Monday, January 28, 2019

Consciousness and Changing our Tune

As your world or your government, or individuals within your government, make decisions about what is better for you, and as they try to protect you from every possible potential experience, your lives become rather cumbersome, don’t they? All you ever need is a vibration of Well-being.
Excerpted from El Paso, TX on 2/17/01
Our Love
Esther (Abraham and Jerry)

This daily posting came out on Saturday the day after the signing of the end of the US government shutdown. Whether we have another one in three weeks is up to us and our representatives in play. 

I appreciated the timing. As you can see that it was given to us originally in 2001. Wisdom has come to us throughout the ages. 2001 wasn't so long ago in the pantheon of human existence. But it feels like a long time ago. Which leads us to realize that what this statement is wise about, the interaction of people and their governments is still the same. No matter what the surface of something might register as, there can be underlying agendas hidden directing the show. 

Esther and Abraham remind us that all we need is the vibration of Well-being to hear, feel and incorporate into our being. That it is that field of awareness, that state, that contains this vibration to be active within us. It is our Essence. Our connection to Consciousness.

Our challenge can be that humans can feel many different vibrations and hold them in conscious awareness for just bits in time and space. Physical realm is full of stuff that will impinge on our awareness of safety and survival of the form, the body, so we have a shifting focus that can constantly scan the horizon or the room you are in and the people you are around. We have to rely on our unconscious awareness, which operates all the time to help keep us safe, which can be tricky as it holds all your secrets, even those secret to you and everything else. 

On the other hand our Essence as Consciousness resonates in this state as all is well when there is no story, feeling, thoughts, events to distract it. There is no attachment or bias. There is only light, information and patterns and vibrations and resonances. As soon as you go into your story of being, Self, you lose sight of your underlying Essence which is always at play, that sense of Well-being described. It is a state reference not event based so it can respond or feel like a now and then moment but it is really the underlying state as Essence.  

When you resonate in Well-being you appreciate that the world and others around you shift in relation to you and your story. Even your story and rule sets and minds sets change. 

We have governments for a reason. They come in all shapes and sizes and designs. They have intentions, expectations and agendas. They always, always, reflect the way it's people feel and we have to own that and make our peace with that awareness as most often it will reflect our humanity and our ideals, foibles, emotions and survival stresses. 

We like to feel cared for and to know that someone, something is looking out for us. A well intentioned government design is crafted to support us. It doesn't always reflect this. We can find our bodies and minds and Essence getting manipulated out of shape or goes underground. 

History provides us with those who have walked on this physical realm in some sort of connection to the non physical realms of awareness. Whether well known as Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, King, Dali Lama, Tutu, and the nameless women lost in bias, they have all known that we are much more. We are Essence at our core of Self and have the ability to hold a sense of Well-Being no matter their bodies physical stresses and situations. 

No one is here to save us. Those before us show us by example ways to live in alignment with Essence and Self. People can interpret the words and change them and give meaning not intended. 

We could get caught up in our emotions and physical sensations and lose their words. Nothing dies but the body and its mind references. The Essence continues on and may come back into form at some time or not. Doesn't really matter but to their own sense of Essence in design. 

Freedom in form maybe what Well-being is in action. You are not subject to the passing waves of emotions and thoughts that would compromise your Self. Being is whole and complete. Which is well. Always. 

We have a history of living beyond our means. We have a history at times of not supporting those who help others. We have a history of not appreciating what we have until we lose it. We can have a history of thinking that we are the only ones who matter and let the rest eat cake. All are part of the collective as Consciousness.

It is up to us to realize that our Well-being is perhaps just out of tune. inside and perhaps dormant. See what happens when you tune up and in to Well-Being. 

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment