Monday, June 11, 2018

Consciousness and In the time of Appreciation of the Living and Dead

Much is bursting out of us, propelled by suppressed energies of emotions that have been stuck deep inside. Many may not have the developed skill sets to deal with what is present. Many are feeling struck and stuck by their own collection of hurts and by the other collection, the emphatic layers we hold of the collected hurts of others. We are all tired, very very tired if we hold the awareness of life as a ocean of troubles to paddle through with occasional islands of relief.

We see it in the rising attention of suicide now. All of life makes a difference in being present on this planet be it human, animal, tree or vegetable. It is very sad to me when, any individual, fails to feel worthy or recognize or doesn't value enough how in being alive is important to our families and to all of us. Or driven to actions to ease their pain that have the highest cost. Whether it is a decision made in the blink of an eye or out of confusion or with intention taking one's own life is a decision that will have a rippling effect. And you are fooling yourself if you think otherwise.

For the rest of us left behind it might seem that only in death does our awareness shift to what is now not present. And only then we might speak to our appreciation of a life lost. That is the value in being present and in appreciation in all our moments and our sharing that appreciation then and there. And, then there are those times and people when we have spoken and it was not heard.

Death as escape is one approach to living. Another is to connect with our center of being beyond the level of human emotions into the core essence of All, heart, which is in everything. It is a state, our Consciousness Core. It is there in each of us. We can have it set up that it is challenging, unrecognizable or elusive to be in and that is only our mindset. Help is all around us in physical form and beyond physical form if you allow yourself to find it. Which is also a mindset, that you have to find something that appears lost out there when it is already inside of you.

A deep sense of full appreciation is different than conditional appreciation which is what most of us are probably familiar with. We appreciate it when things are going our way or at the end of a good meal we are happy to pay for the service and food.

But what happens when it is a bad meal, poor service, and life just seems to be dealing you one catastrophe after another? You are irritated, maybe angry and feeling slighted. Full appreciation or any appreciation might not be your go-to state. It is up to us to just appreciate regardless what is being presented or displayed or felt.

Once we get past victim thinking we can realize that we are creating our lives through our thoughts and actions. We can sometimes only appreciate the experience for that, as our creation and co creation. When the food service is slow it might be your internal warning to relax, notice how busy or not busy the waiter is and let things settle and feel what it is like to be hungry and looking forward to your meal. It shifts our focus. Sometimes the only power available to us is how we feel about our situation.

We have established a world full of misdirection and clutter. We are often missing ways of connection to one another that have value and meaning. It is easy to feel slighted or invisible, not valued, when those of around us are not looking for us to acknowledge.

Right now just sit in your core and let someone come to mind who could use some help. Let yourself be surprised in who shows up if that is what you feel. Don't judge. Just let yourself be present for them especially if it is you. And see what happens, what you then feel. Recognize how you are holding them, wounded or in their creation.

Notice if you feel perhaps that you want to save them or fix them or destroy them. One of the first frustration we can know is when we don't get our way, when people don't or won't change when we want them to. "If only" is a powerful state. Let go of that for it gets in the way. Just sit and allow yourself to be present in appreciation for what they have created in being in your life.

Just notice. And appreciate.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/ Journeys Into Enlightenment