Monday, November 25, 2019

Consciousness and Your Day to Day

Do you enjoy your day to day life? What is it filled with? Does it leave you excited for the next day?

What would it be like to look forward to your unique day, and the day after and the day after? 

Sometimes in the humdrum that we might enjoy at times we might lose a sense of excitement about our day and the days that follow. 

Opening ourselves up to the unexpected and variety of all kinds happening in user friendly ways might seem a threat to our finely set sense of control.  

It doesn't have to be. Enjoying expanding rule sets are helpful. 

You know your rule sets. Such as "Oh, I am not the artist, my sister is the artist", " You will never amount to much.The men in our family are always achievers". "Public service will never pay. Greed is good". You can live your day to day life following these rules and fighting with them. All of them come with a hook that rips. None of them are true. 

Rule sets are what we define them to be, the states of awareness that Life is. We are powerful and dynamic in projecting what we think Life is and how it will show up. We base much of our world view and Life on assumptions and acceptance without question. 

Our self identity is filled with stuff that really is not true but we think is. Self image and identity could offer a sense of enrichment or it can be a downward slide, events piling up validating your viewpoints in support. That is how dynamic we are. We manifest our emotions that color our thinking. We create our reality.We share in those realities. 

How to enjoy something different, a different pattern of belief and behavior means one must question the status quo. How to do it is to realize that you are more than what you think and feel you are and our surrounding myths. Start there.

Heart Centered Awareness, the Field of Unified Consciousness is available within. Accessing it, free of your self identity and image loosens the patterns of belief and assumptions that you have made up about being who you are. 

You are a unique self created idea of reality in a body form. Do you realize that? Even conjoined twins are unique to one another. 

But we are One shared state of Heart. We are individually part of the whole. 

Make time and access Heart Centered Awareness. It is right there inside you. Allow yourself to see what your self imposed ideas of Life are. Question what you experience Life as and notice what it would be like if that could be different. Question what seems real and solid and what you never question. 

Let Consciousness interact with your day to day in a more noticeable way. Let your new awareness influence and color your Life. We will all be better for it. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment