Monday, July 25, 2016

Consciousness and the Golden Pelvis

Joan and I enjoyed out time at the Conscious Wellness Expo in Kent, Wa. What I noticed from the people who stopped at our booth were people not familiar with Consciousness Technologies and Heart Centered Awareness. They were feeling unsettled about the world and looking for something. When I connected them to themselves as Consciousness, the Peace that they were looking for was present. Free of the emotional hype media train we can find ourselves riding.

Peace is in each of us. If you need help, listen to our radio show "Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet" each week on the CTR Network or at your convenience. Or email me directly at and set up a session.  Love, j


Most often our groups are composed of both men and women. This last Thursday we were all women and that presented an opportunity. Feminine at play.

We were noticing last week our sense of Peace and the political energies playing out at the Republican convention. This week it is the opportunity of the Democratic Party to gather and see how they are going to choose to engage in their sense of drama and humor. All the name calling and mudslinging that has been present on both sides has been annoying and childish and demeaning. It feels very little boy male and then females playing by the same rules. None of us are better for it. Can it be different? What if we wanted it to be different?

We were wanting to allow for a female Dalai Lama to show up. Nothing wrong with the male Dalai Lama. Just that a female one would add a dimension not currently present in our political arenas. Moderate in tone and sound bringing out the best in us and guiding us along. Can one be feminine and powerful and harmonious without a male veneer? Do we have to support old regimes of role playing?

Did what we notice in group last week make a difference? I can choose to say yes or I can choose to say no. I can choose to align with the awareness that I, as an individual am powerful enough to affect the world in some way. We are each like a bit of sourdough starter that can make and replicate itself enough to make loaves of bread or I can take the position that synchronicity is present or I can go with the thought that what I think doesn't matter.

What feels better and more in alignment with a sense of Well Being from a sincere place?

What showed up was a female pelvis. Hovering in space right in front of us. The women present in group represented different aspects of feminine power and senses of physical, emotional, mental shades of what it is to be female and feminine. Women of a certain age and pelvises filled with stories of rape, great sex, okay sex, no sex, no feeling, confused feelings, abandonment, prolapsed floors, confused bladder signals, parts removed, etc., all kinds of states held in the female pelvis. Love and atrocities in the same space.

We were sitting in Heart Centered Awareness and sharing conversation about our pelvises in an unfolding state of patterns up for play. What if our pelvis and the parts and then energy held within our pelvic bowls had a sense of Well Being? What if our stories became stories of Well Being?

And then the pelvis turned golden. and it started to pulse. Outward ripples started to fill the air. The dynamic was observed moving through us, filling us, and moving up and out.

What would it be like to have your pelvis feel golden? Priceless, beyond compare, appreciated, and loved?  In the Infinite Sea of Potential, we notice a changed feeling, allow our thinking to reflect the change and reality is now malleable.

Access heart centered awareness and notice for yourself.

Is what we each are, a well being, filled with well being for self and others enough? We look forward to this coming week.


Journeys Into Enlightenment