Friday, December 16, 2016

Consciousness and the Miracles of Self Love

Self Love Energy
We call things or events miracles when something happens unexpected beyond the limits of our human sense of sight and mind sets. In Consciousness there are no limits. In the Infinite Sea of Potential all is not yet. Life can reflect the wonder available and demonstrate regularly miracles when you engage as Consciousness.

Coming to group is an act of Self Love as is any practice of meditation, reflection, or acting compassionately with others. It is chocolate for the Soul! For we are all One. As Consciousness, Heart Centered Awareness, the boundaries disappear.

Tuesday night we gathered here. One, who we had not seen for a couple of months, was dealing with eviction court the next morning so she came to group for some support. Circumstances of health and events had compromised her paying her rent for the last several months. She didn't know what to do or how to move forward. New places were not coming through to move into. When we looked we could see the new place right in front of her, coming from behind her, in her past. She could not see it.

When she does show up for group remarkable things happen for her every time. She knows it. She has trouble with trusting herself to be in a state of Heart on her own. We provide a clear mirror and maybe a needed kick in the butt.

Like many of us.

Another attendee present was looking for help with renting her newly converted studio apartment to the right person. Wanting to help others who need help, she was offering a lowered rent that would not help take care of her own needs but come at cost. This apt was supposed to insure her own future being cared for. Not at this rate. She needed someone who could pay a reasonable rent and be respectful of her and what she was offering.

Together they perfectly represented the sides of renting property. How could we help each other?

What the evening turned out for all of us was about Self Love. Lack of, compromise of, the conditions we associate with Love, or missing completely. What was interesting was when we were within Heart Centered Awareness no one felt the need to move out of our current reality to another reality, a maybe parallel self. Self Love was not to be found in another reality. It was here. What a surprise for some.

Each of us was already in the reality of Self Love! It is all about what we allow ourselves to know of Self Love. They just knew that they didn't feel it. Until they became aware that it was their individual lack awareness of something already present. How simple. They just weren't recognizing that, as Consciousness, we are Self Love among the state of Love.

For one, he was not aware that he was pretty armored with his family who he was hurt by, until we felt the cracking of his heart, like lava opening up the earth and creating new land. It was intense to feel.

Tears were flowing, the stored up energies of the past still active. The thoughts of how she needed to apologize to her landlord for her dishonoring of him and their agreement. Our support for that. The thoughts for all of us of how family and their transgressions against us and the isolations caused. Any kind of pain,whether emotional, physical, mental, psychic or spiritual is isolating.

We can stay feeling the same, or, find the energies encapsulated and transcend them into something much more enriching. So much was present and by group's end a lot was in shift. We were exhausted and yet all right, knowing that change was being activated.

Thursday morning our gal emailed me. In gratitude she wrote. The judge dropped the case, the landlord forgave her the past rents, asked only for this months' and gave her until mid January to move out. And, a friend, from her past showed up out of the blue and offered to help her out. How miraculous is that!

On Saturday I received an email from our gal with the apt to rent. She rewrote her ad, a couple applied and she loved them. She wanted a older woman, no pets. What she got was a couple in love, in their thirties. He will be gone 6 months at a time for school, she wants to enjoy the community garden, and has a cat. She works with battered women. And, they can pay the raised rent. They love the place. Our gal's question was could she trust that it could be that easy?

Self Love. What is your awareness of it? Maybe allow for a miracle or two for yourself by recognizing who you are as human, with all the delights and self defining perspectives that we each can hold and then move to Grace and recognize, as Consciousness, that there is nothing to forgive or forget, only new choices to embrace.

Happy Holidays!

Janet Barrett