Monday, April 9, 2018

Consciousness and Following the Blossoms of Awareness

I tend to notice synchronicity often. I exist in a reality state that reflects, mirrors, expands my inner world in user friendly terms around me. That is what happens when you create and acknowledge Consciousness as real at core.

Synchronicity and streams of consciousness and information are always around me to interact with. Patterns come out of potential and become energetic realities that have come into form fitting in our human references. States of being come and go.

The last week or so was filled with a word list that started to build. In the more intense vibrational energies that we are all noticing in some way, words appeared that highlight and define us in different ways. Internal conversations happened and awareness blossomed. I can view it as being led from one blossom of discovery to another. Or following the trail of stars forming constellations or down the garden path in some instances.

Often when we do our work and sit in the stillness of Heart Centered Awareness, words will free themselves up and appear.  Words serve as placeholders/markers in the human sense in consciousness, powerful holders of different and sometimes collective moments of memory,events, emotions and state of being positions.

Every day a new word or two would appear. Standing out in order were self identity, complacent, selection, contrast, telepathy, perfect, blemished, pedestal and power.  An interesting list for sure.

It started with self identity being experienced as "Not doing, more being" observable and open to new constructs. I mentioned on our radio show when we were talking about habituated thoughts. And complacent was the word that suddenly appeared clearly. How we can be complacent in our habituated nature. Blind to our own self limiting biases. We can have it set up that it is easier to think the same than to change our thought. For changing or selecting a new thought can make for stress.

Choice, something different, selection. Someone new to one of Fuzzy Photons Playground Groups and consciousness technologies resonated with selection and not choice or something different which is our usual language. We cleared that. But how does selection resonate within you? Is it helpful or a challenge?

Contrast showed up next in this quote of Abraham's. Our bodies explore the physical realm of contrast. It is one way to know what you want. By what you don't want. Strong principle that is at play particularly since this new administration and subsequent upheaval. At some point our complacent thinking will collapse and something new thinking and actions will emerge.

"You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted, to connect with the Energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention, not because the objects of attention are important — but because the act of flowing is essential to life." Abraham

Next Telepathy. We looked at how we each experience information. I don't read peoples internal conversations of unique thinking patterns so much as the fields of information that they encompass and interact with. I was reading a fiction book that had the couple communicating telepathically as if they were physically verbalizing and. Which sounds like fun and then maybe not.

We sat in the non verbal delight that HCA is and tracked the energies present. We shared an interesting verbal conversation between all of us as we considered how we operate in our worlds. We all feel things at the same time though it may register differently to each of us.

And then there was perfect. And how all is perfect just as it is right now. As you are, as your fight with your family member is, as our political situation is, in my perceived laziness and procrastination. Because if you sit in the stillness of HCA with us this knowing comes from across the infinite. It is centered and anchored in our spirit and out there all at the same time.

You might ask from within an emotional reaction  how can a wound be perfect, or a failed test or a death? Stepping back from victim, victimizer, rescuer positioning allows for a different reality state. We are then not being or doing from our emotional register which is running high right now collectively. You understand and appreciate that all is playing out in some way as our co creation. We assign value.

And yes. what if you, with all your scars, mistakes. slights and compromises was perfect no matter what we looked and felt and thought? Take away all the judgments and biases perceived about another or actions. All that information is about not being blemish free which is not perfect then. In that thinking blemish is not good so I am not good. You might be using the thinking to validate that they are not better than me.

How silly. Why do we let ourselves or someone else or the collective judge us as less than, as blemished? It adds character, interest and depth and challenge.

All individuals carry scars of all kinds mentally, emotionally. psychically, psychologically and physically. It is part of living. They serve to show us our shared humanity, form communities and realize how tenacious, fragile and precious life is all at the same time.

Humans have a tendency to put things up on a pedestal and then revere the object or thought. The current state of Now has this climate of stronger vibrations resonating deeply inside of us. We may be conscious of it or maybe in resistance to it. It is time to embrace the shaking.

It is time to review and question what we have placed up on our individual and collective pedestals. This is important. Whether ideals, constructs or people and behaviors, all are subject to review now. We are becoming aware of how much of what we have placed up on top of our interior pedestals hold a lot of false idol energy. It is time for some new pedestal toppers. Our complacency is disappearing.

And that is power.  Taking down and putting up what we have created to highlight, guide and enjoy.  Let yourself sit in Heart Centered Awareness and notice these words and your own that come up to play with.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment