Monday, May 13, 2019

Consciousness and Moving into the State of Something Different Happening Now

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” 
― Mother Theresa

What are you feeling as you read Mother Theresa's quote about time? Resistance and story starts validating or? 

Our day to day realities, our stories about who we are in life, have us moving forward in some sense of time and space. Most are also bringing their pasts forward with them and all too often they are living with the past events actively making their choices still.  

In this state what we call the present then is only the past still engaged. That is how we can predict the future with reasonable certainty. Not many of us like the idea of the unknown which would be unreasonable certainty I guess.

When we talk about being present we are talking about shifting from the State of Past Moving Forward to the State of Something Different Happening Now. Only then does the past become the past. It now serves only reference to how we got to our now. And now, right now, will determine our future.

We can have many attachments and feel all kinds of things about our past. Lots of powerful emotions are active, lots of thinking active.  

Have you heard this one? "Nothing ever changes for as much as things change, they stay the same." It is a morphic field in effect. Means nothing really ever changes. Really? That things change and then change again and still things are the same? It can certainly seem that way when we lump things together. What it really means is that you registered a change and then another change and then it went back to what it seems it was. This speaks to our choices and how powerful we are in making the same choice or a different choice. 

We notice this in using consciousness technologies. Someone comes to us about an issue and it clears and another shows up maybe even worse than the first. The issue then is only symptom and not the agenda in play.

Did things truly change back to what they were? Or, were we perhaps too slow or too fast because of our stories to recognize change when it happened or when the opportunity was right in front of us and we settled for what was familiar. You have to develop ones own awareness in noticing shift. 

Did I mention that time is a sense as is space and malleable in quantum realities? That's the subjective quality we experience it as. The minutes that are ticking away in orderly fashion on the clock is a man made construct representing predictability of time which is useful to share collectively in our physical world to keep things running on schedules that we feel are important. Our mind and emotions can have a different sense of time than your body is holding. We can not, at times, keep up with how fast things happen. And then they can seem to take forever.

You can take the time out of a pattern. You can end the measurement. If you do this only from your wounded thoughts and emotions you will blink and and continue to bring the past forward with nothing changing. 

Making the time to stop and look around yourself and what you have created behind you puts you into the present. You are stopping the story. You are gaining perspective. If you do this in Heart Centered Awareness you can stop the old story running and start another. 

What is it like to sit in Heart Centered Awareness where time and space are sensory and malleable? Where the story and you have a chance to separate into the now?

Give it a chance. Sit in awareness and let some issue come into mind. If you are crunched for time do this while sitting in the bathroom. Instead of reading your texts you might as well sit and be creative in a different way!

In any relation there is our story, their story, our perceived sense of their story and so forth. 
What is is like to let go of your story and what you think their story is to allow for something new?

Just notice what comes to mind and play with it. Register a shift in some way and let it. Be open to feeling different or breathing easier and sit. Let it register. Give yourself time to recognize what being present is all about now. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment