Monday, January 18, 2016

Bearing Fruit

Hello All,

Please RSVP if you will be joining us in heart centered awareness tomorrow night Tuesday 7-9pm. This group is open to all. Please consider joining us in ME field fun on Thursday 1-3pm. Open to all students who have attended any of the ME seminars.

My Tree of Life is bearing fruit. Stuff is showing up at home and in group, in old patterns, ready to have the Joy plucked and enjoyed.

Please access heart centered awareness before you read the following. It is not intended to be anything other than an opportunity to examine and explore something we all know. It is something present in most religious beliefs and doctrines in different ways and in different guises. From within your connection to Consciousness allow yourself to relax and just notice information forming and undoing. The answers for this Universe and our earth and the people residing upon it are inside you.  

Many of us know Suffering. Which is really about a energetic pattern that is about suffering. Could be a pattern about anything. But some of us know suffering intimately. There are so many ways to suffer, about anything. Most all of us cause it at some point in dealing with others and ourselves accidentally or intentionally. We have all fallen victim to it in some way. Sometimes we don't recognize it as such anymore except as the constant ache. And maybe you have a lot of aches that don't go away anymore.

What would it be like to be neutral to suffering? Though it may be hard to hear, there is nothing wrong with suffering. A little goes a long way. It is as old as mankind and probably before. It is a powerful tool for change and direction. What would it be like to not to know suffering, to know of suffering, or to experience suffering? It is powerful. It allows for sympathy, empathy and compassion to develop. But past making its' acquaintance do we need to know it as a lifestyle? Where did we discern that it was okay to know and then lose the distinctions of a little, into alot, into always?

We think, we feel, we think and feel at the same time. How we think can determine how we feel. How does it feel to suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, psychically? Why do we do it, maybe need it, or crave it, or enjoy it? Or do we? Is suffering just a habit or an unwanted or unintended outcome? What are the conditions that it is okay or worth it? Do we have to take the good with the bad? It has to be get worse before it gets better? It can hurt so bad and feel so good. Misery loves company. We allow it to be okay to be uncomfortable with these thoughts. We can live with these assumptions in the Morphic field of Suffering at times. Is it any different when it is physical or emotional or mental or psychic? It can be a matter of sensitivity and insensitivity. How many times do we accept pain and suffering as outcome because, why? Somebody told you that you had to or could expect to?

Consciousness is at play always. Suffering is something humans do. How we bring our human interactions and feelings into the realm of Consciousness and elevate and alleviate the suffering is what we strive for. It can be done. We do it daily as our practice of being. We take our human concerns into the Field of the Heart, the collective consciousness into the sacred we hold within. Here the suffering and issues start to break down into the pieces of information swimming in the sea of potential. Here answers asked for will rise up. If you don't have to rationalize, reason, or excuse, our mind states of logic are free to relax. It is deep where our answers lie.
Do you need to suffer? What would it be like to choose something different? From within your center, notice. Does someone come to mind or does a particular issue or memory show up? Just allow yourself to ask and see what value suffering may have in your scheme of things. Only then can it be different, back into the sea of potential and something new to experience.

What would it be like to pluck the ripened fruit of your Tree of Life and enjoy and marvel and joyously taste the juice of Joy?



Change Your Story, Change Your Life!