Monday, November 18, 2019

Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet

Ep 23 blog   New Rules in the Games People Play

How do you enjoy relating to the men or women in your life?

We would like to feel that we enjoy both men and women. And, for many there may be conditions. 

Are there patterns in the way we deal with the sexes that really are not enriching and keep the negative compounding daily? Are they filled with agendas, grudge match interactions, confusion, missed opportunities, much not said or acknowledged, frustration that you are not being heard? Perhaps fear of safety, lack of respect, impertinence.

You name it you can feel all kinds of things in your sense of connection with the other sex or another individual.

Whatever your dominant state of interaction is with others is, it reflects your inner sense of relation with your male/female directives inside.

We tend to maintain bias in our language. Here, we refer to each as the opposite sex and that might be part of the problem. What if they are not referred to as in distanced from each other but side by side? We need a different word. The abreast sex or the alongside sex doesn’t have the same ring does it? And, maybe we could use the term female/male instead of male/female? It registers energetically different.

Men and women are not the same, but they go together as part of the human design. They are complementary dynamics that can sometime seem contrary. One is not better than the other. Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that are different and they fit together interlocking. 
They go together. Their differences work together to create and complete connection and unity. 

Our powers are equal and complementary though we think them not, when we think in terms of strong, weak, etc. Yes, one may be physically stronger with testosterone, but can you really say a woman in childbirth is not as strong with her estrogen pumping? There are just differences in demonstration of what is possible. We are talking apples and oranges. Both fruit. One not better than the other.  

We need some new rules in appreciating the differences between men and women that shifts our game of life and play. We need to appreciate strength and wisdom of all kinds that our sexual identities, ruled by our hormones provide us. 

We need to get out of the Blame Game and start playing the NO Blame Game. 

Compassion, Appreciation, Respect. These are the rules we want to align ourselves in.

We need to let go of the past and start, in this moment, to change how we relate. Maybe we need “Men are from Mars and Women love them” or “Women are from Venus and Men love them” as a better alignment of what is possible and the natural order. Unity, Oneness is the natural state of Being. There is only the One in Being for each of us and collectively.

How to get rid of the State of Victim/Abuser, which is the Blame Game?

One dominant rule in the Blame Game is the State of Forgiveness. 

Forgiveness is the quality that someone else has done us wrong, they have hurt us. There is an imbalance that creates a need for justice, fairness. It is a deliberate choice to release feeling of resentment or vengeance towards others regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting, nor does it mean condoning or excusing offenses.

There are many considerations that are mentioned in that definition. All from our sense of Self which is usually invested in right and wrong.

From within Consciousness and Oneness, our position about Forgiveness is different. Any reaction to stimuli is mine. I can feel physical hurt, mental hurt, emotional hurt. I can acknowledge pain and it can move me to the next place, the next moment. We are each responsible for creating the experience. We are each responsible for what comes next.

If we are in a pattern or patterns of being hurt without resolution the hurts pile up and we get into the game of blame /forgiveness. Someone else has done me wrong. Victim thinking manifests. And some will say they forgive but they don’t forget. And that keeps it all in play. Only with forgetting does one cease the need to forgive.
What would it be like to let go of the need and energy of Forgiveness?

Access heart Centered Awareness and let your awareness of how you deal with the men and women in your life reflect how you feel inside about your inner world. Then pick someone who comes to mind and use the Hawaiian Ho’oponopono prayer towards them.

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

Thank you. (for being in my life to help me to know wholeness).

I love you.

Take it in as you recite the words. Let them sink in. Recite it as many times until you feel different.

Then notice what it would be like if the other says it to you! Allow yourself to feel different. Allow yourself to let go what felt stuck emotionally. And Breathe. Breathe through your heart. Feel the shared heart.

Janet Barrett
Podcast host
Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet