in phenomena around us. We then interpret, give meaning to that phenomena, due to our inner bias and story settings and then we embody and express that phenomena. We also can change the inner biases at any time in response to the incoming information. It is rather remarkable the ability to change one’s mind and subsequent behavior and story line. It is the dynamic of evolution.

We are going to judge what anyone’s experience is, and it will guide us through a lifetime in relation to that judgment. We build behaviors out of our sense of experiences and they create a story of references that become our identities. 

They will, in stories that demonstrate Wholeness, provide moments in a range of emotional reactions and resulting feelings and thinking in response. We can start to judge the phenomena, information and conclusions that we draw in those reactions and responses. We might look to experience avoidance and look to eliminate or control in order to feel okay about our sensory evaluators of phenomena.  We question what we see, hear, feel, think, sense when the incoming doesn’t match our inner catalog of references.

Phenomena is only information and we will judge and name it based on that building catalog index of our story. What we think is real and true is often only the projection in the bias of some sort. Wisdom is being able to sort it all out, based on present information and the existing interior index and drawing new conclusions. 

Being present means being open to input, new evaluation, and the references of the past able to integrate the new input.

Being present is a constant dance of the Life spark. Being able to experience Life, to feel, to see into and out of, to hear on the many different levels and ways we can, our interpretation and changing of orientation is awe in action.  In new ways, evolving ways, to be able to reason and feel and be moved and enjoy the unexpected and to feel loss and outcome. These senses and qualities come together in each of us.

A quote from Abraham, courtesy of Esther Hicks, is that you cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy life. I would add don’t get caught up in what you think happy is. Living rich lives full of Oneness and Wholeness awareness provides textures and complexity, simplicity and clarity in the depth of nuances that reflect what Life is about and what is possible.

Celebrate the vibrations of Consciousness expressing. Celebrate BEing Alive in 2020!

Janet Barrett
Host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet