Monday, August 5, 2019

Consciousness and BEING Present again

 I am a very fortunate woman. I will have recorded 6 conversations in 3 weeks for upcoming episodes of my podcast Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet. As I craft each episode, with all its elements, I listen in to the conversation again and it puts me right into when we recorded it as vital, active, engaging.

Now, as listener, I hear different things in my focus. When recording I am being present, inviting you to join us and bring into focus with my guest, and the vibrations we create as resonance. Our field awareness combines and dances. I notice where those vibrations ripple out in awareness, interacting and what is coming back. In listening, I am present again to all that. My guests are present again. In this work and way of organizing reality, time and space are malleable, expanding and contracting and disappearing all together at times.

Energies comes together. A synergy, gets puts into a limitless, timeless, spaceless place that is accessible to all who engage it. And what is really nice is that any and every time you might listen to the episode, especially more than once, you will be in this field of being present and yet different. You will hear different things, something new catches your focus, it is fresh again. You will feel an enriching awareness of your own. We are all either validating, changing or evolving whether we notice it or not in our moments together.

One thing that catches my attention, in this moment, is the difference in being a believer and Being. Your power connection to your authentic voice is different. My guests pretty much across the board BE. They are in the state of BEING. We embrace connection as Oneness and Wholeness. Oneness as morphic resonance, where we share in genetic memories of the human design and much more to be honest. We share in memories of life forms, energies, this incredible planet and the cosmos. History is everywhere in frequencies present. Some  of us are very cognizant of these dynamics. Morphic entanglement, our ability to tap into what others are feeling and thinking at the same time is present.

We are so powerful we generate and manipulate our shared reality creating it as we breathe, day to day. This is the reflective power in our social media world and how it is affecting all of us. Wholeness is how our life experiences, generated out our bias and perceptions as our stories, encompasses all the ups and downs in form and out of physical form into a narrative of Life, as Self, as form, along with Spirit, and other non physical energies, as part of the Consciousness Core.

You notice I don't use the word God. Or Source or Universe. I appreciate that these words come with limits of our human definition, no matter the body of knowledge or knowing. In using Consciousness as my reference for all, it is free of those dictates that the others have become. It allows for the known, unknown, and everything in-between to have value without judgment or label. Too often our other words encompass definitions which is creating a limit. Many of us are bigger than that. 

My guests represent a myriad of connections in BEING. How they, as unique individuals celebrate with me the collective that is Consciousness is sweet. "All roads lead to Rome" always comes to mind. On our individual Journeys OF Enlightenment, not TO, we access ranges in vibrational BEING. Same vibrations, just different labels within our references at times.

What do we know that is helpful? Self honesty. One thing we share in common is our willingness to hear our truths and not want what we want to be true. And we hold this gently and compassionately for ourselves. We don't always buy into our illusions. We are choosy. Only then can we be open to what is available in Being Spirit in human form. This is BEING.

Come join us in the grace in BEING that you will find in listening in. Let it fill your corners of doubt and clear them out. Support hearing your truths, you authentic voice and living in an alignment that brings you what you are thirsty for, the love in connection as Oneness and Wholeness. 

I would be honored to have you join us.


Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Guide/ Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet