Monday, January 15, 2018

Consciousness and a New Angle to end 2017

Hello All!

How nice to be with you again! Happy January 2018.

Sometimes things happen and all one can do is give in and go with it. Resistance gains you nothing, perhaps only frustration, rage, hurt and spent energy. For some it has been a season of catastrophic hurricanes, floods and fire, sexual, racial, political issues. Take your pick.

For me it was my body. November 16, 2 months ago I had a medical procedure. Something that was expected to take a few days of recovery that became seven weeks of alternating flat on my back and on an incline wedge. Followed by 3 weeks of respiratory stuff. All unexpected. All inconvenient, unwanted, physically painful at times, and filled with opportunity.

No busy. No doing. Not too much holiday stuff with family and friends filled with routines or traditions. Just reading romance books and playing jigsaw puzzles on my Ipad, all often at an angle.  I was doing what many dream they would like to be doing during a holiday season, lying around reading. But it gets a bit wearing after the first week. You start to question yourself about many things and coming to terms.

I used the time to disconnect from social media, (not that I am well connected in the first place I admit) and from the computer as I don't write well at the physical angle I was at. For the first time in 12 years I didn't write this weekly aside for a week or two.

It was at times challenging, to just lie there. Especially when you know you are not being busy with what your partner is busy doing for you. But it was the best thing for me so I gave up and in and just allowed my body to heal and reframe, reorient itself. The old stuff that came up I was able to look at in new ways. It was literally an opportunity to look at life from a different angle.

I led our Consciousness groups lying down on my sofa. I did our radio shows lying down. I slept a lot.

I have some new perspectives about me in my life as 2017 ended. New routines may show up, new considerations as I get my feet under me again and I re-engage in my world from this space. I am so glad I didn't lose anything other than some old thoughts and some body fluids.

I enjoyed 2017 with all its upheaval and how it brought to the surface buried energies in all of us, not easy, not pretty. Yet, we are embodying new approaches to how we deal with ourselves and each other. Whistleblowing doesn't seem to often come with appreciation. The bravery inherent of revealing truths, of going against the big. Perhaps when all the shouting and pain recede a bit we will be be able to hear each other at our truths. When we are stripped down to what is truly important to each of us. Sometimes a sense of loss comes before the sense of gain.

Only then can one let go or unfold what has been so powerfully holding us back from being more congruent with what we each aspire to. We so need to recognize, admit to our bigotry, our biases our failures, our lack of care, our arrogance. Not as a way to hurt ourselves or judge ourselves as less but as the vehicle to recognizing our unified spiritual humanity that we each are.

Hiding does not work any longer. Light is shining out of the cracks. Structures of belief and disbelief can come down easily if we allow them to.

We are powerful and it has been a season ripe with the awareness of how one person can make a difference whether it be to shoot down a stranger, rescue an unknown neighbor, raise millions of dollar to aid. to call into question our values of human interfacing. Self leadership is our birthright and it may take awhile to do it well.

Start 2018 off right and access Heart Centered Awareness. Listen beyond your own clamor. Go beyond into the All. I will meet your there.

Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment