Monday, January 29, 2018
Consciousness and Valuing Ourselves Differently
Our society tends to value mind over emotions as if one is more important than the other when in truth they are always working together.
Some people live as if they are only a mind with a physical body. Emotions are not so important. Those pesky things thankfully can be overpowered by our reasoning which is often about rationalizing and validating our mindsets. Logic can be unique. And spirituality gets mixed up with religious practices and dogmas that are long ago arbitrarily set.
Thinking like this makes us distant from our own inner wisdom, our emotions and why we are doing what we are doing. It affects our physical and mental health. We may think we have our minds and we have our gut feelings occasionally. We can train ourselves to not trust our gut feelings. This comes often from the conflict of what the outside environment is telling the inside environment.
When we are young the outside is in the form of parents, elders, state. They are bigger with a big imprint and dictate how we grow. But there may be a "Who are you going to believe, or who is right or?" question that develops after awhile.
It becomes the overriding thinking about the imprint, Them or me? In this state our sense of inner connectedness is developing distance and confusion.Their truths may not be our truths. Children can also sense and intuitively register the incongruity present in whomever is speaking. We often voice words and thoughts that are only there by rote or agenda and not by feeling or connection to our truth. In a child it is confusing and damaging to their ability to hear and then listen to their own authentic voice. We learn by example and this out of alignment can register as normal.
We start to think those around us are really separate beings that we only share space with. We may learn many defense mechanisms to survive and cope if those two environments are not in sync. We may confuse our sense of what intimacy can be and bring. We may have religious trainings that create "out there" influences such as church and God. and what we might find out there is not to be found
"in here". We then experience separateness everywhere, in every way.
My awareness is that we are one as Consciousness. It is at the heart or center of all of us. We are different expressions in the spectrum that Consciousness is. Our thinking and behaviors are guided by how much awareness we hold this to be true. Don't feel connected? My sense is that you don't feel connected to yourself in its wonder and ability to define yourself free of those bigger influences when you want.
We know that DNA is not the only factor that influences genetics and disease. It is the RNA, our environments with their stresses and focuses which triggers the DNA. We know now that our memories can be colored and actually changed by our current state of emotions. We know that people have experiences that change the directions in their life overnight. We know that emotions are often troubling or elusive. Hurt doesnt feel good so you decide you are not going to experience it again. You can dismiss using your form of logic to validate your world view.
If you reference to being alive is only being alive with some genetic material and your thinking defining you, with emotions to be avoided, you have limited resources for shift which might be healing. If you believe in punishment, fear, anxiety, pain as powerful things to engage with and to be avoided or accepted, denial may have value. You might take to reencoding your adventures into alternate facts, sweeping statements of thinking using words like always, should, not going there, ignore. Your ability to experience life as a series of opportunities is weakened.
When we are not connected to how we feel and then think as a result we are unaware of how this will determine what we experience in our lives. We are not in touch with the conflict we may hold between thinking and feeling about stuff, about ourselves. Feeling good emotionally is dependant on what you are thinking in connection to your feelings. Feel separate or conditional about how you relate to your interior world is going to direct how you feel physically and non physically. At least in our language we realize that they are the same. just informational sensations registering on different vibrations.
When you access Heart Centered Awareness, the field of Unified Consciousness you appreciate what you are feeling and where your thinking has taken you. You can then begin to sense the bigger picture at play. You come into focus. You gain insight to your creations of thoughts and feelings and your responses. Physical events serve up wisdom and opportunities amidst all the uproar.
There is plenty of uproar these days. Time to be honest with ourselves and serve up some wisdom. Throw in some appreciations and kindness and feel your connections.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Monday, January 22, 2018
Consciousness and When to Hold, When to Unfold
Life can seem like a card game at times. As the new year begins we allow ourselves time to review, like the cards we have been dealt in the game of life and make the attempt at making change or something positive out of what cards we are holding.
This energy is about judgment. We can often feel that something is wrong, we are bad in some way, not good enough with discipline etc. After a few weeks we often will come away with the feeling of hopelessness as a result. And it is a pattern we collectively engage in the beginning of every new year.
Part of our challenge is our seeming need to judge ourselves as less. We don't need to do this. But we can be trained into thinking and believing that we do. Do it before someone else does kind of thing. Those voices we heard years ago have maybe long disappeared and have reappeared as habituated thinking, believing behaviors in patterns.Or you may have current voices clamoring about your inabilities to make them happy.
All of which serves as clutter and a way to feel bad about ourselves. We hold, as container, for our stories of belief and disbelief. Once a year we make a new resolution and find that with a bit of time our intentions collapse in ruin. Because our expectations in our hidden mindsets are being met.
One way to shift, in the moment, (it is often that simple) is to access Heart Centered Awareness that is within each of us and into that sacred place of stillness. It has a sense of stillness or calm as there is no doing there. Here we allow how we hold our questions, perceptions, stories of identity to unfold. Unfold into new freedoms of thinking and believing, reconnecting with what is present in each of us, wonder.
Consciousness is at each and everyone's core. A soul, the individual in the collective, decides on journeys of adventure and embodies into form, the holder, container as body and sets out on it's exploration of being. Human this time, rock the next maybe or something else.
Our distinctions of thinking God, Self, human, body, brain, spirit are just degrees of Consciousness coming into form. From within this state of expansion comes into eventual form, a thing, whether gas or rock or some life form or our labels. And, Consciousness unfolds into expression and reflects back. There is no separateness, just states of information. Most of our cultures include separateness in their design.
In the Consciousness mindset there is no judge. No doing wrong, no being a problem. There are only experiences crafted by sensations and feelings. There are choices. There is curiosity and questions and actions and reactions. There are experiments in doing. Being is always being expressed.
The only agenda on this level of being is to express. The form and thinking that we each encompass is one particular expression of Consciousness and is connected to all other expressions of Consciousness as it is Consciousness that surrounds us internally and externally. There is no difference between here and there. Just degrees of position and what comes in that particular perspective of placement.
Lets try a new approach to your new year resolutions. Stop with the fault. Appreciate how you are creating and that will clue you into what you are really expressing. It is your right of being. Your emotional terrain most often will be involved. Allow yourself, in your Heart Centered Awareness, to just let the information present to be present. If we each took the often negative more than positive judgments out of our quirks of individuality what would be possible? In this state potential is present. Patterns are holders too and what we come to find is that there are times when the holders could do with some dissolving or using the energies present to transcend themselves into something new.
We can fold, which has an inward collapsing feeling or we can unfold which has an opening energy to it. What will happen will happen in the moment. Just don't judge or direct as that is our silly sense of self in charge. That is not heart centered awareness at play. That is the degree of Consciousness at play that we have labeled ego and its job is to protect whatever you have set as status quo.
So hold for a bit. Let things stop, appreciate and then fold or unfold. Maybe take in another card to play another hand.
And then truly enjoy the new year.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment
Monday, January 15, 2018
Consciousness and a New Angle to end 2017
Hello All!
How nice to be with you again! Happy January 2018.
Sometimes things happen and all one can do is give in and go with it. Resistance gains you nothing, perhaps only frustration, rage, hurt and spent energy. For some it has been a season of catastrophic hurricanes, floods and fire, sexual, racial, political issues. Take your pick.
No busy. No doing. Not too much holiday stuff with family and friends filled with routines or traditions. Just reading romance books and playing jigsaw puzzles on my Ipad, all often at an angle. I was doing what many dream they would like to be doing during a holiday season, lying around reading. But it gets a bit wearing after the first week. You start to question yourself about many things and coming to terms.
I used the time to disconnect from social media, (not that I am well connected in the first place I admit) and from the computer as I don't write well at the physical angle I was at. For the first time in 12 years I didn't write this weekly aside for a week or two.
It was at times challenging, to just lie there. Especially when you know you are not being busy with what your partner is busy doing for you. But it was the best thing for me so I gave up and in and just allowed my body to heal and reframe, reorient itself. The old stuff that came up I was able to look at in new ways. It was literally an opportunity to look at life from a different angle.
I led our Consciousness groups lying down on my sofa. I did our radio shows lying down. I slept a lot.
I have some new perspectives about me in my life as 2017 ended. New routines may show up, new considerations as I get my feet under me again and I re-engage in my world from this space. I am so glad I didn't lose anything other than some old thoughts and some body fluids.
I enjoyed 2017 with all its upheaval and how it brought to the surface buried energies in all of us, not easy, not pretty. Yet, we are embodying new approaches to how we deal with ourselves and each other. Whistleblowing doesn't seem to often come with appreciation. The bravery inherent of revealing truths, of going against the big. Perhaps when all the shouting and pain recede a bit we will be be able to hear each other at our truths. When we are stripped down to what is truly important to each of us. Sometimes a sense of loss comes before the sense of gain.
Only then can one let go or unfold what has been so powerfully holding us back from being more congruent with what we each aspire to. We so need to recognize, admit to our bigotry, our biases our failures, our lack of care, our arrogance. Not as a way to hurt ourselves or judge ourselves as less but as the vehicle to recognizing our unified spiritual humanity that we each are.
Hiding does not work any longer. Light is shining out of the cracks. Structures of belief and disbelief can come down easily if we allow them to.
We are powerful and it has been a season ripe with the awareness of how one person can make a difference whether it be to shoot down a stranger, rescue an unknown neighbor, raise millions of dollar to aid. to call into question our values of human interfacing. Self leadership is our birthright and it may take awhile to do it well.
Start 2018 off right and access Heart Centered Awareness. Listen beyond your own clamor. Go beyond into the All. I will meet your there.
Janet Barrett
Life in the Beyond/Journeys Into Enlightenment