Monday, July 8, 2019

Consciousness and Monday Morning Contemplation

I don’t think there is anything more magical or wondrous or has me in awe as much as the spectrum that is Life. Potential and energies activate and creation happens. You can call it what you want. You take some photons of light and bit of mass, mix it up with vibrations and resonances, and information and we create our world and each other.

As a human animal, what is is like to be able to experience emotions, such as love and hate and everything in between? Each emotion feels different as an energy and take us into different places in being. They can rule our lives for some and for others they are navigation tools to experiencing Wholeness, as all life's ups and downs, Oneness as connection and ultimately Being.

Other mammalian animals have emotions that are witnessed in nature all the time. If a animal feeds her young through her breast you can guarantee certain emotions are present. The others use environmental signals to keep their young safe.

What about feeling physical sensations? To feel a smile, to scratch an itch, to cough, to hold hands, to feel your heartbeat and your breath. No two people are going to do it in just the same way.

All is unique to each of us. We share in our human design but what each of us are under the skin is unique. How you feel emotions and feel sensations is yours alone. How you put together and construct meaning of being is yours alone.

How you think about who, what, where, when you are is totally up to you. This you, that is subject to influences of all kinds through out ones life.

This is thinking, this is mind, this is being.

And under all this, at core of our humanity is Consciousness, our sense of ourselves bigger than ourselves. It is us in connection to all we find around us. Where our outside layers focus on individuality and our inner layers know us as all one, without label. All One, just expressing in different forms with different levels of awareness.

Rupert Sheldrake PhD, brings us awareness that shared genetic memory is real between species. It is Morphic Resonance. I know this to be true from my own experiences of synchronicity.

I enjoy the 100th Monkey Principle as real all the time. That tale is about how a monkey on an isolated island did a new action in cleaning fruit and soon other monkeys, with the shared genetics, on other isolated islands demonstrated the new behavior also. Something happens here and then it is elsewhere. I am always looking for that 100th monkey that changes everything. I easily see it as extending beyond the form, as shared thought, ideas, constructs.

The human design has a certain range of sensory information that is different than other life forms. We are not as specialized as others. Take the dog's ability to smell, the eyesight of the eagle to see and you kind of get the idea. We are not the best at any one sense but we are adept with many senses. This could be part of our fascination with superheroes who embody a remarkable level of ability in some one sense usually.

As far as shared genetic memories you can contemplate the level of awareness of the bacteria in your body, or the fungus within. For our bodies hold lots of forms of life that are in communication with our bodies below our regular levels of awareness. Fungi are cellular creatures that eat and fill space. That is it's directive. Wouldn't seem a level of intelligence present but something has to be present. And you need fungi but not out of wack in a finely tuned level of relation. We don't want it to take over. Like Candida for instance in the body.

So what if the fungus and bacteria in my body was in connection, communication with the matching fungus and bacteria in your body? Would you notice? Does this explain the closeness that is present between strangers and even family? Not so much your life experiences but maybe also shared references inside our bodies? Just a thought. Maybe this is part of empathetic resonances and quantum entanglement.

If you are confused inside about your place in yourself, in your family much less the world, if you are in fear about the world around you, are the rest of us picking up on your vibration?

So we need to be aware of our frameworks of the world outside of us. They totally reflect our inner framework about how and who and what and when we are. This is how we create reality.

Love, kindness, compassion and respect are some of what I want to experience in my world reality. Are they within me?

Have a wondrous week.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment