Monday, October 14, 2019

Consciousness and Living Magical Lives

"The majority have been programmed from their past experience to expect physical decline. And while it is something they don’t want, they are programmed to expect it. And so, they’re going to get what they expect. It’s not that what they expect is the reality that everyone lives, but that everyone lives the reality of what they expect."
Excerpted from Philadelphia, PA on 5/7/03
Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

"The child is thinking, and receiving vibrational thought from you on the day that he enters your environment. That is the reason that beliefs are transmitted so easily from parent to child, from parent to child, from parent to child. The child is vibrationally receiving your fears, your beliefs, even without your spoken word… If you want to do that which is of greatest value for your child, give thought only to that which you want, and your child will receive only those wanted thoughts."
Our Love, Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

These quotes serve as great examples of accessing the reality of Magical Living: Not living someone else's reality but your own. :

We are so often unaware of our programming. From the earliest of childhood imprinting we are non judgmental in our information gathering. At some point though we can start to question what we are taking in. We then will either continue with absorbing with acceptance or it starts to get conditional. And emotions, personality and programming interact.

Our physical senses take in information. They are our way to navigate in the world. Often not as strong as the animals around, like the dog's nose, we do have a broad vibrational bandwidth that we refer to as the supernatural, intuitive range. We can access it easily when we are tuned in. For some it is a constant bombardment of awareness that has to be tuned. Some are willing to go with their gut but not much more. Some hide in logic.

Being present, heart centered awareness, help us access easily these spiritual realms of being aware. Consider Time and space as senses also. Consciousness is both state and sense.

When you incorporate this bandwidth as real and helpful, life takes on a different glow and vibrancy and dimensional awareness. 

Children live in worlds filled with magic. Everything comes out of the blue. Just reflect on the face of the baby and how it lights up in wonder at something that catches it's eye. Could be you or the ray of the sunbeam, and in the unseen to your eyes. Everything causes wonder, awe and appreciation.

 Along with our own inner directives it will be shaped by adult concerns and mindsets. By adulthood most of us are living our realities established in our childhood. We will constantly be making  choices that support the reality status quo or challenge it.

A different reality has set in and magic may have a sense of being lost. It hasn't been but the reality has put it aside, maybe only to show up now and then. Maybe that is the play of the lottery in adults. Recapturing that sense of wonder, and unexpected delight.

What is it like to great each day with warmth, no expectations, only potential and surprises possible and the unexpected?

What was your self talk when you woke up this morning and began your morning ablutions? Our self talk is very helpful to indicate our magical thinking. Which will dictate our magical living.

Children and teens challenge us in how we are showing up and what we allow as real as adults. Magic and what we can call miracles are all about living with wonder, awe and appreciation at our core. For this world, each other and ourselves.

Feel the wonder, awe and appreciation as you sip your coffee, breathe in the baby smell of your child as you race after them, wipe up the spills, the quick kiss from a loved one out the door. Make the moment. All are magic in action. 

This is your reality. What do you share?

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment