Monday, March 25, 2019

Consciousness and Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet Episode 6

Freedom means anything is possible, so our sense of choices expands. Our jobs, our titles, our what-evers can develop a sense of loss of freedom. We think and imagine that not enough money, education, support, love, the family dynamics etc., etc., limit the choices.

It also can include confusion, chaos in our worlds. Things disappear and show up in unexpected times and places. As Self we create Order with its control function into a reality out of a personal bias and miss the spectrum of information, the choices, in all directions and influences.

What we create has a certain level of consciousness present whether it be pencil, book or illness. When we engage as Consciousness and free of our limits imposed by Self we can connect with these supposedly non reactive, non responsive, non human, non living materials as if they are real. Maybe not as verbal conversations but in some layer of sensory expression.

I have these conversations all the time when I realize, in the moment, that they are possible and would be helpful. It makes my life interactive and participatory and not just a repetition of a stuck place. When you realize that EVERYTHING Is SOME THING and there is just a blink of the eye between being SOME THING and NOT SOME THING your sense of freedom is present.

We are free to think what we want. We can have these conversations from within different perspectives all the time. We can be in prison on physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic and spiritual levels. These encompass the human experience. And, we are still free to think what we want. Ask the spirits of Nelson Mandela, Senator John McCain and others still in body who have been incarcerated. What did they, what do they think while they were and are in their situations dealing with the stresses? They are free to use the time and space to get creative and aware or hold onto the old.

We can be told what we are feeling, and it is not true. We can feel what we are feeling, and it is only a moment and not a lifetime unless you have habituated your current feeling sensation to be your reality state.

Freedom comes not from denial but from understanding that we are much more and much less than what we think we are in any one moment. How our relation to Freedom shows up for each of us is individual and collective.

It is helpful when we are free to make mistakes. That is how we learn and refine. It is helpful when we are free to feel and express our emotions in useful ways in the moment. Not those stunted, shunted to the buried graveyard of unexpressed rotting powerful hidden agendas that get created.
It is helpful to be free of our burden of thinking, to break the important and powerful ability of mind to make habituated reactions into fresh responses.

It is helpful to be free to laugh at oneself and join in with God Laughing.

Janet Barrett
Podcast Host Journeys Into Enlightenment with Janet