Monday, November 5, 2018

Consciousness and Going and Coming Home

We all have different feelings about home and what we consider home to be. It can be a physical house.

Home is an emotional/mental feeling of "I have a place here", a comfort and a deep sense of ease. It is what we feel when we are aligned within our spiritual fields. You can have a sense of home when your are in the mud of life. And it may be what we feel towards a person not a place.

It is what we all expect and want our birth home or childhood home to be. When that house is our home it provides a place of comfort and and enriched self identity that we may leave going out into the bigger world on quest. To find what was beyond our safe boundaries and into the unknown.  We are prepared with good tools of self identity and worth with curiosity at hand. We venture out then with occasional returns from time to time.

And if our houses don't fulfill what we all craved it to be then we may have left it in our rear view mirrors at a young age. Running as far away as we could. Feeling marked and diminished in any number of ways.

This sense of home is not of home but house. There is not much comfort there. It can leave a tangled messes of emotional knots as markers and placeholders in our stories and patterns of being as we go about in the world. Whether staying in the same community but different house or in a far flung community.

For some they will travel far looking. Looking for home in themselves if not in location. Looking to fill the loneliness of the lack of acceptance, love, appreciation, understanding of who they are with no quarter. They may spend lifetimes or huge chunks of a lifetime looking. Digging for the nourishment our beings need to prosper. It may lead to us exploring different philosophies, religions, spirituality and journeys of mind far from where we started but always in reference to.

Some of us will never go home. We go around empty, looking for love in all the wrong places and it is with cravings we can engage life. Drugs, sex, rock and roll, food can provide a momentary sense of connection  and it comes with a price of some sort. Dissatisfaction and feeling less than worthy seem to be part of the equation of judgments.

We may do great things out  in the world and still our deep sense of being is not home.

If you notice you can feel that this is changing in all the current uproar around us.

People are currently running away from places that are only house, hut, slum, taking their spiritual  home with them. Mankind have done this for as long as there have been people. We have all moved out of central Africa in order to exist. We are all immigrants.

Which brings me to my friend Boyd, who is in the midst of going and coming home. He is a great dude. Get past your judgement of a man who lives simply and he is a treasure among us. He has been clearing what he has found in his inner home so that he is in alignment inner and outer. He is choosing to do so now. It is the power in being big enough as Consciousness in a man to appreciate dynamics that one was too small or innocent to be aware of long ago.

Boyd is a cool guy. His being is tuned for expressing music and spirit in both composing and playing. His life has been about supporting others with keeping little for himself. He has been many places in the world and his service to others has always been foremost.

All along he has been refining who he truly is and knows himself to be. And now he is ready to go back to where it all began in this lifetime.

His birth house was a place to leave early. It did not feel like a home to him. His family members went their own ways. Some don't speak except in accusations or about the shame of asking for help and letting others know he needs a sharing hand. Already they have been expressing their ideas of who and where he should be in his life maintaining their wounded senses of self.

Is this ringing any bells in your life in our upcoming holiday season?

He is aware that this trek will require the kindness of those known to him and those not known. And that is a leap of not so much faith but in his truth that he is not alone in being who he is. He has been playing it forward a very long time. He is extending himself once again. Are there others who support him in being? He has narrowed his life down to the basics that his car can hold as he travels from his room in Oceanside, California home to Wellington, Kansas.

You can support him in his journey here.

You can buy a quantum supplement at his business and enjoy his newsletter here.

Boyd provides a rhythm to life through his Mystic Broadcast Network featuring great music and thought provoking connections. "Tune in to the broadcast of oneness emanating from every point in the universe."

He represents all of us who wish we could go to our starting place. He will keep us posted.  He is confronting his families' agendas and compromises and clearing out the fog and "unsettled by others" sense that he has been holding in a long time.

Go to your home with him. Access the state of Heart Centered Awareness and feel your way along with him. He is you, you are him. Feel the shifts as he walks the steps and drives the miles of going home in his physical realm as he does in his internal realm. Utilize what he has explored in life and his different appreciations and modalities and spirit of questioning, curiosity and quest.

In our independence and self reliant states of self identity we can forget that there are others who go along with us on this journey of enlightenment in being. We forget. It is okay to allow others, as comrades in arms, maybe strangers. to comfort and support instead of turning them aside. So many of us are giving oriented and not receiving oriented which says a lot about us and our sense of home.

Many of our homeless neighbors showing up on our streets are looking for their sense of home inside in the scare of losing their physical house. Many other neighbors have a physical house that offers them no comfort or warmth no matter the income.

Home is always there inside each of us. We just need to realize that we are the key to the door at hand. Consciousness is present always.

It is not about where we go outside in the world it is about where we go inside ourselves.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment