Monday, February 11, 2019

Consciousness and a New Awareness of Who We are

We are busy these days with considering if who we feel we are is reflecting in our doing. 

Maybe you are like me. Opening to a new awareness of who I am in the scheme of things requires some framework in awareness of who I have decided I am. 

I start from the premise that I am part of the collective we call Consciousness.I am an individual Soul expressing as Self in this collective. The use of Soul for me is recognizing the individual in the collective as the driving force propelling Self along its path and journey. You are different from me. In story and form and as interpretive agent. And yet we are one. 

My next layer might be that what appears as a human body or rock is really made of up elements that have gathered and are held together in their collection and establishing the form. We are made up of photons of light, a bit of bio photons, and the resonances and vibrations and energies that are experienced as thoughts and feelings. Humans are individuals collectively sharing in this thing we call Consciousness. We are the part of consciousness that embodies as life. That we exist and all exists is within the Consciousness Core. 

We are anchors of realities that encompass time, space and dimension. We each are involved in many realities all at the same time. And we may not have any idea or sense of this. And, then again you might. You might not understand or enjoy or find benefit. 

Within that core, as Consciousness, there is no fault. There is no blame. There is no judgment obviously as those we don't like exist along with us. Our world provides for ourselves mirrored in others and self awareness. We all have merit. As we all do, no matter what we look like, not matter what we sound like, no matter where we each are from, we have being, in form, in common. 

Rock, bush, mammal, star, black hole, whatever reference or example you cite it is to be found within the core. And the core expands in relation to how we concept it. How we think about it. How we feel about it. It will manifest. We are co creators in being. 

Too often our what we have learned about life at an early age suggests that a powerful figure or figures outside of us sits in judgement often about who we are. Sounds like God and parents to me. And with that we can become victim to the figures, the parents, the gods as we exist in their whims and fancies and whatever else we create and credit to them.  

That perhaps is the original victim story. We are not equal to, we are subservient to another. It is a tale of hierarchy. Maybe they have our best interests and maybe not.

In turn our developing sense of spirituality and our religious practices encode into dogmas that while intended to be helpful perhaps can be found to be limiting our truths. Our essence inside Self becomes hidden. 

Eastern religions embrace this connection as a 6th sense going along with our 5 senses of  sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Seeing, our prime orientation in our bodies, is about what we believe to be true. Hearing holds the vibratory awareness of out there, in here. Taste which keeps us safe and entertained and anchored, smell which does the same and also anchors us to the past in emotions and memories. And touch, which connects us. 

So we add our intuitive powers which reach beyond our physical orientations and includes them all uniting them into a cohesive entity and expression. 

From there on I can now notice, using those senses and my awareness of Self's attachment to it's construction of being alive to reorganize and reorient myself. Accessing Heart Centered Awareness as my intuitive skills, gets me free of connection to my physical senses as me and now neutral to the effects of rigid time and space as qualities and which are now malleable qualities and as information now to be engaged differently. 

Seems easy enough right? I am laughing. It has taken me a lifetime to get to this place in me. To understand the intersections of my physical self and non physical self and the Self acting as interpreter of all it witnesses in form and out of form. To appreciate the melding of titles, and labels and training's and leanings and resulting confusions and all the rest plus my own experiences and considerations. Like it is for many of us. Once we "awaken" there is no going back to sleep! 

The one thing that is always present for me is no blame. Judgement is that very essential living quality inherent in all life to the survival of a species. It is choice. It can also be our downfall. 

When we employ wisdom found in our experiences we are tempering and refining Self. Transforming the gift out of the wound. That is realizing the gift of wisdom out of the wound that Self is feeling. It is where wisdom comes from. 

Notice how you have aligned yourself within. You can sit and do this or set it up as a dream or in a catnap or in events you participate in and listen. Listen to what you hear, feel and sense lead you into what you want to be in your truth. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment