Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Consciousness and What Do You Want to See?

I finished our radio show to our audience the other week with the statement "What do you want to see?"

Not "What do you expect to see?"

In our humanity our physical eyes come with mental filters. What we see and what we expect to see are defined by our emotions, beliefs and perceived truths. How we feel totally shifts our vision. Just consider when you are in love. The world does get rosy as that is the heart energy coloring the incoming data. Notice how harsh the light is when you are angry. How cold and gray it is no matter the sunshine when you feel gloomy inside.

If you look at the world as a hostile place it is. If you look at those around you as not supportive then no matter how much they are you will not find them to be so. For your biases are filtering. Opportunities are being missed for you can not recognize them due to your mental blindness in your emotional reactive states. 

What you see is always going to reflect what you allow yourself to see.

I appreciate my own humanity as I do others for we are all expressions of Consciousness. I may not like what I see and the feelings that some may stir. I don't have to like certain people. How is it possible that I can know that I am all right, my family is all right, that the world is all right when I can see that there are troubles around me? I can appreciate that as Consciousness, all is right and I feel that in the deepest places within my form.

Right now there is much releasing in our community of man/woman. It is happening on all levels of our humanity and is moving us along into what we want to become. As the earth is releasing magma from below the surface so are we. We are molten inside. Our fluids of self identity are coming to the surface ready to form new ground.

People are at different stages of awareness of their own processes. For those of us paying attention we welcome the changes, and uproar and the shifting of what we have been holding not so buried inside. It is to our betterment no matter what the path might look or seem. 

Be surprised. In a good way.

We can not necessarily go by what we think we are seeing. No matter what we are seeing. Our technologies can be manipulated to fool us. Information is flooding us that supports any bias and we may not notice.

 As you do your own releasing of limited viewpoints and take in new possibilities of being consider this:
What is the difference between what you see right now and what you want to see? Bring these two points of awareness together and see what happens.

Be open to the potential released. Be wonder, See wonder, be beauty, See beauty,be kind, see kindness, be compassionate, See compassion, Be okay with being angry, confused, betrayed whatever the emotions that you become of aware of. Be okay when they are not present.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment